Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Zheng Zhen

Who exploded the Dam of Khahofka Hydropower Station?Russia and Ukraine have their own words.

Russia has accused U -side of its destruction operation to cut off Crimea's water source.Ukraine has accused Russia of blowing water to increase the area covered by floods so that the Ukraine cannot be easily acted.

At present, there is a situation where there is only a position, no right and wrong. I believe that Ukraine will always believe and accuse Russia's accusations forever.

Similar situations have recently staged frequently.

In early May, two drones attacked the Kremlin of Moscow. Moscow refers to the incident in Ukraine to try to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin.Ukraine denied the attack and claimed that the incident was directed by Russia.

On May 30, Moscow encountered drones again. Who did it?Kiev in Ukraine's capital, Kiev, was actually done by Russia by a large -scale drone, but Moscow encountered drone attacks who were the initiator?Ukrainian presidential consultant denied that Ukraine participated in the attack directly, and the Ukrainian Air Force spokesman refused to comment.

For more than a year, the spring offensive of Ukraine has almost become a summer offensive, and the decisive battle between Russia and Ukraine has not yet arrived.Instead, a single major event such as drone attacks and bombing dams has gradually increased.Why is this?

Is it to shift your sight and cover up the decline of Ukraine's delay to launch a counterattack?

Is it to challenge the Russian homeland and sacrifice the people of the country to accelerate the abandonment of the Zelei government by the country?

These claims are not unreasonable.

In fact, the war happened to this day, and Russia did not admit that it was unable to fight again, and it was exhausted.Whether it is China or the six South African countries or Brazil Turkey, there are more and more voices that come to persuade and talk, and the war has reached the time of unsustaining.

and the four states of Wudong have entered Russia. Russia has completed domestic legal procedures. It is not so easy to withdraw troops and spit out Wudong State.Volodymyr ZELENSKY is also unlikely that it is impossible for the official to agree to stop the fire immediately when giving up the four states of Wudong.

If counterattacks and offensives cannot continue, they will carry out terrorist attacks on each other. It is not ruled out that it is an effective choice for the war state where the two sides maintain rejection in the future.

Ukraine may not be able to recover the four states of Wudong, but the ability to show that it can attack Moscow and attack the Kremlin is sufficient to protect themselves.The long border is connected. Without the real peaceful stop war, Ukraine may cause trouble for Russia at any time.

Russia resisted the pace of NATO's eastward expansion, and also paid a painful price, which can attack Kiev on a large scale and swallow the four states of Wudong, but in the end, it has no ability to expand the scope of occupation.The attack between three differences may shape the trend of high -voltage deterrence and make Ukraine dare not act lightly.

No matter who the party is provoking a major event, it seems to be saying, "Look, I'm still playing."This may be the normal state before the peace talks can be discussed.