Source: Xinjing News

Author: Gong Yu

Tokyo Electric Power Corporation opened the official sea of nuclear pollution water in the Fukushima first nuclear power plant on the coast of the Northeast Pacific of Japan on August 24. For the first time, it will last for 17 days, and the total discharge of about 7,800 cubic meters of nuclear pollution water will be discharged.

Regardless of domestic and international rising opposition, filtering and scientific appeals from the environmental protection field will take their own privately on the long -term well -being of human beings, so that people around the world pay for it.Strong condemnation of society.

However, a more worrying phenomenon has recently appeared on the Chinese Internet.Some netizens poured into the live broadcast room of ordinary aquatic merchants, using a large number of "pollution" and "nuclear radiation" entries to swipe screens to prevent the audience from buying aquatic products in the shop, which also caused a lot of losses to these merchantsEssence

Japan will pollute the sea of nuclear pollution, so that the public has a deeper understanding of "Global Cool Hot", and some people's sense of responsibility is also highlighted.However, if you just find a "outlet", you will ignore the facts and science, and you will be aimed at the seafood and aquatic practitioners in China in China.

From a scientific perspective, it still takes a certain time to affect the influence of the nuclear pollution water to the sea.Under the influence of ocean currents, nuclear sewage will drift in the northwest with the warm current of Japan, and will first arrive in Canada's waters with the warm current of the north.According to the model calculation of the team of Academician Zhang Jianmin and other teams of the Institute of Marine Engineering of Tsinghua University, nuclear sewage can reach the waters along the coast of China 240 days after discharge.Even without considering the purification of sewage from the inland river water in the offshore, the next day when the nuclear pollution water discharged in Japan will label the "nuclear pollutant" to the local aquatic products, which is obviously overkill.

From the perspective of policy, as early as the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, relevant state departments have introduced a set of regulatory systems to ensure that the public eats more safely.For example, foods, feeds, etc. imported foods, feeds, etc. must provide proofs and proofs of origin and origin of radioactive substances issued by the Japanese government; radioactive substance monitoring has been included in the national food safety risk monitoring category since 2012.

After the nuclear pollution water was arranged, the General Administration of Customs of China immediately decided to take emergency measures for the origin of the origin of the origin of Japan. From August 24th, the imported origin was aquatic products in Japan.It will increase the monitoring of the risk of nuclear pollution in marine aquatic products, which will add a insurance safety to the food safety in the local formal aquatic market.

From the perspective of the industry, it is likely to "shoot" local aquatic practitioners and resist local aquatic products without differences. It is likely to instantly break the source of a group of livelihoods.According to the just released announcement of the National Fishery Economic Statistics in 2022, China's existing fishery population is 16.1945 million, the output value of marine fishing is 24.8891 billion yuan, and the output value of seawater aquaculture is 46.3884 billion yuan, which cannot be ignored in the national economy.

Affected by the epidemic in the past few years, the supply and demand relationship chain of the entire aquatic industry has undergone severe challenges. This year, it is also a critical period for restoring and boosting industry confidence.According to statistics from the competent fishery authorities of the province, many farmers at the forefront of many industrial chains in the epidemic are in a state of losing money. Now, with the help of live broadcasting e -commerce air outlets to expand business channels, why not an active self -rescue attempt?If it was affected by the anger of some netizens at this time, the original healthy and safe local ingredients broke the sales, which will undoubtedly make the livelihood of this group worse.

Japan opened the "Pandora's Magic Box" to drain nuclear pollution water, and added some uncertainty risks to the world full of variables today.Give the answer.Some netizens have negative emotions to express, and they can be understood.However, in any case, aquatic practitioners should not be the object of resentment. Once the emotions of panic and anger governs words and deeds, replacing reason, affecting the development of China's aquatic industry.Above it.