China's "Shenzhou XVI" manned spacecraft successfully launched on May 30, and successfully connected with the "Tianhe" core compartment of the "Tiangong" space station.The tide of Guihai enters the rail compartment from the spacecraft's return compartment.The long -awaited Shenzhou No. 15 multiplied astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming, and Zhang Lu opened the door to the "Tiangong". Welcome to the distance, the dusty Shenzhou 16th astronauts took the group to settle in the group.

The pictures reported by the second edition of the headline on May 31st on May 31 showed that the six astronauts took a group photo of "Welcome Teammates" to batch four large characters, but they saw abundant brushwork and calmly.Obverse, curious, see more pictures on the Internet, and find that the couplet is written:

Sixteen Flying Sky Banner Exhibition

Fifteen Yuan Meng Dream Kaige still

The upper and lower couplets are neatly combined, and the members of the 16th and 15th two -year -old group are handed over.With the cultural charm of calligraphy and couplet, the totem of Chinese culture was brought to the Tiangong.The successful transfer of this time "marks the comprehensive transfer of the Chinese Space Station to the normal operation mode", and the scientific feat of aerospace adventure has also added a few Chinese cultural elements.

Isn't the Chinese astronauts flying to the sky?Presumably it was prepared beforehand, but this is not important.This non -ordinary couplet, if you return to earth, must be a precious ink treasure that must be collected well.The small details of Chinese calligraphy at the space station seem to be inadvertent, naturally kind, but meaningful.The New Year and festivals and festive days on the door with appropriate couplets in front of the door are the unique traditions of Chinese culture. With the footprint of the Chinese people, they bring this tradition to the corner of Chinese lives around the world. NowThe meaning is more than the couplet.For example, the visibility of Chinese culture to the world, the development of Chinese science and technology to this day, the driving force behind it is Chinese civilization.

Speaking of the heavenly things, it is temporarily put aside, and return to the world to talk about a trivial matter.

The largest Muslim in Yunnan Province, Yunnan Province, Yaxi Tonghai County, Yuxiaying Mosque, a police -civilian conflict occurred on May 27 because the local Muslims were dissatisfied with the official forcibly demolished the Arab -style appearance of the church.Local police attributed the incident to "serious cases of seriously obstructing social management order."

Religious buildings must highlight the Chinese style and return to the church to "go to Arabia" as a established policy; Chinese netizens will turn out of a 2020 judgment in the local court, referring to some buildings of Jiaying Mosque and built in land that illegally occupiedAbove, forced demolition has been permitted.

Online data shows that the Narcut Battle Mosque was founded in the 14th century. When it was rebuilt in 2001, it turned to Arabic architectural art style.Therefore, the Arab architecture there is not a historical heritage.

Many years ago, when I first traveled to Quanzhou, my friend took me to visit a famous mosque — Quanzhou Pure Temple, a famous millennium, and I took me.

The most interesting thing is that it should be a classic Guandi Temple next to another ancient temple building next to Quanzhou. This should be the unique landscape in China, highlighting the tolerance spirit of foreign religion and local folk beliefs.In Singapore, it is normal for different religious temples to be adjacent to each other. For example, in ox cart water, Indian Temple, Muslim Church, and Foga Temple are on the same street.But in Malaysia or Indonesia's majority of Muslims, how can other religious buildings be tolerated next to the Muslim?Not to mention the Middle East Islamic countries.

Quanzhou Pure Temple is the earliest existing mosque. The original Arabic text of the temple means "Shengyou Temple". It was first built during the Zhenzong years of the Northern Song Dynasty (1009). After rebuilding, there are still text descriptions on the inside of the gate.In the five years of Ming Yongle, Ming Chengzu Yu gave a book that protects Muslims, which is now engraved on the north fence.

In the Song Dynasty, there were clearly record mosques. In addition to Quanzhou Jingjing Temple, there are also Guangzhou Huai Sheng Temple, Yangzhou Xianhe Temple, and Beijing Niujie Mosque.

Islamic is introduced to China to trace from the prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty. The Silk Road has opened up the two -way business road between the Tang Dynasty and the Central Asia and the West.scope.As Zhang Guogang, a professor of history at Tsinghua University in Beijing, said in the history book of Chinese and Western cultural relations: "Islam's influence on the Han people is very weak, and always only maintains the impact of the marginal group.The results of religion that teaches localized or Chinese or Chinese folk religion is clearly different. "

Quanzhou Pure Temple is the only ancient Qing Mosque in the existing Arab architectural style. It is a key cultural relics protection unit in China. It represents the tolerance of different religions in ancient Chinese civilization.Completely.

Therefore, even if Muslim believers are a niche in China, it is difficult for religious places to escape the fate of "Chineseization"."Arably abandoned Arabic", the Naming Mosque of Tonghai County, Yuxi, Yunnan is not the first, or it may not be the final goal.

With the development of China's economy and science and technology, the great moment of the Chinese people inserting the five -star red flag on the moon means that it is just around the corner.Give the pressure.This is the spirit of a large cultural country, but the big country should also maintain the mind of "tolerance is big".If Chinese civilization has left the international land in the world, the impression of several Arab -style religious buildings will not be accommodated, and how to show the Muslim world.In early April, the Foreign Minister of Iran and Saudi Arabia signed a diplomatic diplomatic agreement in Beijing to "smile with a smile" in Beijing. This is a diplomatic victory in China, but the goodwill that Muslim countries showed to China are not for granted.

From Tiangong to the ground, the Chinese culture that has passed on to the Chinese culture exhibits new charm. It must also increase affinity and tolerance, so that countries and nations of different cultures such as the spring breeze can reproduce the spirit of "Hai Naichuan" in the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.China ’s“ Tiangong ”can also use a brush one day to write the big words of Welcome on the rice paper to welcome foreign astronauts with different languages and cultural backgrounds.