Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review

Rosenberg, chairman of the United States Association (AIT), just visited Taiwan in mid -April, and recently arrived in Taiwan for six days.During a discussion with the media at the AIT Taipei office, she was glad that when she visited Taiwan last time, she had the opportunity to communicate with leaders who across the political spectrum.comminicate.She also said that the United States will not be selected in the Taiwan election next year. No matter which president of the Taiwan people choose, the United States will continue to cooperate with it.

The United States does not support Taiwan independence

Rosenberg's statement shows that the United States has not had a "pocket candidate" to Taiwan's successor.Well, this visit should be "interviews" on the three nominated blue -green and white presidential candidates, so that the U.S. government will make the decision who is Cai Yingwen's most ideal successor.The United States considers Tsai Ing -wen's best successor, and it is impossible to choose from the party's position in Taiwan. After all, Taiwan has its own interests, and the United States also has its own interests.

In terms of the national interests of the United States, the United States has considered not only the issue of Taiwan's unification, but also the strategic interests of the United States in the Indo -Pacific region, as well as structural factors such as the United StatesA small part of strategic interests.The United States may not allow the mainland to deal with Taiwan, but it is impossible to prevent both sides of the strait. For the United States, the presidential candidate who can guard the two sides of the strait should be the best candidates for the priority.

From the 20th Shangri -La dialogue held in Singapore recently, US Secretary of Defense Austin's speech has a strong wording word, accusing Mainland China, and accusing the Chinese mainland in Asia's extension of territorial sovereignty., South China Sea, Taiwan Strait and other regions frequently threatened India's security, stability and prosperity.Li Shangfu, the Minister of Defense of the Mainland, is also very tough. He does not name the United States accusing the United States from getting involved in other affairs and regional affairs of other countries. He has unilateral sanctions and force coercion.Leave a mess, we must never let such things be copied in the Asia -Pacific.

The United States hopes to maintain an orderly order in the Indo -Pacific region, but the mainland believes that the United States is disturbing the security of the region. Li Shangfu is only willing to shake hands with Austin, but he is unwilling to sit down and talk, so that the government who is anxious to talk to China is worried.

In the situation of inconsistent relations between the United States and China, the United States wants Taiwan to be "obedient", but not happy to see a "troublemaker" president.This is also Lai Qingde, who claims to be a "pragmatogeneous Taiwan independent worker", which makes the United States unwilling to resolve the "suspicion" of the United States.Essence

As for Hou Youyi nominated by the Kuomintang, although it is considered that the United States and cross -strait experience are not enough, the contact channels of the KMT Central Committee and the US government have resumed and the communication with the high -level mainland is smooth.Hou Youyi held up the banner of "the Republic of China". The blue camp that attaches importance to France should not worry about him become Lee Teng -hui.Under the blessing of the Kuomintang Central Committee, Hou Youyi is more credible than Lai Qingde. He should not have a violent behavior on the issue of unified independence.

Hou Youyi is highly credible

Look at Ke Wenzhe of the People's Party again, although Ke Wenzhe said that he is the person who can communicate with the mainland most. Last time he visited the United States, he also saw key people in the White House. The United States is indeed optimistic about his role in this election.But do n’t ignore it. The people ’s party is a one -person party. Ke Wenzhe can“ make waves ”in election campaigns, but how to rule the country after being elected?I am afraid that even the first -level presidential list can't be lined up, let alone the head of the second -level ministries, the third floor director, and the state -owned cause and government legal person.

This time Rosenberg comes to Taiwan to "interview". Whether Ke Wenzhe can propose credible and feasible solutions on the issue of international and cross -strait discussions and the issue of governance of the country should be the key to whether he can obtain the trust of the United States.

The United States does not support Taiwan independence, which is the principle of unchanging since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China.The mainland's identification Taiwan issue is "the core of China's core interests", especially the mainland Minister of Defense Li Shangfu said again at the Shangri -La dialogue: "If someone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will not hesitate, not afraid of fear, not afraidNo matter how much the opponent pays, it will resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. "This paragraph is not only for Taiwan, but also to the United States.

The mainland has repeatedly warned that Taiwan independence and external forces interfered, in order to maintain the peace of the Taiwan Strait, whether to support the "Taiwan independence Golden Sun" Lai Qingde?Place of test.