Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

U.S. Science and Technology Old Musk revealed that the mainland plans to launch AI (artificial intelligence) related regulatory measures.Many countries around the world have extensively discussed AI supervision, but in addition to the EU, cooperation is rarely mentioned.AI is a great unknown that all contemporary people must face. When enjoying the development bonus brought by the technical breakthrough, how to properly supervise artificial intelligence requires global exchanges and cooperation.

Global Joint Force to deal with three major challenges

With the popularity of ChatGPT, the capital market has set off a wave of AI, and good news of the AI research team has continued to spread.Microsoft365 Copilot and Azure OpenAI, Google's PALM API, Amazon's Bedrolk Cloud Treaster Service and other universal AI platforms and products appeared.ASUS ’s Taiwan Zhiyun launched a large enterprise -level language model“ Formosa Model ”in a timely manner.Formula AI technology and class ChatGPT project programs are also densely released.

The development of digital technology and algorithm computing power will bring people more and more convenience and benefits.In the context of the weakening of the global economy, the market generally believes that AI technology companies will become a shelter that resist economic recession.The Goldman Sachs Report pointed out that as more advanced productivity tools with natural language treatment as the core technology are adopted by enterprises and society, it is expected that the average annual GDP worldwide in the next 10 years is expected to increase by 7%(about 7 trillion dollars).

However, from the current problems caused by artificial intelligence, humans need to work together to deal with three major challenges.First, technical owners to control the advantages of power are the biggest crisis that people need to face in the development of AI.In 2022, the United States launched a "chip war" against the mainland, trying to delay the progress of mainland's improvement in AI applications through sanctions, reflecting people, institutions or countries that control these technologies that can influence and even determine other people's lives, social justice,Social items allocation, etc.

Second, from the perspective of the rule of law, AI fake news and AI fraud are worrying.A man in the mainland recently received a video call on WeChat and was deceived by 4.3 million yuan (S $ 810,000).AI face fraud costs lower than traditional telecommunications fraud, faster speed, more characters, and more difficult to prevent.Especially when the virtual network world gradually blurred the regional boundary, it is necessary to strengthen global cooperation and supervise it.

Third, from the perspective of social perspective, AI will have an impact on employment issues. It is generally believed that people can throw boring and repetitive work to AI and do creative work, but the first batch of first batchIt is impacted by practitioners living and architectural design, and even news writing and editing are quickly replaced. These tasks are very creative and need to face up to AI's impact on employment.

Development of Cross -Strait Digital Era

In the face of the era of artificial intelligence, neither can we return to the past nor to hug blindly, but to establish a fair, fair and transparent international coordination governance system.According to the summary of the official website of the AI Policy Observation Platform (OECD.AI) of the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization, the European Union and 69 countries have proposed strategic plans for the development of AI. Some countries have launched guidance and regulatory measures for AI.Countries in the world not only need to pay attention to the country's AI supervision, but also need to communicate and cooperate with countries to jointly respond to the challenges of the virtual world on democracy, security, compliance, ethics, and other aspects.

AI training requires a lot of computing power, and sufficient computing power needs to have powerful chips.The United States launched the "chip war" against the mainland last year. In view of the important role of Taiwan in the global chip industry, Taiwanese companies were deeply involved in this Sino -US science and technology war.Where should Taiwan go in the digital era, it is the topic of the current academic and business circles.

Affected by the ban on the US chip, Huida stopped selling H100 and A100 high -end chips to the mainland last year. However, it can still confess "relegation" chips such as H800 such as the mainland. TSMC and United Power have similar practices.At the same time, mainland chip companies are also accelerating the rhythm of independent innovation, which also means that the chip ban will slow down the development of the AI development in mainland China, but it is impossible to completely prevent the mainland.Due to the research and development of ChatGPT and similar platforms, a large number of GPU chips are required. Cambrian, Kunlunxin, Takarahara, Huawei Hisilicon and other new -generation GPU chips research and development companies are actively deploying the AI model field.

Former American Secretary of State Kissinger knocked on alarm clocks in an interview with economists in May: "With the rapid development of science and technology such as AI and its potential military applications, it is left to the time window for both China and the United States to reconcile each other.There are only five to 10 years. "Taiwan must prepare early to make a good layout for the development of the two sides in the digital era. It will help to avoid Taiwan's further involved in the Sino -US science and technology war and suffer major losses.