Source: Beijing News

Author: Jiang Li

"Children, it's time to take the shot!" Recently, some Chinese netizens posted on social platforms, calling on the chaos in the "school -opening ceremony".Essence

According to upstream news reports, the netizens who posted the appeal also exposed the content of their own complaints to relevant departments. "In recent years, many large and secondary schools in various regions in the country and kindergartens and kindergartens will be tossed when they start school every semester.'The sense of rituals', these 'sense of rituals' are usually decorated with one -time balloon, ribbon, pulling flowers, and color printing KT version in the class classroom, and then arranged with some small snacks. "

The netizen also voiced in the complaint and said, "On the first day of the child to start school, the child came to the classroom like coming to the party scene.Not in learning, let alone talk about the new goal of the new semester. These decorations are discarded once, waste money and pollute the environment. "

This kind of vomiting has been recognized by many netizens, and has said that the so -called "school -opening ritual sense" is actually greater than the content, increasing the burden of teachers and parents; some netizens believe that such a sense of rituals make students full of vitality, so as to be more more vitality, so as to be more more vitality, so as to be more more vitality, in order to be more vitalityPositive state enters the new semester.

The content of this netizen is questionable, but it is really as he complained that the "school -opening ritual" is to decorate the classroom and rendering the atmosphere. The sense of such ritual is not necessary.This is actually an error understanding of the "sense of school opening ceremony".

To allow students to start the new semester in a new state, this kind of formalism cannot be used, but should emphasize students' summary and thoughts on summer vacation life, as well as the prospects and planning of the new semester.This does not require parents to spend money to buy props and gifts, and teachers will not be wrapped by this "school opening ceremony".

In recent years, school education has paid more and more attention to ritual education.It is true that scientific ritual education can enhance the sense of honor and identity of students. In daily learning, some small rituals can also be held appropriately, which can also inspire students to treat academic and life development with a more positive attitude.

But if the ceremony is too fancy, the holding is too frequent, and even becomes a comparison between schools and schools, class, and class, triggers the "inner volume" of parents, and it will be off.In fact, the "school opening ceremony" organized by some schools is cumbersome and spent a lot of costs, which has become a burden on teachers and parents.

For example, some parents said that the "school opening ceremony" needs to be planned for planning, online shopping related materials, placing balloons, slogans, bouquets, and venues.Each family is also around 6700 yuan (RMB). Parents are miserable, and teachers have to spend time and energy for this.

In fact, the new school year and the start of the new semester, the "ceremony education" is not in the arrangement of classrooms, pulling banners, and putting balloons, but to give students a good "first lesson."Teachers can carry out the new semester of classmates on the first day of the school on the first day of the school.Each classmate can make development plans in combination with their comprehensive performance of last semester and new semester tasks on this day, and students can also communicate and comment.

This can use the "first lesson of school" to achieve the goal of promoting students' self -education and self -management, and it is not necessary to "spend the ceremony for rituals" and do everything in the form.

At the beginning of the school season, the new school year is opened, and the new life is worth looking forward to and looking forward. The appropriate sense of ritual is needed, but it cannot be flowed in the form, the bottom of the end, and even "kidnapped" teachers and parents.Starting from the actual growth of students, the first lesson that is good for stimulating students' desire to seek knowledge and the subject of the subject is the best "feeling of school opening ceremony".