Source: Surging News

Author: Shen Bin

Video in a period of Guangdong Metro Cars is widely circulated.In the video, a woman saw a middle -aged man squatting and playing with his mobile phone, suspecting that the other party was taking a sneak shot and asked to check the album. The middle -aged man honestly asked the woman to check the album to "prove the innocence".When it was discovered that it was a misunderstanding, the woman still warned the other party to say, "Be careful, don't shoot in random."

Not only that, the woman is still exposing each other online, saying that it is a "wretched man", and arbitrarily claims that his technique is not the first case. "I realize that he should not take anything. I wanted to end like this.You can also "bear to endure", but in a minute, my mind is running quickly '' My rights and interests have not been infringed, do I not need to defend my rights?As for the harm that slander may cause, it still said: "Since there is no candid shot, why don't he speak for himself."

The remarks of "my rights and interests have not been infringed, don't I need to defend their rights?" It has aroused heated discussion among public opinion. Many netizens issued a post to make a middle -aged man.Relevant staff of Sichuan University where the woman was located responded to reporters that the matter was already investigating, and the specific situation was waiting for the official report later.The staff of Guangzhou Metro responded that the police had intervened at the time because it was a misunderstanding that the two sides had reconciled at the time.

Women misunderstand each other's sneak shot and find out the facts. They have no ashamed and continue to be the victim. The abuse of the other party is a "wretched man", framed the other party's "skillful method", and exposed the other party's image.The public's anger is not because of the fact that the right to women's rights and interests, or even because of the misunderstanding of the other party, but because they know that they have misunderstood each other, they still use gender advantages to bully, insult each other, the symbol of women's rights and interests.Middle -aged man who has the advantage of speaking.

Originally, there are some "allergies" in crowded places where young women are crowded, and sexual harassment is also difficult.If this girl, after the police determined that they were oolong, they stopped, or even if they sent social dynamics afterwards, they just reminded girls around the girls to sneak out, and it would not cause public anger.I chose to hurt each other without any fear, and did not care about the harm of their own trap and the Internet violence may cause the other party.

What supports a person to slander and violent others?After reading so many books, I chose hatred and paranoia, but chose exquisite selfishness.The ancients said: There is no shame, non -human; no right and wrong, non -human.Knowing shame, bright and evil, is the root of being a man.Knowing that "my rights and interests are not infringed", and they also go to the so -called "rights protection". This is to touch the porcelain.

Before, a female student in Tsinghua was misunderstood by the school brother, and spread the personal information of the boy, threatened to let the other party "dying", and found that after the schoolbag was reached, he only said, "We want to each other.Apologize".The practice of "dual standards" angered the public.

To do it wrong, do not change the wrong, strong words, and seriously corrupt the social credibility of women's rights protection and promote social gender tear.The victim is not only a specific individual who is framed, but also includes the female group itself.The awareness of women's rights is high, and it is resolutely saying that sexual harassment is not. This is a manifestation of social progress.However, some people also deliberately rendered gender opposition and conflict, and regarded this as a traffic password.This is worthy of vigilance.

Learn to protect rights, and you must also learn to respect the rights of others. The words of gender equality are not the props for bullying others.Is it difficult to say "I'm sorry" to the middle -aged uncle who was misunderstood and injured by himself and injured?