Source: Daily Economic News

According to the surging news report, recently, the blogger's "playing car is spicy" and said on the Internet that he encountered misleading consumption at a restaurant at Huanghua Airport in Changsha and encountered a "vegetable assassin".After he ordered the order, the clerk asked whether it was "adding green vegetables and eggs". After paying, he found that the so -called "add vegetables" was a 19 yuan (RMB, Same, STD 3.62).Several covered with beef noodles. "After "playing with a car" and the merchant, the clerk returned the three "green vegetables" 57 yuan.

On June 2nd, Changsha Huanghua International Airport replied that the airport attaches great importance to consumer experience, and the airport -related managers Airport Industrial Business Management Branch has investigated the incident.After communication, the merchant was required to remove the "white -boiled vegetables". The store's noodle noodle dishes presented 2 slices of vegetables, adding 6 yuan "green vegetables" dishes, and provided free continuing additional services.

Blog: 19 yuan White Boiled Vegetables only a few lettuce

According to the blogger's "small spicy car", "ordered three bowls of 36 yuan beef noodles, each added with a 18 yuan braised chicken leg.After clicking the order, the clerk asked, "Do you want to add green vegetables and eggs?" In this regard, "playing the car is spicy" thought it was free to add it in the face, so he answered "for" casually.

After paying the money, "Playing the Cars" showed 228 yuan at a glance. It felt strange. "I asked the waiter for a small ticket. He waited for a while before giving me.Time Vegetable 19 yuan, three copies are 57 yuan. "

In the menu given by the restaurant, "White Burning Dam Vegetable" is a separate dish, which is tied with beef noodles and braised chicken legs."Playing the car is spicy" said that the chicken legs he ordered were separately packaged and did not cover the face like lettuce.

According to the surging news report, the airport replied that after verification, at 19:00 on May 12, the blogger was a single beef powder at the airport restaurant "Yang Yuxing (Airport A4)" and required packaging.Later, the store waiter asked if you needed to add vegetables, eggs, and chicken legs. The blogger answered "All must be added."For the convenience of packaging, the clerk packed the chicken legs separately, and noodles, vegetables, and eggs were a box.If you eat, the vegetables are installed alone.

When the blogger got the noodles, he saw that the green vegetables were too small. When he questioned the waiter, he thought that the waiter asked the "green vegetable".Film.When the store manager apologized to the blogger on the misunderstanding of the waiter's unclear wording, he asked if he needed a refund, and the blogger refused.Later, the manager again communicated and apologized again. At 19:18, the cost of three vegetables was returned in cash, totaling 57 yuan.

After the incident, the Airport Industry Business Management Branch communicated with the merchants involved, requiring it to remove the "White Burning Vegetable Vegetable" dishes. All four stored noodle foods operated were given away two pieces of vegetables. At the same time, "green vegetables"The dishes are for passengers to choose from, the portion is 60g, and the unit price is 6 yuan. It provides free renewal services.

Changsha Huanghua Airport: Basically "the same price of the same city"

Some netizens believe that three people, three bowls of beef noodles, three chicken legs, plus three greens, a total of 228 yuan, which is not cheap.Some people also say that the price of airport scenic spots is much normal, and you like to eat.

According to Jimu News, in June 2018, a local media Sanxiang Metropolis Daily reported that 28 yuan netizens worked hard to call the airport that the airport catering faced ordinary consumers with a high attitude, butThe reporter found that the price of catering at Huanghua Airport has become close to the people in recent times. 3.5 yuan instant noodles, 10 yuan of braised pork rice, and 28 yuan beef powder have become the norm.

The relevant staff of the Airport Industry of Hunan Airport Group said that Huanghua Airport has basically implemented the "same city and the same price", and some related measures will be launched in the future to continue to improve the implementation of the "same city" of the airport catering.

However, this report was also caused by many netizens at the time.Netizens "Hundred Flowers Dancing 8" said, "The same city cannot talk about the same price, and the price of beef powder is about eight or nine yuan."

Inquiring about this, the airport responded that it was "benchmarking the price of the May 1 commercial district."Regarding this statement, netizens do not buy it. They believe that "the same price in the same city" is equivalent to the general price of the urban area, instead of comparing the highest -priced business district. It can be said that it is "the same price in the same city."

Experts: "Sky Value Diet" is because of resource monopoly

The airport catering is expensive, and many people have talked about it, and some celebrities also expressed that they could not afford or eat.In March 2023, Yue Yunpeng posted on Weibo that eating a certain airport was too expensive, which aroused public opinion.

He said, "A bowl of soy sauce is sold for 88 pieces, and it is not possible to order a bowl in one bowl, you must order a package", and "the taste of the noodles really wants to cry", I want to wipe my mouth "Two dollars for a napkin paperIn the end, he repeatedly said, "Especially distressed the owner of this restaurant, the rent at the airport should be particularly expensive."

Why is the price of airport catering remained high?Many people attribute it to the issue of rent.Some analysts said that store rents are the biggest part of the cost of catering operations. The airport stores are particularly obvious. The average rent of the airport restaurants is about two to three times that of restaurants in the city.

At the same time, airport merchants also have the characteristics of small competition and low elimination rate.The location of the airport is generally remote, and there is often no comprehensive business district around the surroundings. Once the merchants seize the opportunity, even if the service quality is not good and the price is expensive, the public does not have much choice.

Civil Aviation expert Lin Zhijie said in an interview with the media that the biggest reason for the so -called airport "sky -high diet" is that it is a monopoly resource.He suggested that from the perspective of serving passengers, we must strengthen control.