The artificial intelligence chat robot ChatGPT's birth in November last year shocked the world, and immediately set off a global upsurge.

The power of this genetic artificial intelligence (General Artificial Intelligence) is that it has a certain degree of wisdom, can explain the vast information data on the Internet, automatically learn, integrate it, and then interact with natural persons with a variety of Chinese language.According to the questions raised by humans, the text is automatically generated and answered questions, and the speed is amazing, far from the reach of human brains.From the perspective of countless media reports and evaluations in the past few months, the answers provided by ChatGPT are concise and smooth, understanding, logic and general strength, high accuracy, and amazing.There are 1 million users, and the users have soared more than 100 million two months later!No wonder the valuation of its developer American artificial intelligence company OPENAI quickly rose to US $ 29 billion (about S $ 39.1 million).

ChatGPT is a Great Leap Forward in artificial intelligence (AI). It can have such a huge impact in the instant. Naturally, it has detonated the heated discussions of the global science and technology, intellectuals, and public opinion.The influence and the development of AI have a far -reaching significance of the future of human beings.

The opinions of the two sides are equal.The square is very optimistic, and the endless potential of AI is full of expectations. It is believed that it will completely liberate the productivity and creativity of human beings like a few milestone scientific and technological revolution in history.Creative activities that are more meaningful and valuable, greatly improving the level of living and improving the quality of life.The wonderful, magnificent and weather -like "beautiful new world" they portrayed or imagined made people imagine, and even "whimsical", unlimited longing.

The anti -side first saw its "evil" side, which was very pessimistic. Once this powerful tool with human wisdom was abused, it was controlled by the bad guys or evil forces. The consequences were unimaginable.The biggest danger is to be used to create and spread false information, promote prejudice, and incite hatred, because for the genetic AI, these are easy -to -use carving small techniques, and the cost is very low.AI's "Language Model" is extremely capable of reaching the peak in the aspects of false charging and false truth. Its "DeepFake" technology is even more amazing in the aspects of simulated sound, face, and pseudo -image and video.They are worried that the online robotic program (BOTS) and the illusion of the lies they generate that can quickly perform specific tasks will be flooded into disasters, introducing humans into astray, and doing stupid things.

Different views on the advantages and disadvantages of Freshman Technology, it is not true that it is very normal, but in this debate, people notice a very unusual phenomenon: the developers of ChatGPT and some AI technology pioneers have expressed their positions,Publicly expressed the in -depth concerns of AI threats and asked the government to strengthen supervision.

U.S. private enterprises have publicly demanded that the government controls high -profit hot -selling products developed by the government.But this is true, you can see how scared them to the elves they released from the Pandora Box!

OPENAI's president, Sam Altman, requested to strengthen the supervision of AI at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee on the U.S.The technologies of law and national security hazards are mistakenly used, bringing harm to society and even the world.He believes that although AI technology can solve many problems for human beings, there is also the power that can change society in an unpredictable way. Therefore, government intervention and supervision are critical to reduce risks.

Geoffrey Hinton, a British scientist, known as "artificial intelligence godfather", believes that AI may be a more urgent threat to humans than climate change.He said that AI may surpass humans, after all, digital intelligence is much more efficient than human brain in sharing information.He said in an exclusive interview with Reuters on May 5: "Faced with climate change, it is easy to recommend what you should do: you only need to stop the burning media ... but for AI, you don’t know what to do ... this isA problem that is related to human survival risk. "

Even Elon Musk, a figure at the forefront of technology, signed an open letter with thousands of people in April, calling on the suspension of the development of a more powerful system than GPT-4.

On May 30, more than 350 AI technology industry leaders and experts issued joint public letter warnings that AI technology could lead to human extinction.There is only one sentence of open letter, but it is shocking: "Reducing the risk of extinction brought by AI should be a global priority, and it is tied with other social scale such as major epidemics and nuclear war.", Google and Microsoft executives, as well as professors from Harvard and Tsinghua University in the United States.

Oriental wise man is worried

The celebrities of the western science and technology and public opinion circles are so worried that people can't help but remind people of Nan Huaijin, who has highly respected Oriental Wise in both sides of the strait.As early as 2010, Nan Huaijin mentioned his worry about the new students' AI virtual technology at the time.Song was rated as the "Top Ten Management Masters in the World", but was very convinced of his "South Teacher" and often went to China to learn from him.According to Seng's memory, although Nan Huaijin is very concerned about ecological threats, he believes that greater potential threats are human pursuit of new technologies and profits every day.He revealed that in their last conversation, the teacher's focus said: "The biggest threat to humans in the future will be virtual technology, which is far greater than the threat of war."

A good phrase, alert alarm prediction!Unfortunately, he died in 2012, and he couldn't see the amazing development of AI today. He could no longer share his wisdom with us.

Another Oriental celebrity, 2021 Nobel Peace Prize winner, the founder of the Philippine Rappleer website, Maria Res (when he was interviewed by the Strait Times in Singapore on May 28, he also pointed out that indulging in AI, indulgence, regardless of AI,Like the "open Manhattan plan technology, allowing anyone to share and modify" (Open-Sourcing Manhattan Project (Manhattan Plan is a secret plan for developing atomic bombs during World War II).

Since the western western and insiders are deeply worried about the long -term threat of AI, and compare their power with nuclear weapons, and put them on the threat of climate change. This is definitely a must mention as soon as possible as soon as possible as soon as possibleThe major events of the international agenda.

The Seventh -way Group (G7) summit held in Hiroshima, Japan recently has discussed this issue. The G7 leader issued on May 20 said that in order to deal with issues involving AI and false information, the G7 will be the same asThe developed economies of Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD) cooperate with Global Artificial Intelligence Partnership (GPAI) to form a specialized working group.However, whether it is G7 or OECD, it is far from enough. It is meaningless to invite China, Russia, India and other major science and technology countries to discuss it in the future.Since the AI problem is more urgent than climate change, it should be sponsored by the United Nations as the "Climate Change Conference" and allows all member states to participate.

However, in the current international atmosphere of China and the West, under the international atmosphere of China and the West, this is almost impossible, especially involving sensitive scientific and technological content topics.What the media can do for these things is just to give full play to the impact of public opinion, Evoke people's attention, there is nothing to do.

It is the mainstream media itself. In fact, it is also facing the serious threat of the generation AI. I am afraid it is difficult to protect!

Blayne Haggart, a Canadian political scholar, described that ChatGPT is a dagger directly aiming at the academic and journalist, because it is not like scholars and news workers, its generation process makes people cannot confirm its truenessSex; no matter whether it is confirmed by the source, it can be easily used.

Fake the name of the news media fraud

Sure enough, in April this year, the reporter from the British Guardian found that ChatGPT has fabricated a whole batch of articles that it has never published, and the article has signatures!The newspaper pointed out that this "source of invention" makes credible news media and practitioners particularly worried, because these convincing fantasy finished products put their names on their names.

Futurism of online publication published comments on this incident: "The facts and false news fabricated by ChatGPT have set off a tsunami, impacting the Internet -and this will soon become a real fact that the news industry is facing.Question. "

The New York Times also reported that the two supervised news agencies Newsguard and Shadowdragon's investigation reports on May 19 stated that hundreds of non -mainstream news websites, content farms and false reviewers used the AI tools to use the AI tools.Create false content online, such as fabrication of incidents, medical suggestions and celebrities, etc., published in 10 languages.

These messages make people look more and more bold.However, the appearance of ChatGPT not only affects the trust of the news media, but also makes news practitioners face livelihood issues.

Axel Springer SE, one of Europe's largest publishing groups, one of the famous newspapers such as DIE WELT and BILD (Bild), has been considering using AI to replace news workers with AI.The problem is.Mathias Doepfner, President of the Group, said that AI and automation have increasingly made many work of supporting news production. "AI has the potential to enable independent journalism to achieve unprecedented quality -or completely replaced."

The group is not the only thing that has this idea. BUzzfeed in the United States and the British daily mirror and daily express news are already exploring the use of AI to create content.The Asia Media Center published a report entitled "On the radar: AI's impact on the Asian journalist" in March this year, revealing that some news media have been generated by AI.The characters in the editing room were questioned.

From this point of view, the wave of generating AI has begun to impact the mainstream media. The stormy waves followed by time.

What should the mainstream media do?

In fact, AI is just a tool. The difference is that it also has wisdom, but no matter how high wisdom is, there is still a big gap with humans.It lacks human touch and perspective, and does not have abstract thinking and emotions, so journalists need not worry about it.The key is how to use it. If it is properly used, it can greatly improve the efficiency and productive forces of journalism, eliminate repetitive and tedious brain labor, release creative time and space to allow practitionersThe news dots are more quickly gathered to create a rich and diverse content, and then the packaging is distributed according to the requirements of customization. It is transmitted to the audience through different forms such as personalization, niche or popularization.

Of course, when using AI to collect information, you must be very careful and stricter. In addition to ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of the information, you must repeatedly verify the reliability of the source.This was originally the responsibility of professional editors, but in the AI era, additional prevention procedures and strengthening the awareness of control were even more indispensable.

This is a personal level. Overall, the more severe challenges faced by mainstream media in the AI era will be the fierce competition from non -mainstream news websites and content farms from the rain.The seductive information generated by fake charging in the province is really seductive, and the fake remarks are really full of remarks, which will be full of the entire network space, attracting hundreds of millions of audiences by multi -language and multimedia.

Before the abuse of the generation AI is controlled by the international community, this may be the biggest crisis facing mainstream media in various countries.

But the thing must be reversed, and the overflow of false news will cause a rebound.AI's amazing pseudo -pseudo -pseudo -pseudo -pseudo -pseudo capacity highlights the value of mainstream media, and this is also the opportunity of the mainstream media.Professional news team owned by mainstream media can play the role of filter between the generation AI and the audience, filter out false messages and bias, go to pseudo -consignment, and to save Jingjing.

Blackwind knows the grass, and under the wind of the generation AI, the mainstream media that can stand the test will stand like a strong grass and trees, so that people can rely on it;In the four troubled times, the more people need the integrity and reliable media to see the sky, and the pointers are fascinated.

Maybe I am an irreversible optimist, but I always think that as long as the mainstream media does not compromise in maintaining credibility, it can still overcome the severe challenges of ChatGPT and resist AI's tsunami tsunami.

The news industry will not be replaced by AI, and mainstream media will not die!

The author is the former editor -in -chief of Lianhe Morning Post