The inflation reduction bill approved by the U.S. Congress last August was the iconic climate legislative achievement in response to climate change and accelerating clean energy transformation.After a year, how does the climate bill that attracts the world's attention on the US energy transformation?

Climate legislation in the United States mainly responds to three main aspects in various funding incentives: fair transformation, encourage low -carbon new technology to develop and accelerate low -carbon technology deployment.Fair transformation, that is, the federal government has spent the effect of helping fossil energy employment in response to the impact of living losses.Funding subsidies for the research and development and pilots of some low -carbon technology, which gives more time transformation for the traditional fossil energy industry.Incentive funds are mainly used to promote the deployment of low -carbon technology, such as using more low -carbon power generation technology such as wind power and solar energy to replace coal power.

In terms of providing greener employment, the results seen within one year are indeed limited.

According to the data of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the new employment opportunities provided by clean energy cannot meet the reinstatement needs of the unemployed population brought by the closing of fossil energy projects.If you can't respond to this issue, there will be a lot of trouble for president Biden to fight for re -election.There are few new employment opportunities. I believe that the fundamental reason is the issue of regulatory policies, and the start and implementation of new projects take a long time.The license is an administrative license that each energy project owner must get. Because the interests of all parties need to be balanced, the license approval of a power generation project often takes several years, and the regulatory requirements of each state are not the same. This brings developers very highTime cost.This mechanism was previously used by many environmental groups to prevent and delay the landing of fossil energy projects. Now it is also used by many groups with other demands (such as biological diversity protection and natural landscape protection groups) to resist low -carbon energy such as wind power and solar power generation.project.

The process of

The process of the reform license system must coordinate the different voices of governments at all levels, and it is by no means solved in a short time.In addition, the Republican Party in the wild has always been increasingly increasing with the government deficit, and naturally it will not easily "relax their vigilance".

Transportation is the largest emission field in the US greenhouse gas, of which passenger cars emitted by road traffic account for more than 60%.Therefore, how to accelerate the elimination of fuel vehicles has become the key to low carbon transformation.Last year, by canceling the upper limit of tax subsidies by canceling electric vehicle manufacturing companies, it greatly stimulated the investment and production capacity of car companies in this field.The bill directly places the subsidy on the consumer side. When purchasing an electric vehicle, you can enjoy the US $ 7,500 subsidy policy, which continues from early this year to 2032.The climate bill also gives up to $ 4,000 in tax subsidies for second -hand electric vehicles.These two policies to promote electric vehicle consumption have no regulatory constraints. The sales volume of electric vehicles (including pure batteries and hybrids) can directly illustrate the role of the bill in the process of transportation of transportation.Simply put, each new electric vehicle is sold is a carbon emissions corresponding to a fuel vehicle.What do consumers who "voted with feet" have been in the past half of the year?

As of July this year, there were 20 electric vehicle models that met the requirements of the climate bill subsidy. According to data, about 700,000 U.S. electric vehicles sold from January to June, a year -on -year increase of more than two digits.For a single car company with the top sales of electric vehicles, although the increase is very different, they have tasted the sweetness of subsidies.Tesla, which was dominated by the leading Tesla, increased by 30%year -on -year in the first half of this year, General Motors increased by more than 350%, Volkswagen increased by 110%, and Ford, with the fifth market share of the market, reached 12%.Even 38,000 electric vehicles sold in Hyundai, which could not enjoy subsidies in the first half of the first half of the year, increased by 11%, and ranked second in the market share of new American electric vehicle sales markets.

Last year's climate legislation was another "unexpected" policy progress that Democratic Party President Biden came to power.Popular topics of the presidential election.Regardless of the implementation effect of the climate bill at that time, it is more significant, or the profit or loss is half, or it is not satisfactory (although the possibility of this result is less likely), Bayeng and Republican candidates who challenge the presidential position will start a fierce debate on this.

The author believes that in 2022, the US Climate Act not only promotes the transformation of energy systems by cutting inflation, but also provides a competitive solution to solve the geographical tension between China and the United States through the low -carbon industry competition.What is the effectiveness of the climate bill is worthy of our continuous attention.

The author is an international climate and energy policy observer, the podcast host