Source: Surging News

Author: Zhu Changjun

The gear of the "limit order" of house prices began to rotate?Recently, the new policy of the property market in China has been released intensively. One of the obvious main lines is that various types of housing price restrictions have been broken.For example, Sichuan Ya'an clearly proposed that a certain amount of real estate enterprises were given to a certain amount of real estate enterprises to promote promotions.

What is more significant in the vane is Zhuhai. Some real estate companies have reported the news of "50 % off houses". Although there are exaggerated ingredients, a staff member of the Zhuhai Jinwan District Housing and Urban Construction Bureau clearly responded that the project involved in the project was adopted.The price reduction is a reasonable market behavior; in Zhuhai, real estate developers can apply to the Housing and Urban Construction Bureau to adjust the case price every quarter.Apply for online signing.

This kind of local actions, coupled with the recent China Real Estate News "should give developers a greater autonomous pricing power, allow developers to start self -rescue by reducing price reduction promotion, to return funds as soon as possible," so that the market is "The adjustment of the price limit order has more longing.

Why do you want to loosen the "Limited Order"?

First of all, we must point out that in fact, there is no "limit order" for housing prices for all cities.To be precise, it is just a regulatory policy introduced by some cities in the context of "stable price, housing prices, and stable expectations" in previous years.

Of course, although a small number of cities are directly introduced to the "price limit order" documents, it is indeed the same as preventing housing prices from falling or falling too fast. It is indeed the same as preventing house prices.One of the connotations of housing prices.

In the background of the time, it cannot be said that there is no reason.Regardless of whether the decline in house prices is related to the fluctuations of a series of upstream and downstream industries, and the stability of local finances is also in line with the faith of "only rising" in house prices for many years.In other words, there are various disadvantages of housing prices, and the risk of too fast housing prices cannot be underestimated.

But at this moment.For more than a year, private housing enterprises have continued to decrease in financing willingness and capabilities, and the number of out -of -the - -way housing companies has continued to increase. The national property market transactions have significantly cooled.—— "The supply and demand relationship of the real estate market has changed significantly", from the "overheating" seller market in the past, to the buyer market with "too cold".

In this case, then strictly adhere to the "limit order", which is obviously different from the background when the past policy is introduced.It directly affects the recovery efficiency of housing companies' cash flow, which is also limited to the space for self -rescue of real estate companies.

If you say that in the past, the "limit order" is to focus on stabilizing house prices, then the relaxation limit order is now relaxed, that is, to realize the stable property market through housing rescue companies.The reason is very simple, the market is "too cold", and the liquidity of the property market slows down. If the price adjustment is not tapped to dig the liquidity space, "stable house prices" will become the air tower.In the end, the capital pressure encountered by housing companies will inevitably be transmitted to upstream and downstream industries and local finances.

Because of this, aside from the signals released by the decision -making layer in recent times, the current loosening of the "limit order" has become an independent choice in many places.This also fully reflects that under the new real estate market, more and more places have the willingness and motivation to relax house prices.This is even more for housing companies.

Give local and real estate companies greater autonomy

Of course, some people will worry that if the "limit order" causes house prices to continue to decline, will it bring greater risks?

It can't be said that this worry is superfluous.However, under the current situation of the optimization policies of other property markets, the relaxation of the "limit order" has become a step that must be taken in the property market regulation and optimization group boxing.In this regard, the acceptance of society has also increased significantly.Because of the changes in the property market for more than this year, the expectations of society's expected house prices have changed significantly.

A cognitive misunderstanding that to clarify is to loosen the "limit order", mainly not to say that people must manually promote the decline in house prices, but to return to the trend, return more autonomyAnd market laws, play a greater role in dealing with the current real estate issues.

In fact, the preset "limit order" is equivalent to the possibility of housing prices. The logic of this assumption is doubtful.One, if house prices really have the possibility of "a thousand miles", trying to save by the "limit order" is not practical;Essence

When house prices return to the autonomous pricing of housing companies, it is exactly to what extent will it fall when the market is regulated.The fundamental market will also give different reactions.

From the current point of view, even the "limited ordered order" place is still a limited loosening, which does not mean that administrative intervention completely exits.To be more accurate, what is currently bid farewell is the price control of "one -size -fits -all" in the past, and moderately increased the initiative and autonomy of real estate companies and localities in solving the property market issues.In fact, there have been signals at the big policy level.

The Central Political Bureau meeting held on July 24th made it clear that "the policy box was made due to the policy of the city."The "policy of the city" here is actually to encourage localities to optimize the effective property market regulation policy according to the actual situation.After all, there are large differences in different places in terms of resources, population, industry, and markets, and the appearance of the property market will be very different.In terms of policy adjustment, the actual situation of various places should be fully respectful.

Policies should focus on timeliness

It is necessary to remind that "the policy box is made by the city's strategy", and it should not be narrowly understood as a relaxation of the "limit order".

For example, many places have recently proposed to reduce the proportion of down payment for the provident fund, and some cities have optimized the purchase restriction policy. Some cities have passed clear signals, and the specific policies will be announced.Throughout these phenomena, there is one thing in common in common, that is, the local market has greater the autonomy of the property market, and the "policy of the city" is more realistic.

and multiple places go further, and take the lead in trying to relax the "limit order", which is one of the manifestations of this autonomy.The purpose of "let go" is to make "alive".

Of course, there are many policies and signals at all levels recently.In addition to calling for more space for "policies for the city" and "policies for enterprises" at the policy level, we must pay more attention to the timeliness of policy implementation.

Recently, one of the important requirements for notifications to optimize the number of housing sets in personal housing loans in the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development of China. One of the important requirements is to promote the implementation of the policy measures for the purchase of the first house loan "recognition of houses without acquiring loans".Obviously, the focus is on implementation, and it is fast.Chongqing has recently proposed that policy measures that are conducive to the real estate market must "be able to come out and should come out early."

Therefore, it is no longer the problem of being a "limit order" to be loosened, but how to loosen as soon as possible, and how to give housing companies a little more space.