Source: Yangzi Evening News

There is a million playback volume for eating a meal?What's more, in addition to "audiences", more people are "audiences" among millions of netizens.Why can the "chewing sound" who often recruit people often become a new traffic password on the Internet?Yangzi Evening News/Zi Niu Journalist noticed that in addition to the "chewing sound", the sound of rain, flowing water, and even the sound of medicine, and even the sound of medicines in life have a small market on the Internet.Psychological experts told reporters that the principle of such "acoustic video" use is ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, spontaneous perception meridian response), which can alleviate anxiety and sleep help."The sound can greatly affect the mental state, and even the sound of a few seconds can change our mood all day."

"Sonic control" became popular on the Internet.

"Hello everyone, eat barbecue noodles today", in a "voice -controlled food", with the opening white, bloggers began to eat the noodles in front of them, and from time to time, they also made sucking and chewing sounds.Different from the normal "eating and broadcasting", the blogger did not introduce the types and practices of noodles, nor did he not evaluate its taste, and was eaten throughout the process.There are not many editing marks in the entire video. The process of displaying is the process of eating to eating, but the main source of the video is "dry rice."

The reporter noticed that there are many videos on the Internet platform, and a separate classification of "sound control food" has been formed.Below the circular fans of more than 2.5 million, under one of the candy videos with more than 300,000, some netizens commented that "listen to good decompression" "I have listened many times, but I don't tire of it."

The hottest "dry rice sounds" have two categories: the sound of noodles, noodles, etc., the bite sounds and the sound of chewing food when eating popsicles, fruits, etc.In the market, many netizens expressed their love when they were under pressure, but some netizens expressed their doubts, "when they hear 'pouting', they started to goosebumps."

In addition to the "dry rice", there are many voices that become people's decompression.Earlier this year, some media reports that bracelets have become the new favorite of primary school students. This bracelet consists of a elastic line and multiple color beads for placing on the hand.The reason why the primary school students have bracelets are because the "click" sound made by beads friction is very decomposed.Declaining artifact.Searching for "sound control" on the Internet, you will find common sounds in life, such as wind sounds, rain sounds, and flowing sounds. Some bloggers have labeled "decompression", and bloggers directly indicate "voice control assistance assistancesleep".

ASMR can relieve different people's triggering conditions for different people

Chen Zhilin, a national psychological counselor and the British Psychological Association, told reporters that the principle of using such "voice -controlled videos" is ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response).Refers to the excitement of the human body through the stimulation of perception such as visual, hearing, touching, and smell, and a pleasant unique stimulus produced in intracranial, scalp, back, or other parts of the body.ASMR's audience will experience feelings such as back spines, scalp numbness, and intracranial numbness.In terms of its essence, this is the result of biological current, which can attribute it to a special nerve excitement.This feeling can also be defined as a unique stimulus.

ASMR early emerged from foreign video websites. In 2014, it was introduced to the country around 2014. At one time, many anchors of ASMR live content emerged on the live broadcast platform, most of which were spread through audio.Among them, there are also some "wiping balls" during the development. For example, some female anchors under the banner of "girlfriend coaxing", spreading vulgar content such as teasing language and gasp. Some anchors have rely on tens of thousands of months.In 2018, the National "Sweeping Popular Africa" Office has included ASMR content involving pornographic and vulgar issues into the special operation of " 2018" for severe remediation, and multiple platforms have been processed offline.Nowadays, there are many ASMRs on the video website, including natural sounds such as rain, water flowing, and wind sounds, as well as the sound of book, writing, dry rice, and even the sound of tapping glass and cutting vegetables.There is also a video recorded by bloggers to "inadvertently insert willows". For example, a game blogger recording commentary video is used as a sleeping artifact by netizens. "It is boring."Wonderful effects" "Listen to fall asleep every night."

In addition, some bloggers will also add ASMR elements in video production, such as gourmet bloggers to enlarge and cut vegetables when cutting vegetables, and deliberately slow down the vegetables.Cutcainer makes many netizens feel very relaxed when watching the video.

Chen Zhilin said that chewing sounds, knocking sounds, brushing wheat, ears, gesture trigger, etc. are common ASMR trigger forms, and different people can be triggered. ThereforeIt will feel that it is very unclean and cured, and some listeners will feel irritable, mainly related to the objects of the audience think of.For example, in the same sound of rain, some audiences can think of a peaceful natural environment, relaxed, while some audiences will think of thunder and be scared to sleep; a video of a wild camping bonfire, some audiences will feel thatVery comfortable, and audiences who have experienced the fire may be scared.

ASMR is not a long -term problem of universal solution, you should receive professional treatment

Chen Zhilin told reporters that ASMR has the function of alleviating pressure and helps improve sleep.In fact, many ASMR materials are similar to the material selected by hypnosis (all low -frequency sounds). "The effect of helping audio is not that it can hypnotize itself, but can block other noise and let people immerse themselves in a single sound.It creates a space of imagination and fantasy. In this environment, many people will feel relaxed to help everyone fall asleep quickly. This is why this type of video is almost a single sound and no background sound. "

Chen Zhilin believes that sound is very important in daily emotional regulation. "The sound builds every moment of our lives, shaping our emotions, preferences, and personal and collective history, and triggering memories, causing strong emotional reactionsEstablish emotional connection. The sound we hear will affect our psychological state. Therefore, the sound of a few seconds can change our mood all day. "However, this does not mean that ASMR is universal antidote."Some ASMR sleep aid videos on the Internet claim that wearing headphones for 5 minutes quickly sleep, these are obviously exaggerated."

"Sleeping for sleep is only an auxiliary sleep method, and it cannot completely solve the problem of insomnia. The method of routine improvement of sleep quality is mainly to maintain positive emotions every day, regulate the rules, use less electronic products, and exercise rights.Sleep is also helpful. "Chen Zhilin also said that if ASMR sleeps or relieves stress for a long time, it may still cause dependence. For people who have long -term insomnia, depression, and anxiety, they should receive formal treatment in time and should not pin their hope in how many hopes should be pinned in.On the audio.

Hate "pouting" may be psychological disorders

Chen Zhilin told reporters that if you hear others "pouting", you will be annoyed. This is not an emotional affection. It may be a psychological barrier, such as "phonophobia", which is a new discovery of mental illness.The specific manifestation is that it is impossible to accept a specific sound. After hearing these sounds, it is usually manifested as irritability and anxiety, and then transforms into anger, and even produces aggressive emotions."The sound of pouting, chewing gum, and knocking on the keyboard are common triggers. The specific situation varies from person to person."

"For patients with fear, the more they want to ignore the sound that makes them disgusted, the moreInvest in this voice more attention.This situation will also be reflected in normal people. If you deliberately pay attention to your breathing, you want to breathe normally, and your breathing will start to become disordered."

"Why is it annoying why the" pouting "on the Internet? Because we all turn on such a video when we need this sound and make good psychological preparations.We are not prepared and do not need this sound. "Chen Zhilin introduced that genetic factors, personality factors, and physiological factors may be the cause of the fear of