At present, China's economy is facing the tide of private enterprises, the tide of foreign companies, the sharp atrophy of investment, the tide of entry and exit, the serious insufficient tide of consumption, the tide of debt circulation, the large -scale unemployment of employees, the government's fiscal and taxesThe three major economic engines of consumption are insufficient power or even dead.The July economic data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China has not been weak or Xun's expectations, which is obviously deflected.In the second quarter, foreign investment was only 4.9 billion US dollars, a year -on -year decrease of 87%!The two major real estate giants of Evergrande and Country Garden "debt can be enemy country", symbolizing the collapse of the entire industry that the connected industry has fallen into a crisis ... As a result, the US President Bynden exclaimed that the decline in China's economy is like a "timing bomb" to the world.

The passage of Chinese in China: "The three major economic engines are the National Bureau of Statistics, the Central Propaganda Department, and Xinhua News Agency" "The only speaker left in the toolbox of the economy (means 'relying on blowing')."As the world's second largest economy, China has been singing up the way since reform and opening up.In a word: the problem lies in the economy, the root is politics.

China is one of the countries that are tied to the most in the world in the world, none of them!From 1966 to 1976, the Cultural Revolution, the national economy reached the edge of collapse.In May 1978, Hu Yaobang pushed the ideological liberation movement of "practice is the only standard for testing truth", vigorously rehabilitating cases of unjust false and false cases, and liberating a large number of old cadres;On this basis, at the end of 1978, driven by the leaders of the older generation of Deng Xiaoping, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Mainland Government decisively suspended the "class struggle as the outline" and shifted the focus of work to "economic construction".It has opened a new period of reform and opening up.After that, rural reforms, abolition of the people's commune system, packaging to households; open coastal cities; allowing private enterprises to enter the market and absorb large amounts of labor; to attract investment overseas, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, the United States and European enterprises not only bring funds, advanced science and technology, but also advanced science and technology,Complete equipment, and introduce the concepts of market economy, rule of law, intellectual property rights, and modern corporate management systems. With China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, it has also settled on economic global express vehicles.The world's richest foreign exchange reserve has become the world's second largest economy.

China and the United States are an important driving force for economic development

It must be pointed out that at the beginning of the reform and opening up, the leaders of the older generation of Deng Xiaoping worked hard to achieve the following party consensus: To achieve modernization, China must engage in reform and opening up; and the main target of openness and introduction is the United States.Therefore, improving and development of the United States is the inherent requirements of reform and opening up, and it is also the fundamental requirement for ensuring national security under the Cold War.In fact, from the United States, the most benefiting national trade treatment in China has been supported by supporting China to join the WTO, opening up Chinese products in China, and importing Chinese goods; large -scale investment in American companies; exporting cutting -edge technology to China; cultivating a large number of overseas students in China, China and the United States friendlyMutual benefit and win -win has also become one of the important drivers for China's economic development.

In the first 30 years of reform and opening up, it has risen steadily, but in recent years, it has fallen into a spiral decline. Through the phenomenon, the essence of the economic reversal is politics.

First, the main reason for China's economic rise is that the mainland government has suspended class struggle as the outline, and adhered to economic construction as the center, so it liberated productivity.In recent years, the economic deterioration is mainly because of politically strengthening ideology, adhering to "Marx is right", eliminating private ownership, emphasizing the philosophy of struggle, abusing the concept of national security and anti -spy, and causing the psychological threat to investors and professionals to touch the French Open.As a result, foreign companies and tourists are unhappy with China.

Especially in the end of the end of the endless fields of anti -corruption, it refuses to promote the reform of the political system. Instead, it is applied to the form of political movement. In the end, it is not cured.What's more, regarding judicial independence criticize the so -called wrong thoughts, it is impossible to cultivate a free market economy with the rule of law as the corrected stone, and restricts the development of productive forces.

Second, the economic rise period is to understand the decisive role of the market in terms of resource allocation, encourage private enterprises to develop in terms of policies, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of private entrepreneurs such as "fools and seeds".Essence

But one of the important reasons for economic landslides in recent years is the evil result of "the retreat of the country and the people retreat": it is aware of the one -sided emphasis on "party leadership everything", and it is reported to the 13th National Congress of the mainland government.The direction runs counter to the establishment of party committees and party branches in private enterprises and foreign companies, so that the autonomy of enterprises stipulated in the corporate property law issued by the State Council is the same as the enterprise legal rights law, so private companies are worried that the "second public -private partnership" will occur at any time.In addition, in public opinion, "eliminating private ownership", "the theory of retirement of private economy", and "private enterprise employees in control sharing theory" have made investors heartbroken.

In terms of policy, local governments depending on private enterprises are leek, from "charges, random distribution, fine fines" to "random cases, random grasping people, and confiscation", and the fines of private enterprises will be confiscated as government revenue Dawan, a well -known peasant entrepreneur in Hebei Province, was prison by Luo Zhi. The huge assets of Dawu Group were photographed away by the low price, and it was chilling to take it!The so -called "industry rectification" is full of randomness. A document to destroy an industry and destroy a group of listed companies is not a myth, but a reality!

Ordering the immigration company to hand over immigration files

All unfair treatment caused private entrepreneurs to send out the wailing of "using us is your (mainland government).) "Yidon Sheng.

Today, the official has ordered the immigration archives to stop the "moisturizing" through the crackdown of immigration companies.Both Chinese private enterprises and international foreign -funded enterprises are private products. They have witnessed the tragic encounters of private companies. Foreign companies naturally have sorrowful foxes and are lingering. They feel that China's investment environment is full of uncertainty and instability, so it is good to avoid it.The confidence of the two major economy of private companies and foreign companies has lost its confidence. Can the Chinese economy not go downhill?

Third, the important reason for the rising economic period is that the mainland government emphasizes that "practice is the only criterion for testing truth", and advocates "seeking truth from facts and emancipating thoughts", so that the entire society can form an independent thinking and dare to explore independently, which is conducive to conduciveThe good atmosphere of stimulating original motivation, so this talented talent, entrepreneurial entrepreneurship, a large number of star companies have emerged, promoting productivity development.However, one of the important backgrounds of economic retrogression in recent years is exactly that some people violate the second historical resolution of the mainland government's central government on "prohibiting any form of personal worship" and advocate that "loyalty is not absolute, absolutely unfaithful", and preach "to one, set as one, settle in one, settle in one, settle in one, settle in one."A hammering" pushed personal worship to a new peak.

The collective leadership pattern formed in the era of Deng Xiaoping ended no illness. The bragging of the cows in the cadre team became popular and celebrated the crown.Natural laws and even violating geopolitical laws are full of random shooting and unimpeded, bringing huge impact and heavy losses to economic operations.

Pan -political environment obstructs economic development

For example, for three years of crown disease epidemic, pan -politicalization becomes a wind, it will be discussed by public health policies that are scientific issues, and infinitely outlines are the disputes of the system.Sealing the road and closing the road, stopping work and suspension of production, the production, circulation, and operation of the enterprise were cut off. The human rights, personal freedom, personality dignity, and even residential rights, and property rights of residents were trampled on, resulting in secondary disasters than the virus itself, making the world the world, making the world the world, making the world.The factory's industrial chain and supply chain have been severely damaged. It is the third time that China has tossed after the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. It has heavy economic losses, the right of citizenship has been damaged, the government's credibility falls, and the government has fallen endlessly!

The recent water disaster in Hebei Province, violating the natural law of "flowing to the low place", so that the altitude is higherThe state is a low -altitude Xiong'an New District, and it has become a flood area for no reason.Puzhou citizens were filmed of the head of the head of the head, and the loss of life and property was a typical three -point natural disaster, with seven -point human disaster.

This investment environment is shuddering, and it naturally hinders economic development.

Fourth, one of the important driving force for economic rise is that China puts foreign -friendly relations between China and the United States in a serious position in diplomacy.It was after the 91st incident in 2001 that China first expressed support for US counter -terrorism. The United States voted to report that Li Li supported China to join the WTO and allow China to get the maximum dividends.However, in recent years, China's economy has fallen, but it has a direct connection with the wolf diplomacy: Jun has not seen a few years in China, "It's amazing, my country" is self -proclaimed."; Threatened" win -win is to win twice in China "; obviously it is still a developing country, but it is said that China" indicates the direction for human beings "in a certain field.

The lack of grace of international exchanges, throwing the legacy of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai's "There are no small things in diplomacy", "reasonable, favorable, and festival", the legacy of the nine night clouds, sprinkled the wild into inertia, and all sides of the trees.Especially since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February last year, the influential Russian act was invasive, and the two insisted on condemning Russia's aggression.; Chinese public opinion field clamor "Special military operations in Russia is a righteous struggle against the US hegemonism" ... and in most countries' condemnation of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, insist on frequently conduct joint marine and air -to -air military exercises with Russia, so that Russia's defense of national defenseMinister Shogu confessed that "Russia and China are not just allies."

The result of the implementation of wolf diplomats in succession in succession has led Sino -US relations to the lowest point since President Nixon's visit to China in 1972, and the relationship between China, Britain, China, Japan, China, South Korea, China, Australia, China and Canada all fellThe bottom of the valley for ten years.As a result of the Belt and Road and large coins, it just ruined the people's cream of Chinese people, and did not get true allies.

In the face of the fundamental values of "Marxism" in the mainland government, with the heating with Russia, unilaterally announced the evolution of a series of situations such as "Sino -British Joint Declaration", deployment of martial arts Taiwan, etc.Realizing that based on national security and the maintenance of rules -based international order, it is necessary to "de -risk" to reduce dependence on China's industrial chain and supply chain, and decimpt into China in the high -tech field.Avoid raising tigers and snapped yourself.

Gu Yuncheng is also Xiao He, and Xiao He is defeated.The substantial performance of diplomatic relations with Russia and the United States, of course, has gradually lost China's funds, technology, and markets in the United States and the West. In fact, the reform and opening up has ended the retreat.The general public returned to poverty.

As the saying goes: Economy is the foundation, politics is a concentrated manifestation of the economy, and also said that "diplomacy is the continuation of internal affairs."In developed countries in the United States and Western, economic prosperity, recession, recovery, and prosperity have been repeated, with its cyclical and corresponding economic countermeasures.However, China is a political commander, political overrun, and is used to only political accounts and not economic accounts.At present, China's economy is extremely declining, because the mainland government only engages in the reform of the local economic system that it will not start the evil results brought by the reform of the political system!

The absolute power of absolute power is the maximum corruption

In an attempt to return to the set of socialism before the reform and opening up, and even returned to the Mao Zedong Cultural Revolution of Cultural Revolution, which was preserved in the Cultural Revolution of the Cultural Revolution of the Cultural Revolution of the Cultural Revolution of the Cultural Revolution of the Cultural Revolution.Various social contradictions get more and more, the more exciting.From this to make the private company feel the gentleman from the wall and make the foreign businessmen be unable to enter the country, the entire industrial chain, supply chain, and capital chain in China will be "burned seven hundred miles".The large collapse was the reason why the Communist regime moved the mountains safely.

Former Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao at the last reporter's enrollment during his tenure, Zeng Yu's focus warning: "If the political system reform is not carried out, the results of the economic system reform will be lost.It may be repeated! "It is noted that the absolute power of unsupervised, restricted, and checks and balances is the biggest absolute corruption, and it is corruptionTotal root!

The prescription is not difficult to open: the reform of the political system, including the implementation of constitutional democracy, universal election system, publicity declaration of official property, judicial independence, and ensuring freedom of speech on public opinion, which is the only way to ensure high -quality economic development.

Vietnam has implemented innovation and opening up, and politically expands from the party's democracy to social democracy, driving the healthy and vigorous economic development. Foreign relations include friendly and harmoniousness to the United States and Russia.The model is in front of you.Political economic adversity must be prescribed in politics.The problem is that from Jinggang Mountain to Yan'an to Xibaipo to the second generation of the peasant uprising leaders who "all the way to the road" ascended by Tiananmen City Tower, under the historical inertia thinking of "fighting rivers and mountains, sitting in the country", there is a political system.Reform, realize the historical mission and persistence of economic marketization, social rule of law, and political democratization?

The author is the chairman of the Hundred Strategic Think Tanks

Once served as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference