Source: Beijing News

Author: Chi Daohua

On May 23, Tan, a first -year boy in Hongqiao Elementary School in Hanyang District, Wuhan City, was drove to death by the teacher Liu on the school, leaving a sad parents.What surprised everyone was that on June 2nd, the child's mother fell down.In 10 days, a family lost two lives one after another, which caused the tragedy concentration of this incident to rise suddenly.

The misfortunes of the elementary school student Tan before, or due to accidents, people's attention to them is not only the grief of the death of the young life, but also concerns about the problem of campus safety.After public opinion was amazing, the spear also pointed at the Internet violence.

From the media interview with the neighbors of the parties, we learned that "After the child was in trouble, her mother (child's uncle) came to accompany her, and she was inseparable.. Today I heard that the family did not pay attention to the toilet, she jumped off from her own. "

If the fall is not an accident, the young mother chose to leave the world after Children's Day, which shows that the pain in her heart has become an unbearable life.In this pain, of course, there is a reluctance to the child.I still remember that when she heard that her child was rolled by a car, she could not cry, "how much the child hurts", which is a major blow that any mother is unbearable.

But, is there any trace of injuries to this kind of sadness?When a mother loses her love, she is in pain, she dresses his clothes and draws his hands, and those who are shameing about "啧" like a message, and some people even worry about the mother who will start broadcasting in the future, questioning his selling miserable ...... All these are undoubtedly stunned salt on the wound of a young mother.

Cyber violence, the key can hurt people, but the perpetrators often hide in the dark. If there is no consequences, they are happy. Once they cause bad effects, they have serious consequences.For reasons such as judgment, it is very easy to get away.However, the public opinion field has already been disgusted with this kind of cyber violence.

In fact, in the first time when the mother of Wuhan primary school students suffered from the Internet violence, there was public opinion criticizing this. Today, the young mother's unfortunate falling, the Internet violence once again became the object of condemnation.

Although we do n’t know, how much a proportion of the Internet violence has occupied the facts of this mother's fall. In fact, with the death of this mother, this account may never be clear.However, when others fall into pain, indifferently watching, speaking, and exerting language violence on others have become increasingly unsightly.Even if the law cannot do the responsibility of the perpetrators, will the perpetrators' own conscience not hurt?

After the child's death, the young mother has always wanted to investigate the responsibility of the relevant personnel and ask for the saying.This is a comforting child, and it is also "self -rescue".Perhaps she was because "she missed a child and wanted to accompany her child", and she didn't want to open it for a while.But if she can speculate less for no reason, more empathy and goodwill, it may not be the result of such a double tragedy today.