Creating high temperature, drought, storm, floods, heat waves, forest fires ... Various extreme climate disasters swept the continents of the world, bringing huge life and property losses, and have caused terrible damage to the environment -in recent monthsThe newspaper has such a shocking title every day, and the TV is also full of scarlet catastic pictures like disaster movies.

Earth warming has exacerbated more and more natural disasters around the world, which is an indisputable fact.Scientists have confirmed that July this year is the hottest month in history. The Copernicus Climate Change Service Bureau, which belongs to the European Union, even pointed out that the temperature in this period may not be seen in human history for thousands of years.

No wonder the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres will be worried on July 27 to warn: the era of global warming has been replaced, and the earth has entered the "global boiling era"!

Global boiling, it sounds terrible.What impact will it affect Singapore?Selected to enter the United Nations's highest climate scientific institution "Intergover Panel on Climate Change" as the first associate Professor of Singaporean, who is the co -chairman.The most destructive climate crisis is the rise of the sea level.Singapore is a low -lying island country. "It is important to deal with the rising sea level as national defense. It is related to our life and death ... As long as the sea level rises by one meter, we will be threatened. We can't even retreat like some islands."

He explained that once the ice shelf of Greenland and Antarctica melted and disintegrated, as if more ice cubes were added to the full water cups, the global sea level would be like overflowing the water outside the cup.rice.The latest climate research shows that the THWAITES Glacier, known as the "Doomsday Glacier in the World" in the western Antarctica, has a warm current of 2 degrees Celsius at the bottom and the sea bed.Once it collapses, the global sea level will rise by 65 cm. At the same time, more other major ice bodies in western Antarctica will be released, which may cause the sea level to rise by two or three meters.

"Hundred Years of 100 Billion" plans are not worried about the sky

Whether it is seven meters, two, three meters, or even one meter, the rise of the sea level will bring huge disasters to Singapore. Once it happens, it is our unprecedented natural disaster.It is like the Damocaris sword hanging on our head, which has always threatened us.

In fact, the warning that the earth's warmth will eventually trigger the rising sea level, not starting today, just "Yu Lie".The government has started researching countermeasures more than ten years ago, and in 2016 it was announced that the use of the "Empoldering" technology in the Netherlands to build a land in the northwest of Deguang Island.The seawall forms a POLDER, which does not rely on scarce sandstones, and gradually adds 810 hectares of land. I hope to learn from this project and cultivate ability to prepareThe challenge of rising sea level.

As the experimental project was successfully carried out, Premier Li Xianlong raised it to the height of "climate defense" at the National Day Mass Conference in August 2019.He said that the project that caused the rise in seawater to fight climate change is a project that is related to life and death, and it is a century -old foundation involving future generations.He announced the century -old plan for long -term flood prevention -it is expected to invest at least 100 billion yuan in the next 100 years to build a large -scale construction of Putian, reclamation islands to protect the coastline, and ensure that future generations are exempted from the extinguishing disaster.

From the perspective of the "global boiling" situation, this "100 billion" flood prevention plan is not worried, but is far -sighted, and prepares early for the ultimate threat of "Water Man Lion City".In addition, for emergency, all the coastal infrastructures that have been built or under construction in Singapore have been raised a lot in recent years.

As a small country, we have no ability to prevent the earth from boiling, so we can only be alone and protect ourselves first.But this does not mean that we have not fulfilled the responsibilities of an international citizen in terms of green development, and have not done energy saving and emission reduction, increasing green resources, etc. within this division.

Singapore's greening has worked hard for a long time. It is known as "the city with the highest degree of global greening" and is not a virtual name. Even in the competition of various needs, even in the face of the competition of various needs, it still retains it.A large amount of green space, in terms of natural ecology and environmental protection, hand over a beautiful transcript.According to data from the National Park Bureau in 2021, Singapore has more than 40%of the green space, with a park of 0.83 hectares per thousand people, 143 hectares of high -rise green space, 370 kilometers in the park, 170 kilometers naturally, 93%of residents have only 10 minutes away from the park.Walking time, 1700 community gardens, 338,800 trees.

But our green ambitions are far more than that.In February 2021, the government announced the green development blueprint of Singapore in 2030, formulating five major goals: cities in nature, energy adjustment, sustainable life, green economy, and toughness in nature.The blueprint covers a wide range, involving all relevant government departments, business circles, and civil institutions. It must be achieved by "national power".Some of these more specific indicators include: by 2030, a variety of 1 million trees, increased by more than 50%of natural parks in 2020, and 100%of residents have only 10 minutes away from the park.The natural aisle increased to 300 kilometers, reducing the amount of waste landfill by 30%. At least 20%of schools reached carbon neutralization. All new registered cars were using clean energy models ...

This magnificent green blueprint not only makes Chinese people look forward to it, but also attracts attention abroad.The mayor of Taipei, the mayor of Taipei, who visited Singapore as his first station, was called the goal and related action plan set in Singapore's 2030 green development blueprint in 2030 at the press conference on July 6.Development into a target, including 75%of transportation in 2030, mass transportation is used during peak hours, and 80%of the buildings are ultra -low energy consumption.He said, "These are actually very amazing ... I think Singapore's policy planning is very long -term."

"Seeing a long -term" is indeed the way of establishing a country in Singapore. It is a luxury in the world's long -term planning for long -term interests of the country.This green blueprint not only allows us to explain to the international community, but also makes Chinese people look forward to the future -energy saving and emission reduction allows us to fulfill international obligations. The green environment makes us more comfortable.Weather and reduce air pollution.

So "green" Singapore must be happy, so where is the "worry"?

Like many other major international topics, it is the original simple and simple ideal against climate change, environmental protection, and natural conservation, and it can't escape the highly political doom and polarization.

The "initiator" is the culprit that caused climate change in major developed countries.They have not been able to actively act, seek solutions, or are unwilling to assume greater historical responsibilities of emission reduction, some conservative or vested interests, and even scientific consensus on climate change caused by human behavior, or clearly refuse to refuse to refuseUnqualified evidence.Former US President Trump is the most typical representative in this regard. He even announced in 2019 that the United States has withdrawn from the Paris Agreement against global climate change.

Rise of Environmental Capitalism

These irresponsible attitudes and behaviors have caused a strong and extensive rebound, which directly contributes to the rise of "Environmental Populism" in Europe.Protecting the ecological environment has quickly become a new "political correctness" in Europe, and climate justice has become the largest social justice.The actions of environmentally friendly extremists are becoming increasingly fierce, trying to change the status quo with radical or even violent means; and some political parties have also taken the opportunity to intervene in hype in order to get political capitalForced governments in some countries to respond to their demands with authoritative measures.

Mark Beeson, a Australian political scholar, published an article in 2019 that environmental populism saved the earth?(Can ENVIRONMENTAL POPULISM Save the Planet?) Pointed out that the "Extinction Rebellion" organization that appeared in that year was the pioneer of this movement, which quickly spread to the world and became a global phenomenon.The organization regularly organizes the "citizen's dissatisfaction" street protest movement in London and Berlin, Germany.Due to its 11 consecutive days of protests in 2019, it was paralyzed in some parts of London, and the British government had to announce the response of "Climate Emerge 13".

Swedish female middle school student Greta Thunberg, which is known as the "climate activist", launched the global climatic strike campaign of "Friday for Future", is another representative of environmental populism.It calls on elementary and primary school students from various countries to strike every Friday to participate in environmental protection protests. Even in September 2019, it launched a "Global Climate Parade" and received response to more than 150 countries and more than 1,000 cities.These protests converged during the three years of the epidemic of crown disease, but the epidemic was restored immediately.In January of this year, Tong Belie went to Germany to participate in a demonstration against the expansion of the coal mine and was briefly detained; in March, she went to the Norwegian Ministry of Finance to participate in the demonstration to oppose the country's land -building wind power in the country.Leave the scene.

But can such environmental protection and radical actions really play a role and solve practical problems?Billon seems to be disapproved. He believes that climate radicals may be able to pressure the government, but it is not easy to win the support of ordinary voters, thereby changing the policy.

Indeed, radicalism cannot solve the problem. It involves the problem of climate change in all mankind. In the end, it is necessary to seek solutions through a common platform such as the United Nations Climate Conference.If reasonable land development or economic development is regarded as an infringement of the green environment and natural ecology, regardless of the blue and red soap, ignoring the overall interests of the society and the basic needs of the people, this extreme environmentalist appeal will not receive universal supportof.

Fortunately, these radical environmental movements from Europe have not spread to us, but it is undeniable that environmentalist and natural conservation awareness has also expanded rapidly in recent years.

"Excessive negotiation" will increase costs

The "Dufo Forest" incident two years ago was an obvious example.This 33 -hectare forest is not the natural heritage of our ancestors, but it was originally preparing for open space under the long -term national planning, but formed a forest under the "inadvertent insertion willow".However, when the government announced the development of a residential plan, it was immediately opposed by natural conservation groups and social movements, and initiated petitions online to get more than 30,000 people to respond.Today, social media lead the social agenda, the ecology of rational discussions has been endangered, and "blind conservation" has become an unquestionable political correctness.After some tossing and waste of time, the government still adhered to the original development plan and only promised to retain part of it.

This is just a prominent example. At present, whenever the government wants to implement some of the construction or breeding plan of people's livelihood, even if the environmental impact assessment is made, even if it doesIt often attracts many criticisms and requirements of the conservation community, and even "inch the soil."The recently proposed Clanzhi water supply recycling plant and renewal development plan are the latest example.Scientific and rational environmental assessment is definitely necessary, but the "over -negotiation" on the issue of branches will only waste valuable time, increase costs, delay projects, and cause losses for opportunity costs.

Many people suddenly regard animal rights as a sacred mission, and they are also a manifestation of "dark green".

Therefore, otters invade people's houses to eat light koi, monkeys harass residential houses, pheasants in residential areas to disturb their dreams, crows hit people on the road, wild boar "cross -border" hurt people, etc.During the operation, the animal rights defenders will always stand up as an animal to ask for their lives, but the human rights are ignored, and the officials are embarrassed.

The improvement of natural conservation awareness is a good thing. The people's emphasis on environmental protection and natural ecology reflects social progress. It will only make the country grow healthily and make our environment greener.However, the development and conservation must maintain a rational and wonderful balance, and the importance should be known between animal rights and human rights. If it is just a single blindness, only the green is from the pursuit of a single conservation, but the other goals are not considered.It is not available to the upside down.Never forget: Singapore is a city country with an area of only 700 square kilometers.

Green is good and makes people happy.But if the green is over, and other colors are dim, the world is no longer colorful.

The author is the former editor -in -chief of Lianhe Morning Post