Source: China Youth Daily

Every winter and summer vacation, the driving school is full of youth.Many college students regard car practice as "compulsory courses" on holidays, thinking that this is the first step in the society and dedicated to their "adult ceremony".

When you really enter the door of the driving school, reality is not the "beautiful" that is expected: In addition to the flesh brought by the wind and the sun, sometimes you have to bear some psychological strikes -the coach's "crazy wind and rain" teachingEssence

China Youth Daily · reporters interviewed a number of college students who studied cars in the summer vacation. When they recalled the "poisonous tongue" of the coach, most people were worried.Some young people asked: "Do you have to spend money and scold your driver's license?"

The exit of driving school coaches is "dirty".

The first day came to the driving school, and the post -00s college student Jiang Yuan (pseudonym) was startled.The coach in front of him stared at a trainee in anger, and he picked up his arms when he was angry.

Jiang Yuan made an appointment with his classmates in a small county in a small county in Hunan Province. After the college entrance examination, he went to the nearby driving school to practice a car. When he paid the money in a good job, he found that it was not a feeling of being physically and mentally happy.Local -Student cars are not only old, but also difficult to operate. Even the toilet is a dry toilet."Driving schools are always charging charges. We need to charge us from home to the examination room. Pick up 4 people at a time, and each person must pay 100 yuan. In the summer, the air -conditioning fee has to be collected, and sometimes it is not opened." Jiang Yuan said.

"The most unbearable thing is that the coach always smokes in the car, and it is useless to oppose it." Jiang Yuan was very disappointed with the service of driving school. "Obviously he is a consumer, but the coach does not respect me at all.Buy thousands of yuan. "

Similar things have not only met Jiang Yuan.Zhang Hao, a college student studying in Tianjin, told reporters that when he was studying the car, he was not criticized by his classmates with him. Sometimes everyone responded a little slower, and the coach was furious and even exported to "dirty".

"In recent years, some disputes of disputes caused by the conflict of speech conflict between coaches and students of driving school have been received. I have rarely heard it before." Wang Tianyu, a full -time lawyer of Beijing Yingke (Yantai) Law Firm, received this.Class consultation: After a male student and coach conflicted with words, he was "stuck" by the coach when he applied for the subject and refused to register for him.

Wang Tianyu's suggestion is: "First of all, the situation is to reflect the situation to the driving school as soon as possible./P>

But what Wang Tianyu didn't expect was that soon after, the contradiction "upgraded" again.

The student said that there was a conflict between the two sides when negotiating with the driving school.At that time, the coach's mother came to the driving school to abuse students and their families."The trainees also counterattacked a speech. Although there was no physical conflict. However, the coach's mother couldn't afford to fall to the ground, saying that the heart disease had emerged, and the parents of the trainee were worried that the case was left to leave the case or was stretched out." Wang Tianyu recalled.

"If the driving school attaches great importance to this and changes the coach in time, the contradiction may not be fermented further." After the negotiations were negotiated for half a month, the boy finally changed the new coach. In the end, the students successfully got the driver's license.Collecting a lot of evidence, the situation that parents were worried about did not happen.

Driving school needs to be given respect to students

"I can bear it, what's wrong with you, don't compare too much, Yan Shi has a high apprentice." In an interview, some post -70s and post -80s reactions were obviously different from the post -00s.

Many young people do not understand. They believe that driving school is a car training lot and should refuse all unreasonable phenomena.

"Complaining to parents, they will blame me." Lin Tian, a post -00 college student who trained in Liaoning, said helplessly that the coach arranged for him to get up at 5 or 6 in the morning to go to the driving school. When he was sleepyEssence

Lin Tian hopes to ask his parents to come forward to negotiate with the coach to change the car practice time. "Even if time can't be changed, at least he can be treated gentle, but his parents trained me for a meal." Lin Tian's parents said, "A young man, thisI ca n’t eat bit bitterness, what kind of car to learn? "

"Why not make reasonable requirements with the coach, but to be discerned?" Lin Tian was difficult to understand the mentality of his parents.

Mi Mingke, a college student from Zhejiang, also has the same experience.In her driving school, the coach will never take the initiative to explain the appointment examinations, payment and other issues with the trainees.

This caused Mi Mingke to miss a lot of processes and extended the time of obtaining permits.He complained to his parents, but his parents told him: "Can bear to endure, don't be a head bird."

But many college students do not agree with the attitude of "interesting people".

From the perspective of Yuan Jie, a special researcher at the School of Psychology of South China Normal University, the attitude of the current college students shows that the times are progressing."In the past, some people did not dare to maintain their legitimate rights and interests, and now young people dare to shine swords."

Yuan Jie did some studies and found that after 00, he paid more attention to his inner feelings.For 00, the rights and needs of self are more important.

"According to the theory of Maslow's demand level, people used to solve food and clothing before, and now pursue high -quality development. In the environment of great material material, the psychological needs of post -00 will be upgraded, focusing on emotional value."Yuan Jie believes that driving schools and coaches need to keep pace with the times and change their concepts.Driving schools as service agencies need to give people equality and respect.

Many coaches also realize the psychological demands of college students, change "scolding people" into "mouth people", and some coaches even become "paragraphs" to correct errors through vomiting.

"I am tender tenderness now." Wang Ke, who was a coach in the Xuyun driving school in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, was one of them. He also opened a short video account to make the daily "paragraph" with the students.The video has gained nearly one million likes.

In the

In the video, Wang Ke presented the princess to the emotional male practitioners, coaxing one by one "baby", which caused netizens to laugh, and there were many people who came to find him to learn the car.

Wang Ke said that when he was practicing at the age of 18, the coach occasionally was anxious with himself, and his tone was heavy, but he didn't feel that there was anything wrong. "The post -00s are really different from the post -70s and 80s.Pay more attention to the way of teaching to give them a good experience. "

How should students protect their rights reasonably?

Some time ago, Wang Tianyu saw in a short video that a coach was exposed to a coach of a driving school in Inner Mongolia. It was 9 minutes long, and the female students did not dare to squeak.This made Wang Tianyu think of another other incident he had recently dealt with -a female student was touched her thighs and ass by the driver's school coach.

After this harassment, the female students complained around, but repeatedly encountered walls.She has successively called the mayor's hotline and reported the case to the police station. She posted content complaints and driving schools in Douyin and friends in the circle of friends, but she suffered from no evidence, and the police station could only coordinate the refund of the driving school.

In this regard, Wang Tianyu reminded: "Be sure to have a sense of evidence and pick up legal weapons. If unreasonable behavior occurs, he must record, video evidence collection, and then report to the driving school and transportation service supervision department."

Wang Tianyu said that if there was no evidence at the time, you could choose to recording and videos, and ask the other party why he harassed himself, to see how the coach responded, and then fixed effective evidence to prepare for subsequent power.

"Although there are some phenomena of random gifts and charges in individual driving schools, and even exposed some scandals, as far as the entire industry is concerned, management is becoming stricter and more transparent." Wang Ke said"The assessment standards for major driving schools when trading in coaches are also stricter. They will pay more attention to the personal quality of the coaches and do some related training."

Tian He, a partner of Beijing Zhongzhong Law Firm, agreed to this, "Driving school management is getting stricter and strong. If you have been reported because of problems with personal behavior, you can fired directly."

From November 2022, the new version of the motor vehicle driver training management regulations shall be implemented, clarify the training of motor vehicle driver training, and collects fees in reasonable hours according to the school hours, and the payment service model is paid before training.In Wang Tianyu's view, cases that students will be abused in the future will become less and less.

Tian He reminded that young people still need to maintain rationality and calmness, especially when conflicting with the coach, or when they feel abnormal and incorrectly treated, do not have positive conflicts too much, pay attention to retaining evidence."But if you have been criticized for your own technical reasons, you must face it rationally, accept it with an open mind, and you cannot say everything." Tian He said.