Johnson and Trump, who are similar in the British and American politics, are very difficult to have a very difficult brother -Johnson and Trump, who have been in trouble recently.

On June 8th, US time, the US Department of Justice broke a prosecution against former President Trump, accusing him of violating the National Security Law in the confidential document, obstructing judicial justice, and making false investigators to investigators.State 37 crimes.Among them, if the crime of justice is established, the maximum penalty is 20 years in prison.

Almost at the same time, former British Prime Minister Johnson suddenly announced his resignation and took effect immediately.Reuters reported that Johnson made a resignation decision after receiving a confidential letter from the Parliament Privilege Committee.He received an investigation report on the "party door" incident of the Privilege Committee.A few days later, the Privilege Commission officially issued a report that Johnson deliberately misled Congress in the above incident and should be banned from entering Congress.However, due to Johnson's Lightning resignation, the committee only suggested that he should not get the passage of the former member of the parliament, that is, he would not let the former Prime Minister get involved in the parliament.

On June 13, Trump controlled in the Federal Court of Miami, Florida. The prosecution pointed out that when he left the White House in January 2021, he took away the most sensitive confidential documents of the US government, including the US Secret Nuclear Plan and the US Secret Plan andThe potential security vulnerabilities in the country when the United States was attacked, endangering US national security.The indictment also stated that he stored confidential documents in the bathrooms, banquet halls and bedrooms in Haihu Manor, Florida.

Trump denied all the guilt, and later scolded the current President Biden "the most corrupt president in the history of the United States", and "a group of mobs, non -ownership, and Marxist, conspiring to destroy American democracy."He also stated that when he entered the White House again, he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Biden.

Faced with the allegations of the Privilege Committee, Johnson's reaction refers to the nonsense of this report, full of lies, a scam, and accusing the members of the committee for public revenge.For political thugs, etc., I decided to end my political career.The two were accused of illegal acts and reflected exactly the same, that is, to keep the attack, to deny everything, saying that everything is fabricated, false, and bite political opponents at the same time to describe themselves as innocent victims.

The two old -fashioned democracy in the United States and Britain appeared in politicians such as Trump and Johnson without moral bottom lines. In our opinion, it is unimaginable. Strangely, they have received the support of many people.What does this reflect?What does it explain?Doesn't it mean that democratic elections can be selected as a vanity?As a result, why is this politician who is called a second -class role in my opinion?Isn't that Britain and the United States are so -called mature democracy?Why did voters choose such political leaders?

Western works that try to answer these questions can be described as sweaty cow, and the saying is not as sincere and dazzling.Historical scholars, political scholars, sociologists, etc., each have their own theories and claims, and their own analysis and judgments. The public says that the public is reasonable."Main opinion" to see the problem, there is nothing mature at all.This is particularly obvious and prominent in the United States today.

Although Trump's lawsuit is entangled, he has announced that he will participate in the 2024 presidential election as a Republican party.Recent polls show that he is still supported in the Republican Party at this stage.The polls released by Reuters and the international market research institution on June 12 showed that he was still absolutely ahead of the Republican nominated presidential candidate. About 43%of the Republicans interviewed said, Trump said, TrumpPu is the preferred presidential candidate.Some analysts pointed out that Trump might treat litigation storm as a chip to raise funds to maintain his position in the hearts of voters and further consolidate his advantages in Republican competitors.

The US legal and academic circles have even been talking about the possibility of Trump's election in prison and elected.This is really the current status of political monsters in the United States.How can it be?Some people say that this is possible, because the US Constitution only stipulates that the presidential candidate must be born in the United States and is at least 35 years old. Before the election, he has lived in the United States for at least 14 years. He did not say that those who served in prison could not run.

William Pelham Barr, the Minister of Justice in Trump, said that the sensitivity and number of confidential documents involved in Trump's case surprised him.It is very sufficient to retain the prosecution argument for these documents.As long as half of them are established, Trump is finished.It means that Trump is likely to be imprisoned.If Lao Te's public opinion support has always been high, he cannot rule out the possibility of his re -entry into the White House.

Johnson on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, like Lao Te, is also a political monster. Therefore, it is not ruled out that he will also try to retreat from Dongshan, and return to the Conservative Party to make waves.The constituencies represented by Johnson have been set up on July 20.Since his two allies also resigned at the same time, there will be three districts to make up.At present, the conservative party's polls are behind the Labor Party, and the re -election has faced the pressure of election in advance, and the Labor Party has called for the election in advance.In the "party door" incident, Sunak actually had cakes. He was the Minister of Finance at the time.

From our perspective, Trump and Johnson's difficulties are worthy of attention, perhaps the decline of these two old -fashioned democratic countries.Out of such a leader, the face of the country has been lost. How can they still stand on the moral highland and talk about international events.However, many Americans and British seem to be unsatisfactory. To some extent reflect the changes in people's values.Such a phenomenon also appears in Asian society like Taiwan.

Therefore, Singaporeans don't think that the political ecology here will not be infected by foreign actions.The impact of social media day and night is terrible.Three people can engage in a current affairs website and use the banner of "independence" and "citizen" to advertise the so -called "replacement viewpoints", constantly erode the authority of the mainstream media, and constantly erode and change people's traditional values.We are already a highly English society, which is particularly easy to be affected by the west wind. If we accidentally prevent micro -ducts and maintain our political moral standards, it is difficult to protect Trump and Johnson's politicians one day.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress