The US -Japanese and Korean leaders held a summit at the David Camp in the United States on August 18, agreed to institutionalize the military cooperation of the Three Kingdoms.Although the United States has repeatedly emphasized that cooperation is not targeted at China, the three parties have not concealed the main purpose of cooperation in the joint statement -strongly condemning China's "dangerous and provocative behavior" in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.This cooperation mechanism not only strengthened the military's military response capabilities in the Asia -Pacific, but also allowed Japanese -South Korean relations that have been undulating. Finally, they finally had a stable anchor. South Korean President Yin Xiyue played a key role in this.Assuming that all countries have rational decisions, the US, Japanese and Korean military cooperation is obviously conducive to maintaining regional peace.

Three -party cooperation fills the shortcomings of the United States' security mechanism in East Asia.Although the previous US -Japan and the United States and South Korea's bilateral military alliances were important, the unstable bilateral relations between Japan and South Korea formed the military and even weak diplomatic or even weak diplomatic ribs when the United States responded to China and North Korea.Because there is no need to face the pressure of re -election, the South Korean President Yin Xiyue lined up and vigorously promoted the reconciliation of Japanese diplomacy, which greatly eliminated the obstacles to the cooperation between the three parties.In the United States, the American Snaping and the spirit of David Camp jointly declared a fixed military arrangement of the third -sided side, so that the future Korean government must be restrained when operating the nationalism of Japan.

The joint statement pointed out that the three countries decided to open the hotline to prepare for the same advancement and threats in the face of regional provocations and threats. To this end, the three countries will hold an annual and multi -dimensional joint military exercise to share the information and real -time information of North Korea's test missiles.In addition, the Three Kingdoms will also host the perennial conferences of each level and departments, from leaders to diplomatic, national defense, national security, finance, and industrial and commercial departments.The Three Kingdoms will also deal with the information war and expand the scope of cooperation to the India -Pacific region.Yin Xiyue described at a press conference that in the future, provocation or attack on any country will face the collective response of the Three Kingdoms.US President Biden also emphasized to jointly defend international law and oppose coercion.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington said that the practice of trying to discharge his organization and bring collective confrontation and military group into the Asia -Pacific region will only cause vigilance and opposition from regional countries.South Korean intelligence agencies have previously said that North Korea may express dissatisfaction with the David Camp Summit to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles.The US, Japan and South Korea military cooperation, and the spearheads clearly point to China and North Korea.Pyongyang will inevitably find that the marginal benefits of nuclear blackmail are rapidly decreasing. The United States has clearly reiterated its nuclear umbrella for South Korea and made corresponding military deployments.Mainland China must re -evaluate the risk costs of continuously increasing in the decision -making of Wu Tong Taiwan.

In addition to reiterating its support for the "Asian Simpan Center", jointly stated that it condemned China's "illegal" and "provocative" behavior in the South China Sea, and it will inevitably be recognized by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and even Indonesia.The White House had previously released news, and Biden will visit Vietnam in mid -September to sign a strategic partners agreement.If the agreement with Vietnam includes military content, and the current high -profile observation of the US -Japanese and Korean military cooperation at the moment, these diplomacy and military arrangements will undoubtedly be the Chinese head of the United States and the Chinese leader when the Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in the United States in November in November.Follow -up, increase the strength of the US bargaining.

Although the United States has repeatedly denied that the military cooperation between the three countries of the United States, Japan and South Korea is the Asian version of the small NATO, it is not difficult to detect from the content of the joint statement that the "David Camp Spirit" has the foundation of laid the foundation of expanding military cooperation in the future.The establishment of the European time in Europe was mainly to collectively respond to the threat of Su Dong Military Group.However, after the end of the Cold War, NATO also used military forces to interfere with the civil war after the disintegration of Yugoslavia, assist the United States after the September 1st attack, and in the name of protecting civilians in the name of the Spring Arab Spring.Forbidden flight.The possibility of this collective military operation will increase with the deepening of the United States, Japan and South Korea.This will inevitably constitute a constraint on military decisions in North Korea and China.

Observation of diplomatic behavior from the United States to the present, it should not take the initiative to initiate military provocations for North Korea and China.Former US President Trump even met with North Korean leader Kim Jong -un three times in an attempt to solve the challenge of bilateral relations once and for all, but unfortunately returned without success.In the same way, the United States is even more impossible for China to have any military progress.Therefore, there are reason to believe that assuming that all parties are based on rational decisions and the advantages and disadvantages of military operations. Military cooperation between the three countries of the United States and Japan and South Korea will theoretically help reduce the probability of armed conflict in the region, which is conducive to maintaining regional peace.