Source: China Times

Author: Lu Zhixiang

The US President Biden personally released the signal that the US -China relationship is about to thaw. The interaction of senior officials on both sides gradually became hot, but kicked the iron plate in the most sensitive field of defense security. China has rejected the Sino -US defense minister in Shangri -La in Shangri La, Singapore.The field meeting, which reduces the confrontation between the US and China in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Maritime, to prevent accidents and misjudgment, and even the security situation of the Taiwan Strait is a negative indicator.

The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command disclosed that a Chinese J-16 fighter plane recently cut in front of the US military RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft at the South China Sea, criticizing the unnecessary provocations of the Chinese fighter aircraft; US Secretary of State Brillin called forMaintenance of normal communication to avoid misjudgment.However, in the real world, both sides refused to lower their posture. They would rather give up the good opportunity of communication dialogue and strengthen the risk of controlling control, but the risks caused by Taiwan must be borne by Taiwan.

After Bayeng at the Summit of the Seven major industrial groups (G7), it was revealed that the United States was discussing the name of the Chinese Defense Secretary Li Shangfu from the sanctions list, and the US -China Defense Chief Conference was out.However, the U.S. State Department recovered the optimistic view of Biden, arguing that sanctions did not prevent the official meeting of the US and China Defense Ministers, nor should they become an obstacle to military dialogue between Washington and Beijing. Of courseThe Sino -US Defense Ministerial Conference officially broke.

The key talks broke the situation, and the United States accused each other and unloaded each other. The United States accused the Chinese side of being the United States as air, and at least a dozen times refused or ignored the United States to ask for communication and dialogue.The reason is to urge the United States to immediately correct the wrong practice and create the necessary atmosphere and conditions for the conversation between the two parties.

Bayeng government is reviewing and evaluating to re -set US -China relations, calibrating the policies against China, and preventing fierce competition from becoming the most priority. It is the best priority. In the most critical and urgent military dialogue communication, it has encountered difficulty in overcoming obstacles.The US sanctions list is only the fuse of the Flow of the Anti -Chief Conference. The entire incident reflects the structural issues formed by the strategic competition of the United States and China. Coupled with the highly explosive Taiwan issue, it makes it difficult for both parties to break through the predicament.

The strategic competition of the United States and China is defined as the "peer (level) competition" between the two major power. In essence, the United States is still regarded as super power and enjoys greater dominance and discourse rights.Most of the United States take the initiative. If Li Shangfu is carrying the sanctioned shackles to meet with the US defense Minister Austin, it is equivalent to the default US allegations that no matter from the actual diplomacy and moral height, it will be half short.The calculated mode, strive for the equivalent status of flat sitting.

Secondly, China wants to show it to the international community, especially the Third World countries. He can challenge the United States' prestige and leadership, and proves that the US sanctions are not reasonable nor a substantial binding power.

U.S. -China relations cannot escape the issue of Taiwan, and the US -China military interaction is closely related to the security of the Taiwan Strait.Beijing believes that the United States strengthening Taiwan's military sales and military training is "to make China with Taiwan" and "martial arts". It is stated that one of the important reasons for mainland China to reject Austin and Li Shangfu talks is to protest for the first time in the United States "The Presidential Dial-up Right "Mode" provides Taiwan's US $ 500 million (S $ 675 million) for military reserve, and the first batch of FIM-92 shoulder-to-spray needle air defense missiles have arrived in Taiwan.

Austin dialogue in Shangri -La, Singapore last year, and the field of the expansion of the Cambodian Democratic Defense Director in November, and met with former Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe. Taiwan issues were focused.Wei Fenghe emphasized that the issue of Taiwan is "the core of China's core interests. China attaches importance to the development of the two countries and the two armies, but the United States must respect the core interests of China."In other words, unless the United States expresses sincerity on the Taiwan issue, the two sides have preliminary understanding, and Beijing will have reservations about the two countries' defense ministers.

The Bayeng government recently delivered an olive branch to Beijing recently, but Beijing still insisted on rejection of Li Shangfu to meet with Austin, and even dismantled the most important platform for military and Chinese military dialogues.In addition to the dominance and initiative of the relationship, the prerequisite for the development of US -China relations.On the other hand, Taiwan has become a marginal person in the three sides of the United States, China and Taiwan. The DPP entrusts its own destiny to the United States. If it does not change the current rigid thinking of comprehensive anti -China, anti -China and China, the situation of the Taiwan Strait will only be more critical.