Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Hu Enwei

Chen Maobo, the director of the Financial Secretary, said that it would be easy to talk about the Hong Kong night market.Ye Liu Shuyi, the convener of the Executive Council, said: Hong Kong people have changed their lives, and they like to go home for dinner or go home.Is the question so simple?In fact, the Hong Kong night market was bad by the government.How to make bad?The night market in Hong Kong was very prosperous, but in the 1990s, a series of policies of the government wiped out the entire night market in Hong Kong.

Director Chen Maobo said that before doing the night market, think about how to do it?What kind of night market is prosperous?Do the government really have the ability and determination to do it?This aspect must be refined clearly.Just say a word "Fuck Night Market" is just a slogan. Can he really fulfill this political check?Has Director Chen studied why the Hong Kong night market was stunned?In fact, there are several major reasons:

First, the Legislative Agency abolished the rent control in 1996. This is a very magical decision to completely take away the regulations to protect the tenant.Suddenly, the tenant was discredited into a rental.Hong Kong's current industries cannot be developed because lease control has been banned.The banning of the owner has absolute power. The so -called real estate hegemony starts from 1996.When there was still a rental tube before, you went to open a bar, sauna bathroom, and restaurants for a long time. After renting, there was a basic guarantee. The merchant was willing to spend money to decorate.Year.Now a year of life is about a year, and the tenant is not guaranteed or insecure.Merchants need to return to their books quickly, and they must not focus on "quality" and "quantitative".Therefore, everyone went to the bar in Hong Kong. Basically, they were "splitting the wine field". There are few exquisiteness like Tokyo, Kyoto bars or restaurants, because they can't afford this way of business.

Second, Hong Kong is getting more and more toll routes.Under such exaggerated fees, the entire catering industry has an abnormal development trend, which is very expensive and expensive.All Samsung two -star restaurants have cooperated with this high consumption catering culture to push the price higher and higher.It is extremely difficult to maintain the quality restaurant and restaurants, because the entire ecology is changing.Traditional restaurants have a family graduation, and the traditional small restaurant family leaves.These restaurants and small restaurants were the mainstay of the Hong Kong Night Market.

Third, the scale is getting smaller and smaller.In the 1980s, Tsim Sha Tsui Marine Palace Night Club, there are foods, performances and singing.This is exactly that the night market requires a scale, but this comprehensive large -scale diet venue is no longer beautiful.Everyone now likes to play in Shenzhen and Macau because it has large -scale restaurants and night markets.The rent in Hong Kong is too high now, and such large entertainment places cannot be opened at all.At the same time, the government did not do research and planning, but only tightened the regulations. The various sewage costs, wine cards, fire channels and food safety supervision of the dining industry all made it more and more difficult for the catering industry to operate.

Fourth, lack of policy facilities.The biggest problem in the catering industry is a large amount of land resources, such as kitchen space and floor space.The government did not do policy research at all. As a result, the most important element in the Hong Kong night market, the Chinese -style Hong Kong style catering industry, is slowly disappearing.The management of the Hong Kong government is only "tube" without "reasoning", and the operation model of the FEHD is very rigid and backward, separated from reality, and the number of civil servants is large but efficient.Which government in the world will spend 200 billion yuan per year to eliminate hawkers instead of developing hawkers?

Singapore has developed hawkers and street snacks into intangible cultural heritage, but Hong Kong regards it as a negative.Many times hawkers must be secretly touched, and the Lunar New Year can go to the street to do some small business.The hawker is actually the spirit of Hong Kong, and the elimination of hawkers is equivalent to destroying Hong Kong.However, after the return of Hong Kong, the SAR government was more "colonial" than the Western colonial, and abandoned Hong Kong culture related to China, such as neon light pipes.The most important feature of the Hong Kong Night Market is the neon light tube.Everyone watched the documentary in YouTube, and the neon of the Hong Kong night market in the 1980s.However, the government uses its aspects to determine all the neon light pipes on the streets of Hong Kong. The members who voted through these regulations are also co -prisoners. They agreed to destroy the neon night scene of Hong Kong.

Fifth, eliminate the night market.In 1995, the Hong Kong and British government set the policy of eliminating hawkers and no longer issued hawkers.Now the SAR Government continues to "Yin Gan" hawkers. The night market collection of Miaojie Street, Xiga cuisine Street, Moro Temple Street and other night markets will be completely disappeared after ten years and twenty years.The government does not send cards and does not have inheritance. These stalls have no heirs, and they have developed deformed development.Dongbao Xiaoguki has to relocate due to the problem of the licenses of the cooked food market in the Foods Department, because government policies are rigid.

Many politicians say the wind and cool, and the citizens only feel that the government lacks its will to make people's livelihood better.Night market is a problem of people's livelihood. The problem of people's livelihood needs to be resolved.The establishment of a caring team has no effect, because Hong Kong now needs not only care, but a big and dental tooth to change the government's over -supervision.Excessive supervision caused the entire society to lose its vitality. The government once conducted a review of hawker policy during the period of the Financial Department of Zeng Junhua.The night market is also very troublesome.

Night market consists of an ecosystem, not only does not go home to eat, but is suitable for its suitable entertainment culture projects after eating. It is a core of tourism culture.In the past, Hong Kong was very strong because there were space, talents, markets, and culture to form.For example, the sauna bathroom requires large space, technicians, maintenance, and large investment.If the government takes away the rent management policy and has no other policies to support investors, how can we maintain the glorious sauna bathroom culture in Hong Kong?

Sixth is over -scanning.What is the purpose of scanning?Why don't you sweep in many places?As an entertainment metropolis, the sound of dogs and horses, horses run, dance.Now the dance cannot be danced, because the dance hall has been closed, leaving only a horse -raid run.The Hong Kong traditional nightclub dance hall disappears, and nightlife culture has disappeared, it is the most sad place.

Director Chen Maobo issued this political check and said that he would have to engage in the night market.He really wants to make clear what the night market means?What is the night market?How can I be prosperous?How can we really engage in the night market?What officials are responsible for?Is there really an official to take responsibility, or is it judged out of the responsibility?Don't go out as a garbage classification policy, push the responsibility of garbage recycling to citizens to do it.

At present, the biggest dilemma in Hong Kong is the political check issued by the person in power, and it is often not fulfilled.There are many types of specialists in Hong Kong, complaint commissioners, privacy commissioners, sports specialists, and so on.So is the night market responsible by the tourism commissioner?Tourism commissioners belong to the Cultural and Sports Travel Service. Whether its official level has absolute power to coordinate all departments and command departments.Do you really be a soldier general to boost the night market?I believe that the possibility is very low. When you look at the food car, you know that at that time, the tourism commissioner was responsible. In the end, a strange food container truck was made.The failure of the gourmet vehicle policy also reflected that the commissioners in Hong Kong could not play their due functions. Unlike Sir Jack Cater, the first Sir Sir Jack Cater of the Integrity Office of the Integrity Commission at that time, he had power and led the leader to promote anti -corruption.

Now these commissioners are just attending some events, cutting ribbon -cutting.They have no substantial power and resources to promote and change reality.Of course, it is feasible to lead the head of the Financial Secretary because he controls Hong Kong's fiscal resources and the right to review the government's money.If the director of the Financial Secretary is really determined to go to lead the prosperous night market, you can make very important people's livelihood projects, and can also improve the government image.A new highlight in Hong Kong.Therefore, Director Chen Maobo issued this political check, looking forward to that he could really fulfill it, and really stunned the Hong Kong night market.

The author Hu Enwei is a member of the National Hong Kong and Macau Research Association and a member of the Jiangsu Provincial Political Consultative Conference