The European Union is drafting the legal framework of regulating artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure that Europeans can have a safe and reliable environment when using AI in the future.In addition to being able to qualify for a set of AI systems before entering the market, and measures such as law enforcement operations can be taken after being put into use, they pay special attention to the risks that the AI system may generate., High -risk, limited risk, and low or riskless.

Recently, ChatGPT and other related products launched by Silicon Valley companies in the United States have caused the trend of related products such as ChatGPT, and the development of AI has attracted much attention from the world.But AI technology brings far more than chat robots.Most people believe that it can produce a breakthrough positive effect, including medical technology, production capacity, driverless driving, etc., and more people are discussing the economic changes, employment shocks, and so on.However, in the United States, a group of scientific and technological entrepreneurs and researchers who have developed AI have continued to issue warnings and co -signed an open letter, asking the government to intervene in the research and development and application of AI.The risk of out of control, and experts in humans may not be able to cope with consequences.

EU webpage is used as an example when explaining the reason for the formulation of formulation: humans often cannot understand why the AI system makes some decisions or predictions, and takes a certain action, so it may be difficult to judge in the hire decision or public welfare planning planIs there an unfair phenomenon?

In addition to similar public affairs, the American industry with the most powerful R & D strength of AI, actively coming out and requesting supervision, also shows that there may be loopholes such as various humanities and laws that must be paid attention to in time, and public power must be intervened.Both the United States and European community and the industry have found that if the AI industry, like other industries, allows enterprises to compete freely, the final consequences may not be able to bear it.

Due to cutting -edge technology, most countries can only be recipients in the AI field. As Singapore, which actively moves towards the wise country, the depth and breadth of AI products have been used in recent years.Digital victims should pay close attention to the development of the international community in this regard. At the same time, it is necessary to popularize the knowledge of the people, avoid continuous breakthroughs in science and technology but have been used by gangsters. Chinese people have become transnational victims.

International experts who follow the development of AI actively send out alertness and uneasiness. The main reasons include a few points: First, technically, the current AI is essentially different from any of the past technological breakthroughs.With the product of thinking; no matter how developed the printing industry develops, it is necessary to print and spread according to the content of human creation. From news content to religious literature, AI already has the possibility of independent operations and generating content. Maybe it may not be too long., Can even make up the various contents generated by themselves, and humans cannot distinguish between true and false.Infiltration and influence, destroying the fairness and autonomy of the democratic system; the third is economic, even if the legal norms can eliminate previous concerns, the powerful efficiency brought by the industry for the industry can restore the low -end industries in a short period of time in a short period of time.The emergence of developed countries, for example, a large number of artificial traditional manufacturing industries can return to developed countries again, and the division of labor in globalization further disintegrate, which will cause the poor economy that depends on these industries to collapse overnight.In addition, in advanced or backward countries, it is likely to take people's rice bowls and even destroy many industries.These issues have exceeded legal norms, and the international community is urgently needed to establish more consensus outside the business rules of "survival of the fittest".

Two months ago, thousands of AI industry and followers collectively issued an open letter, requiring the business community to suspend the research and development for at least half a year, so that humans take a step back and formulate specifications. Among themFundamentally subverting the situation that humans can imagine.Advanced countries such as the United States and Europe are trying to formulate legal norms, which is major progress. However, when the world is in a disconnected chain and decourse, the relevant norms can not obtain all human consensus or even hostile science and technology powers if they are suspicious and mutually rejected by the great powers.Whether to strive to develop and use AI technology will evolve into a new and more powerful AI "war" within 10 years, I am afraid it is even more vigilant.

The research and development of new technologies is the crystallization of the wisdom of human beings, including science and technology such as face or sound pattern recognition. Today, it has been widely used in many aspects and is considered a more secure guarantee.However, technical updates are becoming more and more precise. Once those who master technical ability do bad things, most people cannot distinguish the authenticity; and the information war made through AI, whether it is political, commercial, or dirty fraud,, the fraudulent fraud,It is also risky to many people.Therefore, in addition to looking forward to establishing a full -scale regulatory framework as soon as possible, we also need to improve the regulatory planning as soon as possible according to our own national conditions to minimize the risk.