Source: Wang Bao

Wangbao Society Review

In the interview with Russian Prime Minister Mishas, he not only held talks with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, but also met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and signed a series of agreements on service trade, sports, patents and food exports.Although Michase's trip focused on economic and trade, in the context of Russia and Ukraine's fire continued to rise, Western countries have continuously increased their comprehensive and deepening partnership on behalf of Russia and China in the context of Ukrainian military aid and sanctions on Russia.French President Macron has criticized Russia to lose its geopolitical war and become "vassal of China".

Russia has not only become an important source of energy and food in China, but also an important exporter of Chinese goods. Last year, exports to Russia increased by nearly 50%. Chinese -made cars, electronic products and consumer goods almost completely replaced Western countries. RussiaSqueeze into the top ten trading partners in China.Many Western companies have completely cut off their connections with Russia. The trade between Russia and the United States, Britain, and EU countries has fallen sharply during 2022. Russia's dependence on the Chinese economy has increased simultaneously.The latest foreign trade data in April this year shows that China ’s exports to Russia have increased by 153%year -on -year.

Russia exports to China, which is mainly concentrated in energy. Last year, Russia exported LNG (LPG) to China twice the previous year.Russia increased 50%natural gas and 10%crude oil through Siberian power pipelines.The two countries also agreed to build a new natural gas pipeline, namely Siberian Power 2 to expand energy trade.Russia's export revenue almost from oil and natural gas. Under the sanctions of Western countries, Russia loses the European market, and a considerable part of the gap is made up by the Asian market. China has an important part of it.

China -Russia financial cooperation has also grown rapidly.Under Western financial sanctions, Russia cannot use the international fund liquidation system (SWIFT) settlement. Trade on China can use RMB Caps Capital (CIPS) to settle Renminbi to promote Russia to increase trade with China.The share of RMB settlement in Russia's import and export trade has increased significantly.The monthly RMB settlement volume exported to Russia has rapidly increased from 500 million US dollars (about S $ 675 million) in March 2022 to US $ 6.9 billion in March 2023, and the amount of imported monthly RMB increased from US $ 1.4 billion to US $ 7.7 billion.

RMB settlement has also expanded to trade between Russia and other countries.Russia first announced in April that it will abandon the use of US dollars or euro settlement energy transactions, and use its domestic currency settlement to further discuss the use of RMB settlement with Iran in May.Sino -Russian financial cooperation has greatly slowed down the pressure on Western financial sanctions on Russia, and has increased its proportion of the RMB in the energy market, which has produced a significant role.

Sino -Russian economic complementarity was very high, and the direct reason for the rapid heating was that the Russian and Ukraine War was long -term.The Chairman of the United States Chiefs Chiefs Milly said recently that Russia will not achieve military victory in Ukraine, but there are still hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers in Ukraine. Ukraine's goal of recovering all territories is difficult to achieve in the short term.Former Russian President Medvedev said during his visit to Vietnam before that Russia's war in Ukraine may last decades.Russia has a long -lasting battle, which stems from economic cooperation with China.

China -Russia economic cooperation has lowered Russia's inflation rate, and has dropped from more than 10%to 2.3%in April this year. This year's GDP is expected to maintain positive growth of more than 1%.Dan has also become the greatest hope of Russia's strategic predicament.The war also allowed Russia to rethink the positioning between Eurasia and will accelerate the development of Asian territory. This part has to use China with rich human resources and strong infrastructure and manufacturing capabilities.

Russia must cooperate with Chinese in regional development and compromise in geopolitics, which brings rare opportunities to China.Russia has decided to open Vladivostok and will have a positive effect on the revitalization of the Northeast.In the first quarter of this year, Jilin GDP increased by 8.2%, Heilongjiang increased by 5.1%, and Liaoning increased by 4.7%, which were higher than the national average.If Russia further opens the cooperation between Voveresse Villagala and the Chinese Navy, it will put pressure on Japan.In Central Asia, Russia agrees to release the China -Jiwu Railway and the China and Central Asian Summit in Xi'an, which has made the Belt and Road Initiative promote the development of the Northwest of China.

Western countries are worried about deepening the deepening of China -Russia strategic cooperation. They believe that in the strategic triangle of the United States, China, and Russia, two corners are confronted by two corners, which is not good for the world order of the United States.Similarly, they are excessively western perspectives, and China -Russia cooperation is too short.Although China and Russia are deeply surrounded by the United States and its allies, China -Russia deepen cooperation is a response to their respective security dilemma and national regional development needs.Fight with Western countries.