Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Li Zhengxiu

U.S. President Bayidon, Japanese Prime Minister Kishita, and South Korean President Yin Xiyue held a historic three -sided summit at the David Camp in Washington on the 18th."Three documents in commitments, focusing on military cooperation and crisis communication in the Three Kingdoms.Japan and South Korea have changed from enemies to partners, and at the same time with the United States, it will cause changes in the situation in Northeast Asia. Later, how China and North Korea are worthy of observation.

The first head of state in the United States, Japan, and South Korea in history reiterated to maintain peace and stability in the joint statement.Biden emphasized that this summit is not aimed at mainland China. The US National Security Consultant Sarawon also emphasized that this summit is not the "Little NATO" of the Asia -Pacific version, but provides a vision of stable development and prosperity in the Indo -Pacific region.However, mainland China does not believe it, criticizing the United States, Japan and South Korea, "not at the cost of sacrificing the security interests of other countries and harming the peace and stability of the region."Obviously, Beijing cares about any regional security architecture led by the United States, and it is determined that it is the strategy of Washington and the war.

The focus of this summit is to turn the summit into an annual routine meeting, the cooperation of joint development of defensive ballistic missiles and the establishment of the Three Kingdoms hotline, and also hopes to create a closer and stable high -tech supply chain.The upgraded version of the U.S., Japan, and the United States and South Korea, which has been traveling for years, can be regarded as a major breakthrough in Japan and South Korea relations.

Everyone knows that the US -Japan security treaty is the focus of the United States to promote the security structure of Asia. The branches are bilateral military agreements between the United States and other countries.However, due to the deep history of Japan and South Korea, although the two sides have common enemies North Korea, they still have no specific military cooperation so far. Only information exchanges are exchanged.Therefore, the expectations of Washington for many years are the lack of three sides of this three -sided relationship, and now it is finally completed.South Korean President Yin Xiyue's "Japan used to be an enemy and is now a partner", and should play a key role in Lingmen.

However, if the summit will be regarded as the starting type of the three -party military alliance, it may be prematurely concluded.The "three -party consultation" reached this time is not a formal collective security commitment. It is just a coordinated response to the regional crisis issues to avoid the concrete and anger of the military alliance.

From the three parties that involve peace in the Taiwan Strait, we can see the cautiousness of Kishita and Yin Xiyue's diplomatic operation.The three people reiterated the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait to global security and prosperity, and also emphasized that cross -strait should resolve the Taiwan Strait dispute peacefully.These words have not exceeded the various summits of various years in recent years, and it should also be a necessary consideration for the two countries to consider the huge economic interests in the Chinese market.

Seeing the Three Party Summit regards the peace of the Taiwan Strait as the key to the regional security. The Taiwanese are both relieved, but they are also worried. Why is the cross -strait relations deteriorating in the past eight years?The dangerous place was repeatedly mentioned during international conferences.Should Taiwanese think about it, is it a good thing to have been in war in war for a long time?In order to prevent the regional crisis, the United States, Japan and South Korea will establish a hotline of the triplets. The most urgent and dangerous Taiwan is the international orphan. The DPP government is the best at this time, but it cannot obtain more and more specific security guarantees in the United States.

Bynden praised the summit as "the United States, Japan and South Korea's partnership entered a new era", Kishida Wenxiong called it "historic turning point", Yin Xiyue said "the interests are consistent", which shows that the three countries have risen in Northeast Asia.There is already a tacit understanding of the same step.Whether it will set off a new wave of regional Cold War due to the stalemate of the United States and China in the future, it should be the most concerned focus of countries.

The author is an associate researcher at the National Security Team of the National Policy Research Foundation