Source: United Daily

Author: Hong Zhezheng

After the Chinese Mandarin's former Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi visited Taiwan, he often launched a encirclement of military exercises on Taiwan.The military actually confronts.However, the United States claimed that the Indo -Pacific and Taiwan Strait was fully maintained, but the Bayeng government stopped the output -loading -loading weapon to Taiwan.

After the Russian and Ukraine War, the United States was several in the "instilling" method and required the Taiwan military division Ukraine to resist Russia's warfare.EssenceThe mainland military of the Chinese military pays attention to the speed of victory and the Taiwan Military military.Foundation.In any case, machine ship carriers are the most important part of Taiwan as the main force of regional defense.

But under the deliberate suppression of the United States, the Taiwan military is currently forced to move towards land defense. In addition to purchasing more shore air defense and anti -ship missiles, and re -implementing the background preparation power, strengthening urban battlefield operations, letting the ground on the groundThe combat power is stronger.However, after all, Taiwan's resources are limited, and the resources of the army have been demanded sharply. Traditionally, the founding of the army that consumes huge sums of money is bound to be weakened.

Recently, it was reported that the United States had intentionally canceled the 66 new F-16V F-16V machines on sale, and then stopped because of legal problems. It highlights the loss of the United States on the current balancing policy.The aircraft ships that can actively defend the Taiwan Strait Airspace and Channels.

In recent years, the Mainland Military Army has repeatedly conducted a civil attack on Taiwan for many times.Old.According to the international law point of view, once the two sides of the Taiwan Strait starts the war, unless Taiwan is the "country" as the premise, the U.S. military operations are not based on collective self -defense, so the possibility of substantial intervention in the US military in accordance with the law is not high.In addition, the recent revelation brought by the Russia -Ukraine War to the outside world is that in the face of the war of aggression, the United States has no power to directly send troops to intervene. At that time, Taiwan will be defensive by independent defense of the Chinese military.

The latest inspiration of the development of the Russian and Ukraine war to this day is the fighter aircraft and ships required by counterattack invaders. At the key, it should not be subject to the Gentiles. The ship's carrier platform is still the key to the restoration of the invaders that can effectively counterattack the invaders.Taiwan faces the old ship and fighter planes. If the purchases are targeted at the contract, Taiwan should let the United States donate prejudice through lobbying, or actively develop and find another foreign purchase channel.When the prototype of the "submarine country made" is about to be exposed, and even considering the special budget, the official should also think that those ships that serve 50 and even 60 years at sea must be renewed.