Source: United Daily

Author: Zhang Wenxin

Lai Qingde, Vice President of Taiwan and the Democratic Progressive Party President, voted for the Wall Street Journal of the United States to explain the cross -strait policy that has no new and new title, and talks about maintaining the "status quo", but does not explain the "status quo"?Lai Qingde was cautious on the cross -strait issue, and seemed to continue the light makeup of Cai Yingwen's route to the United States in an attempt to alleviate the doubts about the image of Lai Qingde's "Taiwan independence Jin Sun" in the past.

Looking at the Bayeng government's "resistance" still had to "meet" the dilemma. Beijing had previously used the opportunity of US Secretary of State Brills to visit, implying that Lai Qingde was elected and will exacerbate the tension of the Taiwan Strait.

Hou Youyi, the presidential candidate of the Kuomintang and the mayor of New Taipei, thrown out the claims on both sides of the strait, and has no box office "1992 consensus" with the constitutional packaging of the "Republic of China".Lai Qingde and his team were well -worked and chose to vote on the "Independence Day" in the United States. They talked about maintaining the peaceful claims of the Taiwan Strait.

Lai Qingde's investment book continues Tsai Ing -wen's policy of "pro -United States and the United States and the Central Straits do not want to do". In addition to talking about the relationship between the United States and Taiwan, the cross -strait stance that is very concerned about the United States, choose a paragraph that only considers words, lightly, lightly, lightly, lightly, lightly.Bring quietly:

"I will support the status quo on both sides of the strait." Lai Qingde said: "This status quo is in line with the Republic of China (the official name of Taiwan), and the best interests of the international community."

Lai Qingde's declaration of his "pragmato independence worker" has always been proud of his image of the United States.Tsai Ing -wen is not the same. Even if there is no work, it will not become a troublemaker.

The Taiwan Relations Law in 1979 stated that peace and stability in the Western Pacific are in line with the United States' politics, security and economic benefits, and are internationally concerned.Over the years, the United States and the European Union have stabilized the Taiwan Strait to global interests; Cai Yingwen said in the Washington think tank in 2015 that maintaining the status quo is in line with the best interests of all parties; now Lai Qingde is replicated and posted, joined the main word of "Republic of China (Taiwan)", echoing the United StatesThe position, and once again emphasized the vague route of Cai Zhi Sui, which includes the unfinished connotation of the status quo.

But the paradox is "supporting the status quo of the two sides of the strait", but she avoids the "status quo" on both sides of the strait.Although it can be said to be simple and clear, it can also be said to be empty, but basically there is no "cross -strait" policy.The point is, what is the "current situation" of Lai Qingde's so -called cross -strait "status quo"?

The "status quo" on both sides of the strait is very clear, that is, mainland China wants to do everything to isolate Taiwan, and Taiwan wants to do everything possible to do nothing with mainland China.

In a word, support such a "cross -strait status quo", which is "Taiwan China, one country on one side".Lai Qingde thought that "maintaining the status quo on both sides of the strait" was that the United States wanted it, and it also reminded the United States subtlely that his "Taiwan independence Golden Sun" was by no means a vain.

But Lai Qingdu did not know that the "cross -strait status quo" that the United States wanted was always changing as US -China relations.The United States is "suspicious" because of the United States' view of cross -strait relations, and it is necessary to consider the dynamic relationship between competition and cultivation with the United States and China.In the United States to observe whether Lai Qingde's governance route can be predicted and consistent, it is also necessary to predict the action that the Beijing Political Bureau may take Taiwan's Political Bureau, and whether it will affect regional stability and security; in other words, this question mark hanging on Lai Qingde will followThe United States' strategic interests in Asia and the ups and downs of US -China relations have changed.

This is exactly the "status quo" that Lai Qingde and their supporters cannot understand or accept.

Lai Qingde used to say that he was a pragmatic Taiwan independent worker. Now for the election, he leaves a "pragmatic" to avoid "Taiwan independence" and continues to work hard to eliminate doubts.From "four different" to "four must have one or one no", this post -trauma stress syndrome still exists.

From the perspective of the United States, Lai Qingde ranked first in polls, but the election was not at the end. Lai Qingde, the party chairman Ke Wenzhe, and Hou Youyi may be the target of future dealings.

Back to the essence of the problem. From the repairs of Tsai Ing -wen in 2012, the United States has led to its failure. Later, it supported Cai Yingwen. The key was not what Cai said, but what Cai did.It is nothing more than Tsai Ing -wen adopt a policy that meets the best interests of the United States.Now Lai Qingde is also facing the same test, which is also the "status quo" of Lai Qingde.