Malaysia has gone through the 15th national election, and race and religious topics have always been the way of elections of various parties.On August 12, Kedah, Jilandan, Dengjialou, Penang, Samililan, and Selangor will usher in the presence of the State Council for the first time.The hot spot in election is emotional.

Recently, former Prime Minister Mahathir, the chairman of the National League Muyudin, and the chairman of the Iraqi Party Hadi Awang temporarily matched an unstoppable team to unite with each other to defend the interests of ethnic groups.Muyudin and Hadi Awang supported Mahathir's Malaysian declaration; Mahathir also reportedly reported to Li, attended the NARA's assembly organized by the National Alliance, and was a platform for the National League at the state selection of the state.Before the event, he also visited the home of Nie Az, the spiritual leader of the old Islamic party.

Mahathir described the Malays in poverty and must adopt a poverty alleviation plan based on Malays to assist them from the predicament.Recently, in the online live interview with the online media "Malaysia Gazette", Mahathir mentioned that the government was powerless in reform and criticized the government's incompetence.He said with the past two -degree experience that if the people continue to support the current government, the state will continue to be "dark" in the future.In addition, Mahathir also published an article entitled "Abei" in the social media. It mentioned that many Malay showed to live in fear and criticized Anwar to disclose the cases involved in some former ministers involved in the witch.Essence

Mahathir has always been controversial characters. Even if he is already a prime minister for many years and has been a prime minister for many years.assets?Can the National Alliance and the Iraqi Party expand their political territory because of the existence of Mahathir, effectively and quickly penetrate the Penang, Selangor and Samilland that hopes to be in the governance of the alliance?

Looking at Malaysia politics, we can't help doubt that we can only rely on the unchanged race and religious topics to determine the destiny of the country and the people?The incomplete racial politics and religious extremism have become the main challenges that the Malaysian government cannot move forward.

The Pakatan Harapan and National Front and the two major political party alliances of East Malaysia led by Anwar. The real test is actually how to surpass race and religion, and seriously and seriously treat a truly allowing the Malaysian people to make the Malaysian people.Mutual and beneficial political thinking positioning.

The Daru Yishan Institute (IDE) launched a survey from May 12th to 15th. The interviewed object was 1693 voters from 56 states seats in Selangor. The results showed that 18.7%of voters' leadership on AnwarHolding negative views.Political commentators pointed out that the Pakatan Harapan will win two -thirds of Penang's regime, and I am afraid that they will face repeated challenges in the face of rivals.

Anhua wants to block the green tide. The only thing that can do is to improve economic performance and improve people's livelihood problems.However, in the eight months since Malaysian economy has been united by the government, there has been no significant signs of improvement. The exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar has continued to be soft, and the exchange rate against Singapore will not improve.

At the beginning, Anhua visited China RM170 billion (approximately S $ 50 billion) investment commitment to be fulfilled?What are the progress of investment projects?The total investment is expected to reach RM32 billion Geely to participate in the Pao Dan in the Danjo Malinth Motor High -tech Valley Plan, and the investment project of the Ronson Petrochemical Company of RM 80 billion in RM 80 billion.It is also Anwar's performance indicators.

RM170 billion of the investment amount should be Anwar's most powerful weapon, but it has become a small rain and a little lace news.If the Anwar government does not work hard to do a good job of economic construction, reduce the pressure of prices, relieve unemployment problems, and let people live a better life.The people of the country will also be desperate for Anwar.

Therefore, who is more desperate than who is better than in the end really can't be accurate!

The author is Malaysian columnist