Source: China News Weekly

Author: Ye Zhufeng

On May 19th, Hong Haohuan, a graduate student of Tsinghua University, won the strongest popularity champion and the Eastern Division Championship in the 72nd World Miss World Beauty Contest China Competition in Dali, Yunnan.

After Hong Haohuan won the championship, the Internet was questioned: "Why do Xueba go to the beauty pageant?"

Netizens questioned Hong Hao's appearance, implying that she hoped to imitate others to marry the rich, and even some people joked viciously ...

In the storm, Hong Haoyi told China News Weekly that the family members were sad at first seeing these comments, but now they have no care about what netizens say.

One month later, she will go to the UAE to continue her doctorate degree.

The following is Hong Haojin's self -described:

meaningful beauty

After the game, I didn't feel famous.Whether walking on the Tsinghua campus or going out, no one recognizes me.I discussed more about my Internet and social media. I gained a lot of praise and saw some negative voices.

I initially decided to participate in the Miss World Beauty Choosing Contest, which is a consideration of multiple factors. I also value this process for my experience and improvement.

I was admitted to the major category of machinery, aviation, and power in Tsinghua University in 2017, and entered the mechanical experimental class.When I was in my sophomore year, I transferred to the computer department. I won the first grade in my senior undergraduate graduation thesis, and I used the comprehensive ranking of the first cross -system to send graduate students with data science and information technology.In the second half of 2022, in the first semester of graduate students, I applied for the UAE Mohammed Ben Zayd University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), and was admitted to the waiting doctor in advance.My doctoral supervisor is this president of the world's first artificial intelligence university.

Almost while applying for a doctoral success, I accidentally learned that the Miss World Beauty Planning Contest will be held in Dali in May 2023. The finals of this competition will be held in the UAE at the end of this year. It happens to be with my future.Consistent destinations for doctoral doctors.

I had a thought at the time. If I was studying for a PhD in the UAE, I could represent China to participate in Miss World Beauty. I believe I would have a unique advantage, so I decided to sign up for the competition.

The Miss World Contest was founded in 1951 and has been held more than 70.I agree with the slogan of the Miss World Contest: "meaningful beauty."The competition is aimed at promoting world peace and cultural exchanges, establishing outstanding women's examples, and helping children with hunger and disabled.Most of the bonuses and sponsors received by the contestants will donate to public welfare organizations that help children with hungry disabled.Therefore, my parents and boyfriends are very supportive of me.

On the other hand, although I have been admitted to MBZUAI waiting doctorate, there are still some academics in Tsinghua who need to continue to be completed, and the pressure of academic and scientific research is actually very large.After I transferred to the computer for a long time, I sat down for a long time. Writing the code caused the neck to lean forward, the shoulders, waist, and eyes vision also had "strain", and my body was in a state of "sub -health".Therefore, I also hope that by participating in such a activity, I systematically prepare for adjusting my physical attitude, learning some professional knowledge in fitness and modeling, to cultivate both inside and outside, and enhance the image temperament.

After deciding to participate, I signed up for a top domestic model training institution. Many well -known models in the industry now come out of here.

The teacher of the model school had seen my conditions at the time. The evaluation believed that it is very suitable for the Miss World, but you need to improve various model skills and improve the shape.Modeling schools are also willing to provide some of the industry's top makeup teaching resources to help me.

abandon the stitch

Some practitioners in the model industry bluntly said to me: "You are too fat, the ratio of the legs is not the best, the face is not three -dimensional, and the chin is a bit backbone ..."

The practitioner also suggested that I asked me to go to the upper lip to make a "face -thin needle" botulinum toxin, and the chin also had to make a "fill".

Hearing these suggestions, I started to have tangles and unconfidence.Because, participating in the Miss World Competition must always be filmed by the TV lens, and the judges and audiences will be seen by judges and audiences. With so many "innate shortcomings", how can they participate?

I started to consider the "injection" seriously.During that time, I frequently shown the mirror and wondered if I was really going to get an injection. I always doubt whether my side face and mandibular line are really not good.

I was even determined to get an injection, because I only planned to participate in this beauty contest, and I won't participate in the future, so I made an appointment for a doctor.

But my mother persuaded me: "昀, do you know that cosmetic surgery is like drug use?"

I seem to only consider physical factors, and I did not consider the impact of cosmetic surgery to other aspects.If I hit botulinum this time, would I want to fight all the time after four months?When you do n’t fight, you will show your gums. Do I dare not laugh?Will I keep playing with friends and participating in some occasions in the future, will I keep playing?

Thinking of this, I decided not to fight.

I comprehensively considered it. Even if my body, smile, face shape is not 100 % perfection, I am afraid that there are no models in reality that there is no perfect corner of 360 degrees.In order to participate, you can avoid strengths and avoid weaknesses.

For this reason, I start from bit by bit, first reduce fat as much as possible and shape the body.From then on, I started 5 kilometers in the morning in the morning every morning, quit snacks, and spent money to buy private tutoring in the gym.In a overall courses, a training plan was split into multiple body parts, and a total of 10 private teachings to guide me.

I took about two weeks to practice the abdominal muscles and vest lines. Later, I added boxing. After a period of high -intensity training, I strived to meet the requirements as soon as possible.

The most difficult to overcome is the unconfident when training model training.With me training in the institution, there are still many students who are preparing to participate in the art examinations of major art colleges. I am not inferior to the physical conditions and faces, but compared with them, I really don’t understand how to face.For the lens.I remember when I first started, because I was not confident, my hand fork, turn, swing arm, show fashion, smile and other actions and rhythm were very unified and even walked.

At the beginning, every time this "embarrassment" appeared, I would still feel embarrassed. Later, with the encouragement of the teacher, I kept cheering myself and forcibly forcibly forced myself to be in a state of "self -confidence".

In short, I ca n’t always think about what would happen to the audience to see me. Perhaps in reality, the audience would not stare at me alone, so I ca n’t be afraid of making mistakes in making mistakes.

For the two months before and after, it takes time to take time on the road. I often need to soak the gym, plus makeup, makeup remover, etc. I can't lose my job and other jobs. I have to go back early.

In order not to disturb my roommate, I later rented a hotel room by myself at the training institution.Various tuition fees, training fees, private education fees, living hotels, and tailor -made many sets of clothing costs are sponsored by my parents. When I have a doctoral salary since then, I will pay them back.

Step into a cruel model circle in one foot

This year, a total of 108 players were shortlisted for the Miss World Contest China Finals.

The content of the competition includes various types of supermodel special competitions such as style collection and talents, as well as national costumes, sports vitality and highDemonstration of the three links of Bai Tu dresses.In the final of the May 19th, we followed the four groups of wind, flowers, snow, and month to perform a single challenge event for talent, film and television, physical fitness, and new media topics.

I watched it when I first arrived in Dali. The players who participated with me are also models around 18-20 years old. Whether it is external image, model professional quality, talent, etc.Player.

The degree of hardships of the game also exceeded my imagination.First of all, when the players come to Dali, they need to overcome the altitude.During the 12 -day game, there were a large number of outdoor shooting, and the models needed to step on 10 centimeters of high heels to climb Cangshan.In some days, the models have to expose all day under the outside sun, but sometimes the clouds float on the head, and it may be soaked in the rain all over the body ...

Basically, under the high -intensity shooting and training every day, many models return to the hotel to be tired like a stallion.Many models are indeed very hard. In order to adhere to the weight requirements and concepts of "good women but 100 pounds" ", they deliberately not eat and be hungry, but in the environment of high -intensity training competitions, it is easy to appear malnutrition halo.Pour, even go to the hospital for emergency hanging bottle.

I am more fortunate that before participating, I trained in the gym and systematically mastered a lot of fitness knowledge.In the early stage, physical fitness training, aerobic training, etc., as well as catering, also strictly followed the nutritional ratio, laid a better foundation for your physical fitness.During the rehearsal of the finals, Dali's temperature was only 10 degrees. We stood in the wind and dressed in a race clothes and exposed our stomach. At that time, I didn't eat it for a day.

These days, I "stepped" into the modeling world with one foot, and I also observed that the industry is actually extremely cruel.Perhaps the model industry is really harsh, and has its own industry requirements and standards for body management and weight, but I also feel very distressed to see this situation.I really hope that they can treat their bodies well while developing their own modeling careers.

There are many models to participate in the beauty contest, but it is very difficult to become the top supermodel, because there are many factors that are famous.Under the premise of having a model per capita, it depends on whose face is more distinctive.In the context of a specific time and event, the model just plays a more influential magazine, variety show, and even film and television dramas to form a popularity, and it is possible to become popular, and it is recognizable in the eyes of the public.

I am very happy that when I started to participate, I did not tell anyone that I came from Tsinghua, but when I heard many younger sisters praise my professionalism, I feel that I spend time and energy to acceptProfessional training is not in vain, so it is even more confident.

In all the competitions, my most satisfied is the talent performance show.I chose the "Mulan theme song" itself and the English version of Hua Mulan theme song. I think Hua Mulan broke the image of Chinese women's weakness. She is wise and brave, respecting her heart. It is an outstanding female legend.

There is a sentence in the lyrics: "I will show the world what's inside my heart, and be loved for who l amThis is also the idea I want to express on the stage of Miss World.

Although I set a goal before the game, I did not win the Chinese championship in the end, and the strongest popularity champion and the Eastern Division champion were still prepared for a long time, I have made a lot of efforts, and I have supported and encouraged encouragement in relatives and friends.Obtained.Therefore, I am very happy to accept this award and crown, both in the process and the result.

Miss World Finals at the end of December this year, the eastern champion of China is still in the list of national representative candidates, and I may still continue to participate.

The experience of being bullied made me unconfident

From the perspective of outsiders, I have been a "learning bully" since I was a child.

But in fact, I was very unconfident because of campus bullying.

I remember when I was in elementary school, my family and friends thought I was a lively and cute girl. No one had reviewed my appearance. HoweverBig, for the first time, someone said I was ugly.

At that time, I was indeed higher than my peers, round faces, glasses, and now I was relatively dull to see the photos at the time.

Think about it now, maybe some classmates in my class have adolescent restlessness and will bullish others in partnership.When I was in self -study, some classmates would deliberately throw one thing and ordered me to pick up it for her. I really wanted to resist, but I was unable to resist. I was afraid that they would continue to bully me and had to obey.Walking in the corridor of the school, some people will make a retching expression and movement in front of my face, saying that I am the ugliest girl in the whole principal, and some people deliberately push me down. My skin on my hand breaks ...…

At first, I was bullied by campus. I heard my classmates laugh at me, and once became unconfident and inferior.I always go to the mirror, look at my appearance, and ponder in dressing myself.

In the past three years throughout junior high school, I will be under such "pressure" from time to time, but now I think about it, I still focus on my studies. In the endEssenceI can only use this method to fight back on those classmates who lit me.

Later, when I participated in model training, the practitioner pointed out that my "shortcomings" and my "inferiority" came up again. I was afraid that once I stood on the stage, others said I was ugly.In the same way, I can only focus on my own learning process and forcibly build confidence in myself.

In the speech during the Miss World China Competition, I told my experience.Later, some students who were being bullied, and their parents left a message to me, saying that seeing my experience was very touched.

It is difficult for me to give them directly, and I can only suggest that they seek more substantial professional consultation.I can only say that in the face of the staged problems in life, do not get habitual helplessness and then give up, thus falling into a vicious circle without confidence.No matter what you do, self -confidence is important, reducing internal consumption and enhancing concentration.

I have the same attitude towards the negative evaluation on the Internet.Now that I chose to participate in the beauty contest, I will stand in front of the public, and there will be positive, neutral and negative evaluations.In fact, you don't need to compare too much, waste your time and mood.

In June, I was going to set off to the UAE.I have different ideas and goals in each stage in the undergraduate stage of middle schools and Tsinghua University, but I can always enter this field and get some improvement after firmly in one direction.