Source: Beijing Youth Daily

Beijing Youth Daily reporters found that in the summer vacation this summer, in the face of the homestays, hotels or full or housing prices in the travel plan, contemporary young people chose to have a footage and accommodation in the bath center and Haidilao.


Bathing center becomes "dream library"

If you travel with your friends in the summer, where would you choose to live?Many people's answers may be to look at hotels or homestays, brand or services, and price.However, this year, many young people do not take the common way while traveling.

"Going out, just spend more than 200 yuan, all have a day, live, and leisure projects." Citizen Miss Guo said that the accommodation place at the first stop of the northeast tour is the bath center."Bathing center offers four meals and full -time fruit drinks, as well as game rooms, chess and card rooms, KTV, of course, bathing and hot springs. Although the accommodation is a bit noisy, the price is here, it is too cost -effective." Meituan data shows that since July, the search heat of the bath center has increased by more than 55%from the previous month.Among them, consumers aged 20-35 accounted for nearly 70 %.Compared with 2019, since July, the online consumption scale of the bath center has increased by 150%.

The price -performance ratio is the main reason why many young people choose to stay in the bath center.The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that in the ticket consumption system of the bath center, 70-100 yuan belongs to the economy, within 200 yuan, which belongs to the mid-to-high-end, and more than 200 yuan is a five-star in the bath center.Tickets at most bath centers are valid for 16 hours.If you want to spend the night at the bathing center, you need to have another "overnight fee", usually around 50 yuan.It is worth mentioning that most of the medium and high -priced bath centers are mostly provided for free meals, and some also provide luxury buffet.

In addition to bathing centers, the tourism "special forces" have also attracted widespread attention at night.The reporter of the Beijing Youth Daily at that time did the "special soldiers" of this selection. Some of them said that at night, Haidilao was to experience this "popular", and some were helpless choices that could not return to the accommodation area for various reasons.It means to save money.

Beiqing Daily reporter also noticed that there is also a special way of traveling on social media -exchanging tourism.The so -called "exchanging tourism", that is, the two strangers reached an agreement. When traveling to the city where the other party is located, they live in each other's house.

"Because of various reasons, the friends who changed me at that time failed to go. I still went to his house as planned, but the sofa was sleeping. In order to compensate me, he also included my dinner during this city.. "Mr. Zhou told Beiqing Daily that he was a backpacker, and he chose this way of travel to know more friends.

On social platforms, the topic of "exchange tourism" is constantly hot.In the eyes of some young people, exchanging tourism can not only save the next large accommodation expenses, but also increase the experience, meet the needs of social expansion, and enrich their travel fun.


Price climbing a new way of accommodation

Although most of the young tourists who choose to stay in unconventional accommodation are mostly to increase the experience of travel, many tourists have said that the "back thorn" of the accommodation price of tourist destinations since this year also allows them to choose accommodation and save them.One of the reasons for the province.

"Everyone in my friends is traveling" can describe the wave of travel this summer.Judging from the release of the Chinese Civil Aviation Administration, the number of passenger transportation was 62.428 million in July, a year -on -year increase of 83.7%, a year -on -year high historical high history.The high -speed rail that is difficult to find in many cities and the "most beautiful roads" in various places that have encountered traffic jams from time to time have also showed the popularity of other travel methods.According to the forecast of the China Tourism Research Institute, this summer, the number of domestic tourists is expected to reach 1.331 billion, accounting for 20.18%of the number of domestic tourists throughout the year.

Data show that since the summer, the number of homestay orders booked by the week or monthly has increased by more than 200%year -on -year.In this context, staying in the tourist destination has become a major issue for many tourists.

Beiqing Daily reporters learned that among the top ten consumer public opinion hotspots released by the China Consumers Association a few days ago, travel and accommodation issues ranked second.Among them, hotel homestays have frequently increased prices in the peak season.And hotels in some cities, especially young people who have played in their choices and their prices are originally cheaper, have increased prices in this summer.This has to make many young people consider how to save the cost of hotels when they are planning to travel.Therefore, the bathing center, Haidilao, and other sofas of other people's home have become the choice of young people.


Traveling needs to be safe in the first place

New travel accommodation methods also bring new problems.If "exchange tourism" involves accommodation, there will be sensitive issues such as property security and personal privacy."It is based on pure trust. In fact, there are still many risks. The problems exposed in the exchange of items, damage, and personal safety are urgently needed to be resolved." Li Long, an associate researcher at the Chinese Academy of Tourism Research, said.

Haidilao and other businesses do not have the conditions for accommodation. Once they become a kind of atmosphere, not only will tourists face certain hidden safety hazards, but even the merchants who provide a place will face

Bathing center accommodation is relatively compliant.As early as 2004, some cities successively issued regulations to include bathing, massage and other places with accommodation conditions into the scope of the hotel industry management. Those who have not left these places after zero, and those who enter after zero will all will all will enter after zero.According to the requirements of the hotel accommodation, the identity is confirmed to register.Bathing centers that provide accommodation functions need to apply for special industry permits at the public security organs in the area under the jurisdiction to obtain the hotel industry qualifications. Among them, the business scope of the license needs to include receiving passenger accommodation.

But because the people's contacts such as the hotel are more frequent and complex than the hotel and other formats, it is still difficult to compare with the hotel and even the homestay.In July of this year, the Kunming police cracked a criminal case of theft in many bathing centers in Kunming for a long time. The suspect used the casual characteristics of the bath center to implement theft in locker rooms and other places.

Therefore, the police remind everyone that you need to be careful overnight and choose a qualified regular merchant.At the same time, pay attention to your personal and property safety when spending.