Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

The "Global Unicorn Trend Report" recently announced the "Global Unicorn Trend Report" in Mainland China. It shows that until the end of June this year, the United States is still a global heavy town of unicorn companies. Among the 1637 unicorn worldwide, nearly half (768, Account for 47%).However, it is worth noting that mainland China lives in 394 (accounting for 24%), leading Europe (269) and India (87).Home.Among the top ten lists in the market value, there are five independent in China, only three in the United States, and one of the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom.Among the top ten, the four are in the field of fintech, and the two are social media. E -commerce, big data, logistics, and Hangtai each have one.

Unicorn enterprises refer to unlisted start -ups (within ten years) companies with a market value of more than $ 1 billion.This term only appeared in 2013, but it has become an important indicator of innovation and entrepreneurs valued by countries in an attempt to increase unicorn companies to drive innovation energy.For example, the Japanese government proposed a five -year plan for strengthening the cultivation of startups at the end of last year. In conjunction with investment in startups, from the current 800 billion yen per year, to 10 trillion yen in 2027, so that Japanese unicorn companies increased from six companies from six households.By 100.

It is worth noting that the various assessments of unicorn companies will be different due to different time.According to the information published by the Hurun Research Institute this spring, among the 1,361 unicorn last year, it is distributed in 48 countries around the world and 271 cities.(136), e -commerce (120), and artificial intelligence (105); the fastest -growing industry is fintech, corporate services, blockchain, logistics, network security and artificial intelligence.Compared with the epidemic, the country distributed by unicorn companies has doubled from 24 countries to 48 countries, and the cities in which they are located have increased from 118 to 271. Eight companies have entered 500 companies in the global market value.

Unfortunately, the data shows that there are about 30 % of unicorn companies in Asia. Except for mainland China and India, South Korea (15) in East Asia, Singapore (13), Japan (six), Hong Kong (four houses (four houses)), Indonesia (six), Thailand (three), Vietnam (four), the Philippines (two), and Malaysia (one) all have unicorn, but Taiwan does not even have one.In the spring of 2018, the Executive Yuan has issued a grand wish. In the next two years, it will cultivate a unicorn in Taiwan and cultivate three in six years to assist Taiwan's new cause.Chen Meiling, then chairman of the National Development Council, also said that three new companies with potential to become unicorn in Taiwan were willing to use the industrial innovation transformation fund to "push it".It has been five years later. The only APPier and Gogoro can be called unicorn in Taiwan.

Some magazines have studied unicorn companies in the United States and found that three characteristics are highly related: First, entrepreneurs come from four famous universities in the United States, which mayThe second is that the founder has the experience of technology companies, which may be related to the large -scale successful business model they can learn; the third is that the founder has the experience of entrepreneurial experience and selling companies.However, these correlations may explain the cause of the American unicorn, but it is not possible to explain that Asia's may be perfect, especially in Singapore, Singapore in Southeast Asia, and Indonesia and Vietnam, which are not particularly developed by technology in Southeast Asia, there are many unicorn.Provide some inspiration in Taiwan.

Most of the new unicorn are related to the application of the Internet, because it can enter the vast market low and quickly, and rapidly expand its business scale and corporate value.However, if these services are expanding the market, otherwise the market is huge, or it is the opportunity to provide "market access" with nearby large powers. Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines have more than 100 million, which provides a large market size in itself; Singapore and neighboring countries themselves;There is a "free trade agreement" to open up the service market with each other. Therefore, there is a developmentable hinterland, but what about Taiwan?

In the "Service Trade" agreement on both sides of the year, Taiwan provided Taiwan to invest in "e -commerce" in Fujian Province, and its equity can be 55%.It is difficult to compete with Singapore's "shrimp skin" with the entire Southeast Asia and China as the hinterland, let alone become a unicorn.It seems that Taiwan still needs to be "service trade", and it is also necessary to strive for greater opening up.Otherwise, the unicorn dream of Taiwan is really hard to be optimistic.