Japan's dates of insisting on discharge nuclear sewage to the ocean are getting closer.In this regard, the international community has repeatedly focused on, and people seem to be more and more anxious, and they feel worried.

Is nuclear sewage harmful and harmless?Japan insisted that it had been polluted and was harmless.But this statement is generally questioned by the international community, including the Japanese people.Because once it is harmful, Japanese fisheries are first severely damaged.The scientific community is also generally worried: more than 1.3 million tons of nuclear sewage discharged. Even if Japan has been treated in the past, it still contains more than 60 radioxin.They will be concentrated in aquatic body such as fish and shrimp.

There are two important concepts in biological sciences, one is a concentration of creatures, and the other is the magnification of creatures.The former refers to the biological groups that have organisms or at the same nutrition level. Through non -swallowing methods, they ingest nutrients from the surrounding environment and make some elements or difficult to decompose compounds.The concentration of the substance in the surrounding environment.Therefore, even if there are very few radioactive nuclein in the emission nuclear, it may be highly concentrated in some low -level water bodies.Moreover, this thick set will be amplified step by step. This is the concept of the second biology we want to explain -the biomedy effect of pollutants.

The so -called biological enlargement refers to high nutritional creatures on the same food chain. By swallowing low nutritional creatures, accumulating a certain element or difficulty to degrade the substance, the concentration in the body increases, and the number of nutrients increases as the number of nutrients increases.Big phenomenon.

This sounds very mouthful, just give an example.For example, mercury (chemical symbols HG), a harmful heavy metal, perhaps the initial concentration in the water body is slightly insignificant, only 0.0001 mg/liter, but floating creatures living in this water body will be concentrated in the body from 0.01 to 0.02Milligram/liters, enlarged 100 to 200 times.After these plankton are swallowed by small fish, they will set up 0.2 to 0.5 mg/liter in the small fish, and it is 20 to 50 times the mercury concentration in the plank of floats.If this small fish is swallowed by large fish, the HG concentration in the big fish can reach 1 to 5 mg/liter, and it is 10 to 50 times the HG concentration in the small fish.

Compared with the initial HG concentration in the water body, HG has enlarged 10,000 to 50,000 times in the large fish.Human beings are at the top of all food chains in nature. Obviously, all harmful substances including radioactive substances, after multi -stage biological enlargement effects, will eventually highlight the human body.Because of this, Ken Buseler, a senior researcher at the Woods Hall Marine Institute in the United States, pointed out that even if the concentration of radioactive waste is very low, it will pose a major threat to the ocean and humans.

And, as far as the radioactive substances are concerned, it will produce β particles during decay, increasing the risk of human cancer. After the intergenerational accumulation, it will also cause some mutations in human genes, which will cause difficulty predictive predictive predictives.risk.Once this nuclear sewage is ranked into the sea, it will spread to the major ocean waters around the world with the monsoon and ocean currents, which will have a negative impact on the lives of the entire Earth's crowd, and it is almost irreversible.Earth people who do not have any seafood can be placed out of the case.

As during World War II, Japan's move undoubtedly launched a war again in the world -ecological war.But puzzling is why the United States who claims to be a global leader does not act at this time?It can be done if it wants to stop Japan's irresponsible behavior.

The International Atomic Energy Agency also agreed with Japan's approach.Is it a scientific judgment based on objective facts?So why are scientists who are worried?The biggest "gold master" of the International Atomic Energy Agency is the United States, followed by Japan.This is a well -known fact.In this case, can the agency still adhere to the scientific concept and maintain objective neutrality?In this regard, people are generally doubtful and worry about whether the international governance structure is also wrong.

It is certain that if there is an unprecedented major ecological disaster, the relevant person in charge of the International Atomic Energy Agency will always be nailed to the shame of science and human history.A global scientific institution, if the serious scientific issues are politicized and losing scientific objective neutrality, it is much more serious than general academic incidents.

Therefore, even from political considerations, Japan has no way to exhaust everything, and it is a decision to make a decision to discharge nuclear sewage to the ocean.Because it is privately placed in a huge risk of ecological disasters in the private risk of one country, it is not a responsibilities of a responsible country.It is said that Japan still wants to become a permanent member of the United Nations, but this move has already causing its international image. Can it still win the trust of countries around the world?

The author is a professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Xi'an University of Science and Technology