On June 2nd, I was fortunate to participate in the press conference of Lin Renjun's world.Unlike the generally passed the field and the press conference of the scene, this will not only have insider disclosure, but also a very fierce on -site viewpoint.This reflects the positive, wisdom, frank, and generous side of the newspaper holding, including Lin Renjun himself.Without a certain degree of breath, there will be no such interesting conference layout.

Many articles in this book have been published publicly, so many people are familiar with the style and political position of Lin Renjun's article.Lin Renjun's article has the principle of consistent ideas. I summarize it as a neutral conservativeism. This is actually my personal political position, that is, especially emphasizing the traditional values and social stability of society.Some moral guidelines are priority, and oppose excessive and excessive social changes.At the same time, Lin Renjun holds the attitude of openness and neutrality in strategic gradual change in strategy, and he generally emphasizes the gradient and respect for tradition.

From the perspective of the collection, Lin Renjun bluntly opposed the introduction of Western values into Singapore; emphasizing the protection of the cultural ecology of Chinese language; and his sense of responsibility and mission of traditional Chinese scholars "Daoji World", which can be generally reflectedThe above thoughts.

In terms of the characteristics of the text, Lin Renjun's article is very particular about the rules.He likes to see the real theme from the narrative, the so -called grass rope gray line, and the pulse is thousands of miles.Therefore, reading its article has a feeling of swaying and morality.It can be seen that the person in the appreciation of his article is very individual and has a prominent Lin style. It is also a major feature of this book.

However, Lin Renjun is not an ordinary literati. He has been engaged in the journalist for nearly 40 years, and has experienced some of the historical transformation of some historical significance.Many people's interest in this book is beyond the article and the author, hoping to see the history of the Chinese newspaper industry in Singapore, and issue a number of inspirational questions.This may be exactly the original intention of Professor Wang Changwei, director of the Chinese University of Singapore's National University of Singapore, as a talker.

Wang Changwei was extremely sharply proposed in the talks that Lin Renjun looked at the social and online media as "flood beasts" (original), but the local mainstream media began to report to Singapore's political news balanced after the social media intervention.He also pointed out that since the government directly involved in media transformation in the 1970s, the relationship between Singapore's newspapers and the government has changed significantly.That is, from the old Chinese media, it is relatively independent and often resisting the government until "the corners are flattened" (original).Therefore, he also directly questioned how to become a credible media in this case.Wang Changwei also quoted others to study, thinking that the United Morning Post holds his own interests, so how can they be responsible and credible?

Wang Changwei is a public intellectual who is often courageous to speak locally. The problems raised are indeed worthy of reflection in all sectors of society.It should be noted that Lianhe Zaobao is not just an ordinary newspaper published in Singapore. It is a vortex that maintains multiple mission and is in the wrestling of multiple powers.This makes many seemingly simple problems show complex appearance.

Wang Changwei raised an important issue for the relationship between government and Chinese media.

In the eyes of many people who are increasingly affected by Western journalism, especially in the eyes of intellectual elites, Singapore's media official colors are too strong, with too strong creation characteristics, and they are not friendly to the opposition parties and new things.To some extent, it does reflect the reality.It can even be said that the relatively conservative and pragmatic folklore public opinion itself is actually not good for the opponent and new things.However, Mr. Ye Pengfei's sharing, although it is not an answer to Wang Changwei, reflects the other side of the matter.

Ye Pengfei's sharing is mainly based on speech editions. In the openness, he mentioned that Lin Renjun has always emphasized that the purpose of Lianhe Zaobao is "pro -Singapore", not "pro -Singapore government".As a statement responsible for reflecting the viewpoint of Huazhang and has a responsibility, it is also based on national interests as the final starting point.Therefore, although the government has always had the impulse to jointly jointly jointly knows the value of keeping the independence of the newspaper, otherwise a newspaper that loses credibility will eventually be useless to the government.The speech version itself is based on Hyathetic, showing different or even opposite views, to balance it.At this press conference, I knew that Wang Changwei and Lin Renjun had different ideological views, but he still invited him to participate. This is not only Lin Renjun's elegant quantity, but also reflects the principles of the joint newspaper with an open newspaper.

Lianhe Zaobao has achieved great achievements in the past, but in the future, it still faces countless unknown challenges.A while ago, I chatted with her daughter who was still in the middle and middle school, and found that her thoughts were extremely open and free. The point of view of many new things was completely different from the conservative me.Later, they knew that their schools had ordered the free New York Times electronic version for each child from the beginning -I also had doubts in my heart, why not order the Strait Times and Lianhe Zaobao.Therefore, the next generation of Singaporeans may not only focus on reading English newspapers, but also more openly, free, westernized, and accepting new media.Then, Wang Changwei mentioned the question of how traditional media face new media, and it will also be in front of Singapore's Chinese newspaper industry.What we adhere to now may continue to face the challenges of reality change again and again in the future.

The author is a literary and historical worker, religious researcher