Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Li Yingfeng

This summer, the night economy is all over the land of Shenzhou, Zibo barbecue, Changsha cuisine does not night city, Shanghai Night Life Festival, etc. "burst out of fire", becoming a major growth point for consumption recovery in mainland China in 2023. In contrast, this "Hong Kong""No night city", it is more and more "healthy" after the epidemic.

There are many people who are unexpected. The "Non -Night City" in Hong Kong has not returned to the lights before the epidemic.In the final analysis, there are four main reasons. One is the change in the living habits of citizens after the epidemic. Many people are accustomed to eating home rice and takeaway. After get off work, they go home early after work.According to the data of the Travel Development Bureau, there were only 1.4 million passengers in June this year. Compared with the decrease of 37%compared to the same period in 2019, Lan Kwai Fong, Mong Kok, Miaojie Street and other "nightpot" hotspots in the past are not here.At 10 pm, it has become very deserted;

Second, in the face of changes in the consumption model, many merchants will choose to shorten the business hours to save expenses, and the shortage of people has made it difficult for day to work, let alone extend the night business hours. RecentlyIn the initiative, many catering or retail industry have "touched their heads";

Third, in the environment of consumption transformation and upgrading, traditional night markets such as temple streets and women's streets cannot keep up with the development of the times. The sale of goods is seriously homogeneous, the workmanship is rough and lacks characteristics, the environmental hygiene is noisy, and it is difficult to attract citizens.Consumption with passengers, traditional shopping malls are also "the same", chain stores account for the vast majority, lack of new ideas, reduce the intention of shopping and shopping;

Fourth, Hong Kong is high in prices. The chain fast food restaurant has a meal of 60-70 yuan, and even a cup of milk tea coffee is more than 40 yuan. Even if it costs about 100 yuan in the mainland, calculate the taxi, but the taxi is calculated.The price of money and three meals is not enough for the price of two meals in Hong Kong, and the price is extremely high.In addition, in addition to the appropriate food prices in the mainland, even the price of daily necessities, home products, etc. are lower than Hong Kong, and the service attitude is relatively good.The data shows that the average daily to entertain the mainland by 160,000 to 180,000 people. The average cost of each person is about 860 yuan. In July, the amount of consumption of Hong Kong people in July can reach 4 billion yuan, creating a very huge economic benefits.

The reason why the mainland night economy can successfully land on the one hand, the government dismantle the wall and loosen the wall in the management model, designated the designated area, and set up temporary stalls to allow mobile vendors to operate in a certain period of time and region, and provide hydropower and garbage.Barrels, etc., the stalls can be dismantled in the evening and early in the morning. After the closing of the market, the stalls are responsible for the sanitary cleaning of the scope of its stalls.Consumption is more active and the market breath is more organic.

On the other hand, various night markets are unique, such as Changsha Super Literature and Friends, incorporating the scenery of local traditional old cities into the restaurant, with authentic food, creating unique attractions;Square, nearly a thousand square meters of areas, a large number of tea, snacks, non -heritage innovation, games and other night market consumer products can be seen everywhere. New energy vehicle brands and public welfare organizations have also appeared and promoted to make night markets show new ideas;In recent years, Shenzhen's Caihe City Collection has allowed many young people to embark on the road of entrepreneurship even if the cost is limited, driving more young people to have new nightlife, and the small stage set up every night has different resident singers performed.Restaurant, retail and other development.The survey shows that in the first half of 2023, the consumption expenditure of Guangdong's night cultural tourism accounted for 61.62%of the consumption expenditure of the entire celestial tourism, and the vitality of the night cultural tourism consumption had exceeded the day.

Why can the neighboring areas attract passengers with a lively and lively night market and become their unique tourist experience, but Hong Kong can only walk in place?If the Hong Kong Government wants to engage in the economy, first of all, the system needs to gradually relax the restrictions on the night market of the hawker. The planned specified area is given to the night market for the market to operate the market.Service facilities, including extending public transportation late -night service time, setting up the night market area to urban transportation sites to connect the small bus, retain consumers for the night market, and promote the night market economy.In terms of publicity, we must actively invite invitations at home and abroad to carry out night economic activities such as food, culture, and fashion.

In addition to the night market, the government also needs to launch funding measures to encourage large shopping malls and restaurants to extend its business hours, hold various night markets in the outdoor or rooftop area of the mall, large screen live broadcast popular sports events, plus the theater midnight discounts, etc., and changes in the long run.After the citizen's "early return" life model, with more "night owls", it is possible to develop a good night economy.

In addition to the system disassembling walls and loosening, it is also necessary to find a gathering point suitable for young people.Hosted the theme night market according to the characteristics of the district.Activate the traditional night market of Temple Street and Women's Street, introduce elements such as milk tea economy, Hong Kong tide culture, and street performances, and provide authentic Hong Kong -style foods, and use multiple models to create a new Hong Kong version of the night market. On the one hand, it can drive the economic development of the district.It can also create a new popular "punch card" place for Victoria Harbor, so that citizens and tourists can feel the charm of the city at night.

In addition, many citizens and travelers miss the scenery of neon lantern streets and the scenery of Kowloon City in the 1990s. It is suggested that the government can discuss with the business community to create a "catering+cultural and creative" commercial complex similar to "superwriting and friends" in Hong Kong.The main "immersive" nostalgic style decoration, reproduce the scenery of the former Hong Kong films, and continuously organize various theme activities, such as cultural and creative markets, food festivals, hand workshops, etc., attract various preference customers, and create a win -win situation.

Night market is not only a city temperature full of fireworks, but also a manifestation of the culture and atmosphere of modern metropolis. The gourmet cars introduced by the SAR government in the past in the past are high -end and high.The loss of business is small, I hope that the SAR government will learn lessons in the upcoming night economic policy, and refer to the successful cases of mainland and foreign countries, understand the real consumption needs of Hong Kong people and tourists, release the flexible creativity of the people, and bring the people's hearts with the customs of the customs, soCity temperature increases consumption popularity.

Author Li Yuefeng is a member of the Policy Committee of the Guangzhou Youth Federation of Hong Kong and the head of the research department of the Legislative Council A4 Alliance