Source: Economic Daily

Author: Kang Qiongyan

Young people cross -border signing up for the "Sunset Red" tour group, office workers help the old cafeteria in the community to achieve "freedom of eating" and "post -00s" into the old university and the "post -60s" at the same table.The trend of "reverse consumption" of young people is emerging.These trees that are ridiculed by the outside world have attracted the participation of more and more young people. Many users have exposed their "old -fashioned consumption" experience on social platforms, and they lamented "Zhenxiang".

The popularity of

"Old -style Consumption" really subverts the traditional impression of the public for young people.In the past, young consumers who were keen on online shopping or daily necessities that could not be used in the live broadcast room for a year, or purchased a high -premium luxury product with expensive costs, or to reduceI bought a bunch of products that were not needed.Now, young people who pursue experience, pursue the trend, and pursue brands have produced wonderful "intersections" with middle -aged and elderly groups in consumer demand and consumer scenarios.

This transformation reflects the transformation of the younger generation of consumption. They no longer follow the trend blindly, but pay more attention to practicality and cost -effectiveness. According to their preferences and needs, choose a more rational and healthy consumption method.The "Sunset Red" tour group is all -inclusive, and the life of the middle -aged and elderly group has rich experience in life. How can young people teach young people to avoid sales; the elderly cafeteria is clean and hygienic, and you can eat healthy meals with vegetables with more than ten yuan."Takeaway dependence"; Elderly universities are rich in curriculum, five or six hundred yuan a semester, which is more cost -effective than adult interests that are thousands of yuan on the market.

The changes in the concept of open source and rejection of excessive consumption behind the

The "old -fashioned consumption" of the young group, which also shows the strong attractiveness of the consumption format pursuit of cost performance and emphasis on practicality.Today, young people have not only found the "money -saving password" through "reverse consumption", but also play more creativity in many elderly products.For example, wearing comfortable, long -standing old people shoes have won the favor of many office workers. Many young people share the skills of old people's shoes, and they also have a "renovation style" of old people's shoes. Some colors are even young.Consumers buy out of stock.In addition, old products such as scooters, back frames, and bed tables have also been developed by young people. Some elderly toys have also captured the interest of young people.

From a deeper perspective, "蹭 <<" helps to meet the consumption differences between generations and become an important force to promote social consumption upgrades and transformation.In the process of "old -fashioned consumption", young people not only experienced the lifestyle and consumption habits of the elderly, but also gradually adapted and integrated the consumption concept of different ages.In the same consumer scenario, the wisdom and experience of the elderly inspire young people. The vitality and energy of young people help the elderly to better participate in social activities.Under the trend of aging acceleration, this is a useful exploration that strengthens intergenerational exchanges and actively cope with population aging.

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