Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao

Author: Liang Weino

On the occasion of the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law earlier, what kind of Hong Kong we need in the art of Jinghaihou, the online blog of the Mainland, has caused Hong Kong's political and business community and the media to "use the use of generalization of the National Security Law" and ""Fair arguments in maintaining the uniqueness of Hong Kong's "uniqueness" reflect many people's opinions on the implementation of the National Security Law, the current political and social atmosphere of Hong Kong, and the prospects of Hong Kong.

Is the National Security Law "generalized"

The most interesting argument for Jinghaihou's article is that the National Security Law is generally used by some officials and members.This is a serious charges that are related to whether the National Security Law is fully implemented.The allegations that are based on facts are responsible, but Jing Haihou did not do so.The subjective impression of Jinghai Hou's lack of evidence, due to his "mysterious" background, caused various speculations in Hong Kong society, and even played the attack on the central, Hong Kong government and disciplinary forces.

Indeed, during the implementation of the National Security Law, individual civil servants and members of the Legislative Council have attracted social attention from some words and deeds. For example, after some schools reflect the staff of the Education Bureau's inspection of the school library, Lu Xun's work "encourages students to go to the streets".Collection; some members threatened to promote "coexistence with the virus" and the legalization of same -sex marriage.These words and deeds that deviate from the original intention of the national security law and weaken the authority of the national security law must be faced, but it cannot prove that the National Security Law is generalized.

In fact, since the implementation of the National Security Law (as of early July), the Police National Security Division arrested a total of 260 people, of which 161 and 5 companies were prosecuted, of which 79 were convicted.What are the people and organizations that harm Guoan in the behavior and activities that are harmful to Guoan?If anyone thinks that the governance team "Ning Zuo should not be right", "talk about national security", and deal with the National Security Law, and use the National Security Law to do things that are not related to Guoan, ask them to propose specific powerful examples.

What is "Hong Kong Uniqueness"

President Xi Jinping said last year that "must maintain the unique status and advantages of Hong Kong"; Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office, said this year, he said he would be alert to "soft confrontation."Some people believe that maintaining the uniqueness of Hong Kong and maintaining Guoan are opposite and contradictory, and believe that the National Security Law has been undergoing the uniqueness of Hong Kong in the past three years.

To respond to this argument, we must first figure out what is "Hong Kong's uniqueness".Some remarks believe that Hong Kong is an international city, and "comprades" is the characteristics of Hong Kong society. Internationalization is one of the uniqueness of Hong Kong and must be maintained.The question is, what is the "internationalization" they refer to?

If maintaining "internationalization" in Hong Kong means to allow foreign countries to interfere with Hong Kong and violate Chinese sovereignty; allow foreign spy and political organizations to move in Hong Kong; allow overseas anti -Chinese -random Hong Kong elements to "invert" Hong Kong to endanger the national security activities and incite institutional incitementPeople's hearts; allowing Hong Kong's local anti -China -China chaos for Hong Kong to continue to engage in destructive activities (including "soft confrontation"), attract people's hearts, and develop power; allow Hong Kong to continue to become a subversive base -then this "internationalization" is not a ""Uniqueness" is not the "unique position and advantage of Hong Kong", let alone the success of Hong Kong.Such "internationalization" is by no means "tea in the purple sand teapot", and there is no need for reservation.

Who is damaging "Hong Kong's Uniqueness"

There is a statement that one country, two systems are the most uniqueness of Hong Kong, and the value of Hong Kong is the connection with Western society.The author agrees; but who is now harming the uniqueness of Hong Kong?Who is weakening the connection between Hong Kong and western society?Is the central government government government?Or European and American countries?

When the central government formulated the National Security Law of the Port District, European and American countries have accused the central government of the central government that destroyed the "two systems" and believed that "one country, two systems have been dead."Many people in Hong Kong also agree with this.In fact, the basic principle of one country, two systems is to maintain the unchanged capitalist system and lifestyle in Hong Kong.National security is a matter of "one country" and maintains the central government's power.After the outbreak of Hong Kong's unprecedented and serious dangers of Guoan, the central government used relevant power to formulate the Hong Kong National Security Law. It did not change the capitalist system of Hong Kong. One country, two systems remain unchanged.

The question is that European and American countries have always defined a country, two systems with their own set of political standards, that is, the so -called "highly autonomous": Does the central government interfere with Hong Kong and intervene in Hong Kong affairs?The so -called "human rights and freedom": Is there any room for activity in Hong Kong elements in Hong Kong?The so -called "democracy": Is the openness and competitiveness of the election system continuously improved?

For them, the central government's formulation of the National Security Law and improving the Hong Kong selection system means that the central government has intervened in Hong Kong, and the activity space for anti -communist power has been significantly compressed. The open competitive election has been modified. ThereforeChanges, the "two systems" no longer exist, and Hong Kong has become a "ordinary mainland city".It is not necessary to understand whether this understanding of one country, two systems is correct and reasonable. In short, they will not change their views because the Hong Kong government has relaxed the national security.

Not to mention, Dr. Ye Lin, who has studied the history of the United States to Hong Kong policy, pointed out: "The United States always views Hong Kong through its prisms of China policy. Even during World War II and the Cold War, Hong Kong's own fate has never beenIt is considered to be important. On the contrary, it only serves the big goal and interests of the United States in East Asia. "

Under the fundamental changes in Sino -US relations, no matter how the central and Hong Kong government concessions and compromise on the national security issue, the United States will inevitably continue to target Hong Kong and weaken Hong Kong's value and role to achieve the big goal of curbing China's development.Recently, the US Senate promoted the cancellation of the Economic and Trade Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the United States. In addition, the US media reported that the White House had decided to reject Chief Executive Li Jiachao attended the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization Conference (APEC).Similar sanctions will only come one after another, so "throw fantasy and prepare for struggle".

It's time to reflect on Hong Kong's "international"

Of course, "struggle" is not to say that Hong Kong must actively exclude Europe and the United States, decoupling with the West, but to understand and accept the relationship between Hong Kong and Europe and the United States in the past, contact with Western society, and the image of western society. Today, it has followed today.The changes in various conditions (global changes, Sino -US relations, and the rise of China) have undergone fundamental changes.And these changes will not change because the Hong Kong government uses a little bit of the national security law and tolerate more "soft confrontation".The principle of "solidarity with concessions and unity" is what we must adhere to the process of forming a wider range of domestic and foreign supporting one country, two systems, and two systems.

"The story of Hong Kong can be said to be such a story: the crisis is never relaxed, and do your best in helplessness."To maintain the "uniqueness of Hong Kong" under the change, it is time to reshape our own "international vision", reflect on Hong Kong's "international", know the "international community", and discover Hong Kong as a "international city" as a "international city".Characters, functions and functions.

(the author is an associate researcher at the Hong Kong New Foundation)