Source: Beijing Evening News

In recent years, as the Chinese bike -sharing industry has entered a mature and stable period, companies will no longer burn money to subsidize users.The topic of "shared bicycles has increased the price again." From time to time, discussions were discussed on the Internet.The reporter noticed that the current bicycle -sharing price of some cities has risen to 6.5 yuan (RMB, the same, the same, 1.23 yuan), and some consumers have exclaimed the expensive bus subway.

Spend 6.5 yuan for one hour in some cities in some cities

Many consumers resonate with the price increase of bicycles.Starting in January last year, the set meal cycling card of shared bicycle companies ushered in collective price increases.The 7 -day card of the Haruka cycling ride rose to 15 yuan, the 30 -day card was 25 yuan to 35 yuan, and the 90 -day card 75 yuan rose to 90 yuan.In August last year, Meituan bicycles also announced their announcements to ride a 7 -day card from 10 yuan to 15 yuan, the 30 -day card rose from 25 yuan to 35 yuan, and the 90 -day card rose from 60 yuan to 90 yuan.At this point, in addition to Didi Green Orange, the price of the package card of the two major bicycle brands has been adjusted to the same level.

If the user buys a package cycling card throughout the year, if there is an extra discount, it is now 360 yuan a year. This price can already buy a bicycle.

According to relevant statistics, 36.6%of consumers said that in 2022 in 2022 Chinese bicycle -sharing users' settlement ride costs, 36.6%of consumers said they would choose a single payment.How different the price of single settlement is different in different cities and brands.

Earlier and early May of this year, some media reported that some bicycle brands in Chengdu and Xiamen City have changed; in addition, users in Shandong, Jiangsu and other places have also reflected the price adjustment of bicycle -sharing brands in the area where they are located.The reporter learned that in Zhengzhou, the current charging rules of Meituan and Harbin bicycles are 1.5 yuan in the first 15 minutes, and then 1 yuan every 15 minutes, equivalent to 4.5 yuan an hour.If the user goes to get off work through a bicycle sharing every day, according to the 20 -minute cycling period, 22 working days need to pay about 110 yuan.From January 23 this year, Meituan has implemented a new valuation standard in Chengdu, that is, if the user cycles for 20 minutes, it now needs to pay 2.5 yuan, which is 1.5 yuan before; if riding for 50 minutes, now it needs to pay 4.5 4.5Yuan, and previously 3 yuan.If the user goes to get off work through the shared bicycle every day, according to the 20 -minute cycling period, consumers who need to pay for the monthly bicycle on the shared bicycle on the 22 working days will be around 110 yuan.If you do not open a package cycling card, you can buy a bicycle at this price for three months.

In addition, the price adjustment varies from city, so the price of some bicycle brands in some first -tier cities is actually higher.Taking Shanghai as an example, the charging standard of Didi Qingye (classic version) is 1.5 yuan in the first 15 minutes, and the charge is 1 yuan per 10 minutes, which is equivalent to 6.5 yuan for one hour of cycling.

In summary, the price of shared bicycles is indeed rising.No wonder some consumers will complain that the price of cycling bicycles is now more expensive than buses and subways.

Consumers "love and hate" 90 % of users will ride every week

From the perspective of user level, shared bicycles have become many consumers to solve the "last mile" travel choice. According to relevant statistics, in 2021, the size of China's bicycle -sharing users has reached 300 million people.Among the 2022 Chinese bicycle -sharing users, 37.9%of Chinese bicycle -sharing users use an average of three to four times per week, and 36.0%of users use it once or twice a week. A few consumers use up to 5 or more per week.In other words, nearly 90%of shared bicycle users use shared bicycles every week.

In large cities that are prone to traffic congestion, consumers often rely more on bicycle sharing.Taking Beijing as an example, in 2022, the number of bicycle -sharing of Beijing has reached 937 million, and the average daily cycling volume was 2.806 million.

Although office workers of these cities are "dependent" of shared bicycles, they have also brought them a lot of trouble during the use of bicycle sharing.In the black cat complaint, search for related bicycle -sharing brands, and the number of users has a large number of complaints, and basically revolves around "unable to find parking points", "dismissal dispatching fees", "bicycle quality problems" and so on.

In general, the convenience of environmental protection makes shared bicycles a huge user scale, and many first -tier cities have strong adhesion. However, many consumers are not satisfied with this experience.

Shared bicycle companies do not make money?Each family has a small abacus

In fact, companies may also be aggrieved for price increases, because shared bicycles do not make money.

According to the prospectus of Harbin Travel, Harbin has a total loss of about 4.8 billion in three years.Haru CEO Yang Lei previously stated in an interview that the daily operation and maintenance cost of a bicycle was 0.3 yuan, and the depreciation cost of each car per day was 0.6 yuan.In other words, the daily operation and maintenance and depreciation costs of each shared bicycle are about 1 yuan, and a bicycle costs 365 yuan a year.Assuming that shared bicycle companies put 100,000 bicycles, the operating and maintenance cost of one year can reach more than 30 million yuan.This has not yet calculated extreme conditions such as loss and severe damage, and the final cost will only be higher.

In fact, behind the shared bicycle, the company has its own "weighing".For Harbin, the travel business represented by shared bicycles is just an entrance. Open the APP. In addition to the business of cycling, ride, taxi and other travel fields, Harbin is also involved in hotels, catering, online legs, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets, train tickets.Attractions tickets, pets and other businesses.Meituan bicycles are mainly to supplement Meituan's gap in local life, which is an important part of Meituan's improvement of local life services.

These Internet companies are also under different "abacus" on bicycles.How to scientifically manage bicycles and improve service quality, the market has also put forward higher requirements for these shared bicycle companies.