Russian senior officials frequently issued nuclear blackmail to the world. Foreign Minister Rafrov said in an international life magazine published on August 19, local time that Russia's national policy in the field of nuclear deterrence is completely defensive. The goal is to bring nuclear potentialMaintaining the minimum level required to ensure the defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to prevent the invasion of Russia and allies ... In the context of the Ukrainian crisis, the biggest danger isRisk of direct armed conflict.

Lavrov's remarks are somewhat wrapped, but it can be summarized: Russia's nuclear deterrence is defensive; on the contrary, nuclear threats are caused by the upgrading of the United States and NATO countries.Russia's use of nuclear weapons is persecuted by the United States and NATO.

Lying nature is a major feature of Russian politicians.They have the ability to say that Bai is black and black.Like invading Ukraine, it has pushed responsibilities to the east of NATO; Russia also excuses the United States and NATO aid Ukraine, that is, some people call "arch fire". Russia cannot win, they must use nuclear weapons.This speech is completely black and white.Ukraine did not invade Russia and invaded Ukraine in Russia.Similarly, the United States and NATO have not invaded Russia to help Ukraine anti -aggression.Therefore, justice and evil are clearly distinguished from Quzhi.After feeling failure, Russia has issued nuclear blackmail again, but it has repeatedly bluntly.

The vice chairman of the Russian Security Council, which has issued nuclear blackmail to the world, also threatened again on July 30: "Think about it, if NATO supports ... the offensive success, they tear our part of our partTerritory, then we will be forced to use nuclear weapons in accordance with the provisions of the Russian presidential order. "Obviously, this is the true idea of some Russian politicians, and it is the way they realize the evil purpose, use nuclear weapons to annex Ukraine, and conduct nuclear power on the world.Photographed.

Medvedev's "they tear up our territory", of course, refers to the Crimea and east of Ukraine they annexed in Ukraine, Lugusk, Donetsk, ZapoloHot and Hermone.Taking other territories as its own territory, but also use nuclear weapons to consolidate the occupied land. This is a blatantly violating international law and the United Nations Charter.In addition, Russia also threatened to use nuclear weapons to achieve evil purposes, which is the biggest challenge to the world.

How can the international community respond to Russia's challenges and achieve justice, that is, prevent Russia from invasion of Ukraine and defeat Russia. This is the most important task of international politics and the world today.

Russia's current behavior and clamor, like a group of robbers broke into other people's homes, want to occupy their wives and daughters, snatch others 'good fields, plunder others' wealth, and kill the owner of the home.If others resist, they will take out nuclear weapons to destroy other people's homes, and now they are already using conventional weapons to destroy other people's homes. At this time, what should all neighbors and bystanders go?

In fact, the international community has already given response and actions, that is, supporting Ukraine from military, economic, politics, and morality, driving robbers out of Ukraine home.However, when this invader has repeatedly used nuclear weapons to intimidate Ukraine and supporters in the United States and NATO, the latter made a clear and tough answer with the world.Previously, this reply was very clear. It was clear that the robber's teeth were removed and cut off the robber's claws, so that it could never open its teeth and dance claws to invade other countries.

NATO and the United States verbally proposed Plan A as early as October 2022.NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg warned Putin on October 2, 2022 that if he resorted to nuclear martial arts, he would have serious consequences to Russia.American News Weekly quoted the response of US military sources at the same time. The actions that the United States planned to adopt included the beheading operation of non -nuclear weapons options -the Kylimlin Palace was removed from Putin.The United States and NATO are now monitoring Russia 24 hours a day. As long as Russia is preparing for nuclear strikes, the United States will find that it will be made first.

Another response of the international community may be Plan B, that is, countries have vigorously developed nuclear weapons in order to protect themselves.

Before the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, five nuclear powers including China, the United States, Britain, France, and Russia had promised Ukraine, when Ukraine was invaded by nuclear weapons or threatened by such aggression,Below, provide corresponding security guarantees to Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine to abandon nuclear weapons inherited after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

However, the current situation is that Russia in nuclear countries not only does not protect Ukraine, but also use nuclear weapons to destroy Ukraine, which allows the international community to recognize Russia's words and lies again. MoreoverNot only will the large country protect Ukraine or cannot protect Ukraine, it will not only make the international community laugh, but also that all countries believe that the nuclear protection commitment of nuclear powers is just a waste paper.It is better to rely on themselves to rely on themselves, so as to open up full horsepower and vigorously develop nuclear weapons, so that the world is full of danger of nuclear war that is full of comprehensive destruction.

Of course, in the face of Russia's repeated nuclear blackmail, the international community also has Plan C.Stian Jenssen) proposed.Yansen said on August 15 that the possible discussion on the possible post -war after the war of Ukraine was in progress. One idea was that the Ukraine cut the territory to Russia in exchange for NATO member qualifications.Yansen said: "I don't say that this is the case. But this may be a solution."

This statement and the logic behind other appeasement plans are that if Ukraine and the world do not follow Russia's aggression, Russia will use nuclear weapons to destroy Ukraine and the world, so it may be as good as Russia's requirements.But can cut territories meet Russia's appetite?Since the establishment of Moscow at the end of the 13th century, Russia has continuously invaded out and has a huge colonial empire of 22.8 million square kilometers.Until the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia still had more than 17 million square kilometers of land, which was basically formed by aggression and plundering other land.The history of 800 has long made the world realized that Russia is synonymous with insatiable greed, and it is not enough to describe it at all.

Because of this, Ukraine fiercely criticized Yansen's suggestion.The director of the Ukrainian President's Office Mikhaillo Podoliak said on social platform X (formerly Twitter): "Use territory to change NATO umbrella? This is ridiculous.Maintain the Russian regime, destroy international law, and pass the war to future generations. "In this regard, Yansen had apologized, saying that "my speech is part of the widespread discussion about the possible situation in Ukraine in the future. I shouldn't say that. This is wrong."

When responding to evil challenges in justice, ABC is the three strategies of the upper middle and lower. Only A is a feasible way. It can succeed and win, and once and for all, can solve the world's war disaster and the root cause of the world.

The author is Beijing scholar