In the spring of 2020, the hostess of a high -end hotel opened each room and carefully inspected it.From her memory, the hotel has never been so quiet, so she can hear the sound of the water flowing from the canal outside the window, and never have the opportunity to sit in the guest room because she is always busy receiving the next guest.The ferocious epidemic of crown disease focuses on the image of Creative, and she thinks that people dare not come to Venice again.

Crown disease has been born in a way that human beings cannot understand so far, disturbing the world for nearly three years, and after taking millions of life, threatening reduction, infection and death of terrorist memories died with the wind.After being banned for a long time, everyone really wants to travel. In Italy, foreign tourists ushered in the spring of this year have grown 70%, which is a popular destination in Europe after Spain.In the summer of the summer vacation, even if the accommodation costs and air tickets rose with inflation, not only the popular Venice, Roman and Florence Hotel were full.

Tourists with strong spending power continue to travel regardless of price increases, so that the price is high. Ruan Qian's shy people choose to stay at home. This summer, 40 % of the Italians do not have a vacation.Tourism accounts for 6%of the GDP of Italy (GDP). If the related industries such as catering and transportation are added, it is as high as 13%. Strong recovery promotes economic growth, but the Italians are beginning to worry about excessive tourism.

Dolomiti in northeastern Italy seems to be close to the sky. The New York Times described this is one of the most towering mountains in the world.To the top of the mountain at an altitude of 1,000 meters.The mountain trail is a long queue. As soon as it arrives at a popular attraction with Sanfeng Mountain as the background, everyone's standard action is to take out the mobile phone to take a selfie.Wuyu Village is full of people like the narrow trails of the mountains and the sea. In order to avoid selfies and cause the dragon "traffic jam", the local government stipulates that the local government does not allow staying and must continue to move forward; some well -known museums stipulate that each person can only stay for three minutes to take pictures;Venice, such as Crossing the river, also considers the number of people entering the city again.

Travel that satisfies stereotypes

According to the study of sociologist Marco D'larmo, if the ratio of passengers and local population is analyzed, the ratio of France, Spain, Greece and Austria is higher than Italy.It is not excessive travel, but monotonous travel.Tourists who lack governance are crowded to the Fighting Paradise and San Marco Square. There is no plan to plan more attractions or activities to evacuate crowds. Monurable travel also allows tourists to shorten the stay time. Visitors stay in Paris for six

Roman taxis (Delta) is insufficient. Tourists must wait for one hour to call the car in the scorching sun. Tourists and locals squeezed in buses and subways complained to each other.In addition to improving infrastructure and services, if you want to take care of the lives and the lives of the locals, in addition to dredging tourists on the space, such as attracting tourists to the rare mountainous areas, it is also necessary to allocate in time.Extend the season of tourism.

The prosperous tourism industry brings wealth to the hometown, and also brings expected changes.Val D ’orcia's hills in central Italy, the quaint farm and elegant cypress trees stand between the golden wheat fields.This picturesque scenery, originally the village of the magnificent Siena, has not many tourists, but after the epidemic, many people stay in the wheat field and put on the movie god and warrior protagonist.One of them overlooks the field of field, although the wheat has been harvested, although sometimes the wheat has been harvested.

The passengers from the bee rushing have changed the neighboring town. In order to satisfy the local flavor of the tourist imagination, almost every restaurant has sliced cotton cheese before dishes, and there are many food shops specializing in sheep cheese.Although in recent years, the sheep has gradually replaced the rice sheep, and the cheese has less fragrant sheep to eat fresh grass.However, tourists cannot distinguish, or they don't care at all. They look forward to satisfying the stereotype of "Toscani field".Essence

Visitors can drive the Fiat 500 antique car, or ride a Westburge motorcycle to gallop between the mountains of Olkang Valley.However, when Olkang Valley echoed the stereotypes of tourists, it became less and less like himself. The supermarket replaced the bakery. The souvenir shop replaced the fruit shop and the home became a homestay.A small island in the air lost the original social context, and it was broken with the inherent historical origins. Tourists were bustling, but the local people were more alienated.

Change of the climate, change of travel

Wheat is a symbol of Olkang Valley, but when tourists take pictures, they may not notice that local farmers change oats and rape because of their rising costs; tourists who are busy taking selfies at Dolomiti may not notice.It's gone, the mountain is greener, and climate change is changing the appearance of the attraction.

Scientists have shown that the snow -capped Alps will lose 70 % of the snow at the end of this century to the end of this century.The less and less snowfall changes the tourism on the top of the mountain. First, it is based on the winter ski season of the artificial snow machine. As the temperature rises, the artificial snow quickly melts, and some unsustainable ski resorts have to be closed.

The dry climate has made the wild fire more and more frequent, and the paradise -like Hawaiian resort becomes purgatory; the heat wave attacks South Europe also allows northern tourists to consider that in the future, it will no longer pursue the sun in the Mediterranean.Make Venice into a underwater capital.

High temperature, floods, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes, the climate of the change is becoming more and more extreme and unpredictable, disrupting the arrangement of the journey.Traveling faintly represents the exploration of life and breaks away from daily unknown, but airports, stations, gas stations, and chain shops are becoming more and more.After the epidemic deprives the freedom of travel, climate change allows us to re -appreciate impermanence.There are more risks of travel, reminding us the significance of thinking about travel.

The author is a Taiwanese journalist and a doctor of sociology living in Italy