Source: Xinjing News

Author: Tao Short Room

Reuters reported that former US Vice President Pence will officially announce the nomination of the 2024 Presidential Election Republican candidate on June 7, that is, Pence's 64th birthday.

According to sources who are familiar with Pence's election plan, then Pence will appear in the city of Demein, the capital of Aiwa.The conference "show recording, the theme is to promote the latest memoirs published by Pence, God bless me.

At present, in the Republican Party, except for Pence and the well -known former President Trump, the current Florida Governor De Santis announced his election on May 24th, Senka Senator Scott, South Carolina, May 22On the day, the election was announced. Former Abanosan Governor Hartcinsen announced his election on April 26. The current New Hampshire Governor Su Nu announced his election on April 26.

Earlier, the former South Carolina Governor, the former US ambassador to the United Nations Heali, and the investment company manager La Swami, announced the election in February.Former Secretary of State Pompeo publicly declared "announced the election a few months later", but it has not been officially announced so far.

In addition, there are the former New Jersey Governor and the former Republican presidential candidate nominated competitors Christie, who plans to choose to announce the election on June 6;The announcement date of its choice is also on June 7, on the same day as Pence.

From this point of view, for the people who intend to compete for the presidential candidate in the Republican Party, the next week will be a busy week.But analysts pointed out that the horses, including Pence, who are eager to try the president, are busy to the end, and they may be "helping" for Trump.

"Gong Gong" Choose Story

As a firm social conservative, Pence served as governor in Indiana before he served as Vice President and faithfully supported Trump, and represented the state for more than ten years in the Federal Congress.Considering that the nominated competitors of the presidential election of the US presidential election have the tradition of "opening" in their hometown or their own constituencies, it is unusual to choose Aiwa in the first stop of Burns.

Analysts pointed out that Pence's "abnormal" choice was painful.

Aiwa is a state nominated for candidates in the Republican Party in 2024, and there are a large number of conservative gospel voters in the state, and Pence himself is a gospel.In the past, the presidential candidate in the Republican Party was unplugged by the nomination of voting.

Burns is considered to be moving the popularity offline, not good at online interaction.It is just that Euish voters are generally conservative, but "real -life interaction" is not used to getting tickets online.The state official and famous pizza chain Pizza Ranch have a good relationship with Pence, such as De Mein, and can become his voting assistance platform.

In addition, Pence has a good popularity in the state. A poll in March shows that 66%of the Republicans of the state hold a positive view of Pence, with a negative view of only 26%, and 7%are not sureEssenceAnd many senior Republican parties in the state are also old friends or sympathy for Pence.

Therefore, Pence's first stop abandoned his hometown Indiana, and "abnormal" choosing Aiwa is also in love.

"Betrister" is difficult to please voters

For a long time, Pence has given people a more conservative impression on domestic and social issues.

Trump, who has repeatedly converted to the gate and a monk halfway in history, Pence is the old -fashioned right -wing Republican politician. He opposes the typical Republican conservative views such as abortion and "Obama Medical Reform".Add cover.

But in the inter -party game, Pence advocated "more polite". After the Trump supporters were issued on January 6, 2020, the earliest came out to condemn and blame TrumpOne of the Republican politicians.Today, Pence has also resolutely opposed Trump's popularization of its supporters to regulate U.S. assistance to Ukraine.

It can be said that compared to Bittan, regardless of whether he is the vice presidential or out of office, Pence has given people a more "traditional" and unwillingness to conform to some of Trump's "extraordinary" movements.

For this reason, some analysts pointed out that the biggest difficulty of Pence's election is that after four years of unsuccessful vice presidential term, voters are "strange" to him -many Republican branch holders will do most of them.He also followed Trump and the last moment but refused to echo Trump Pence, defined as "a traitor of the President (Trump)", and forgot that he had previously "old labels"" ".This is naturally not good for Pence.

Because of this, Burns, who was directly labeled on the "Republican Bleu", is still not bad, although the support rate of polls in Iova is still not bad, it has fallen sharply than before -just as the State Republican Party senior party senior party senior party senior party senior party senior party senior party senior partyThe strategicist Katier said, "If there is no incident on January 6, 2020, he was originally bright in Aiwa."

However, I am probably the "most friendly" state for Pence: the latest polls show that the national Republicans' support for Burns is only poor 4%; and another itemThere are fewer statistics from polls, less than 1%.

Analysts pointed out that Pence has traditionally regarded the gospel voters as his "ticket warehouse". This time, I chose to "open gongs" in Evan, which is gathered in the gospel.However, in the past eight years, the gospel voters have been deeply "bundled" by Trump, and Pence, who is notorious in the "betrayal", is probably difficult to please, and may even be clumsy.

"Help" for Trump?

No doubt that all Republicans who try to fight for the presidential candidate in the party will face the strength of Trump.The support rate of polls has always led Trump, who has always led the party. It seems that no one can be enemy. The Republican "popular player" De Santis cannot, let alone Pence.

In this case, some analysts also pointed out that the Trump team has carefully produced the election plan for Trump, that is, by continuously emphasizing its own political platform, deep bundling is the core voters who are famous for their firmness, while making full use of it, and make full use of it.The "many and scattered" of other candidates make it impossible to form a confrontation, and can only allow Trump to hijack the Republican policy and agenda.

According to this concept, the more candidates in the Republican party nominated, the greater the probability of Trump's nomination of candidates in the party.Because, under the enthusiastic pursuit of Republican voters, the issues in the Republican Party have long been deeply "Trump". Among other candidates, they dare not directly oppose Trump, and they will naturally be compared by "Trump" and dare to directly.Burns and others challenging Trump will be diverted by other "teammates".

A person close to the Trump campaign team said that the team members believed that "Pence's participation is good news to Trump because they will divert Desantis's votes instead of Telang’s"General".

The latest poll shows that the proportion of Republicans who support Trump accounted for 54%, which is more than doubled from 21%of the second place, and Pence's support is barely higher than that2%.According to this model, the more challengers, the more disparate the gap between each of them is from Trump.

Of course, Trump may not be able to laugh at the end.Many analysts and polls have shown that because Trump is becoming more and more "amazing", many American voters who have argued with each other on other issues are just because Trump "will come again for another four years".Vote a ticket.

If thisThe trend will not be changed. By then, Pence will have to face a bitter reality: While they "help" for Trump, making the latter more and more easy to win the Republican nomination, it is likely that the White House will be again again putting the White House againGive it to the Democratic Party.