Time is so fast. On August 9th, the National Day passed on the popular, lively celebrations and dazzling fireworks. This year is the 58th anniversary of the independence of Singapore.Every year, National Day will make me feel that Singapore can live and live in peace and people in Singapore in recent years. In the turbulent world, it is not easy to enjoy a more stable and happy life than other countries.Watching the National Day ceremony of TV live, reminding me of the time when I was young when I was young.Although it was a few decades ago, in those years, the athletes were wearing military uniforms on the playground, holding their guns with their hands, and looking forward to moving forward.

Although I am not born in Singapore, I have grown up and educated in Singapore. Most of my life spent in Singapore in my life.Maybe it was the arrangement of fate. When I was six years old, my father took me from Chenghai, Guangdong, China to Singapore. Since then, I have taken root here and became authentic Singaporeans.

At that time, Singapore was still an autonomous state. He joined Malaysia in 1963 and became a member of Malaysia.In 1965, he was driven out of Malaysia and had to declare independence.I also know very well that the founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao was crying on TV to announce the independence of Singapore.

After independence, the UK announced shortly after the British would withdraw the garrison from the base of Singapore.This brought a considerable security and economic impact and concerns to Singapore, because some of the economies in Singapore at that time were supported by the British army, and without the British army stationed, they had to rely on themselves to defend the country.Singapore is just a small island of more than 600 square kilometers. There are no powerful troops, no natural resources on the island, and other countries are not optimistic about Singapore.

But in those years, the people were hardworking and hard under the leadership and planning of the government. We not only survived, but also created a world economic miracle in decades.After experiencing racial riots, British retreat, confrontation between Indonesia, and Asian financial turmoil, we still stood up.

After independence, the government's primary task is to transform Singapore from the renewal trade into an industrialized city.I also complied with this trend of industrialization and signed up for training courses for technical teachers.In the process of industrialization, Singapore needs many blue -collar workers and technicians to train these people to become an important indicator, and training them need a group of teachers who know how to technology.At that time, I invested in the torrent of the founding of the country and entered the vocational training institute and factories.Two years later, I started my teaching career. During this period, I still used my spare time to continue studying and studying, applying for diplomas for foreign technology colleges, and enrolling in local science and engineering colleges to receive training of various technologies.Machine maintenance, to electronics, computer assembly and maintenance, to air pressure, hydraulic, electrical, mechanical, electronic security systems, etc.In short, what the country needs, what do we learn, it was not until the lecturer of the School of Technology Education, which served for more than 40 years before retiring.

After the British retreat, Singapore's security loses protection.In 1967, the government began to implement national service and established an army to defend the country.Each adult male citizen must be trained for two years at the age of 18.At that time, there were two types of national service: one was full -time, the other was part -time, or part -time service.During the founding of the People's Republic of China, the government urgently needed our technical teachers to come to coach, so I was compiled into part -time service and was trained as a police officer.

National Services and National Day Ceremony

Started three months of basic training.After that, take turns to serve every eight days and take a day off.I usually teach, but on the eighth day, I went to serve in service on the eighth day, and returned to teaching for seven days. It was the next round of service.As a police officer, we followed the regular police to patrol the street. Sometimes they walked and took patrol cars to deal with many lays of miscellaneous jobs, such as catching prisoners, handling complaints from residents, and maintaining order in public places.

For a period of time, I was also sent to the seaside of the Barcelona.At that time, the Indonesian government confronted Singapore because of different political concepts. Many Indonesians often sneaked into the country. We were patrolling at the beach to see if there were illegal breakthroughs.The patrol time from 7 pm to 7 am, for a total of 12 minutes, and then went home to rest for one day before going to work.In national service, we not only learn what is discipline and group spirit, how to protect the people, and how to serve the people when needed.The team also came into contact with people from all walks of life, pioneering my vision, and let me understand various occupations and life.

But what makes me most memorable is the practice of participating in the National Day ceremony, because the police force is also an important team of the National Day ceremony.During the rehearsal or rehearsal on the playground, in July and August, the hottest. When rehearsing or rehearsal on the playground, there is a crowded sun on the head, and there is a re -gun weighing more than 10 kilograms.Play.I have seen some service personnel many times because of their physical strength.However, it is our supreme glory to be able to participate in the rehearsal performance on the National Day.Therefore, no matter how hard, everyone will mention the spirit and try their best to complete the task.After a few years, we changed the newcomer to battle. Our task was changed to the podch on the playground, which was to stand on some points.

After retiring, it will be easy. Every year, you have the opportunity to go to the National Day ceremony with the insiders.Looking at the new generation of the playground and anger on the playground, it reminded me of the days I had gone.When the child is a little bigger, take them to see the grand ceremony that is only once a year.I like to take pictures, I also took the opportunity to take a lot of photos, leaving many unforgettable chapters in life for the annual grand occasion.

I am very fortunate to be born in the 1950s. I have the opportunity to grow with Singapore. I also witnessed Singapore's process of re -export trading port and experienced the stage of industrialization. Finally, it became the process of international financial centers and the international metropolis.

(The author is a local poet, a musician)