Recently, Sino -US relations seem to be very interesting.First, the US President Biden publicly said that "US -China relations will be thaw soon." Later, the US ambassador to China Bernes visited Chengdu, and the new Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng arrived at the United States.These developments were quickly interpreted by scholars, and Sino -US relations revealed obvious signs of thawing.

Is this really true?

First of all, in the simple terms of international relations, the relationship between the subject of international behavior is manifested in many aspects: politics, military, economy, culture, religion, region, etc.If the relationship between the two behaviors is justified, the key is to figure out what the relationship between them is dominated.Obviously, Sino -US relations are dominated by politics, military and economic.Which of these three aspects is the key dominance?

It can be clearly seen that the conflict between China and the United States is mainly concentrated in trade and technology.Trade naturally belongs to economic aspects.What about technology?At first glance, it is easy to be attributed to military. In fact, it should also belong to the economic level.Therefore, Sino -US relations are dominated by economy and political and military -leading relationships.In fact, economic relations are not only the main orientation of Sino -US relations, but also the main orientation of today's international relations.

What is economic relationship?Economic relations can be simply regarded as a relationship generated by trade behavior.What should I think of trade behavior?Trade behavior can be regarded as a behavior of a behavioral subject that uses the remaining value of its own resources to exchange in exchange for other required resources.The key to the richness of a country is the number and value of the remaining resources.

For a long time, China's remaining resources are mainly cheap labor. This is a resource that does not have strong market competitiveness, which is not enough to pose a threat to countries such as the United States that mainly uses senior talents to be the remaining resources.However, with the continuous development of China, especially the continuous improvement of education levels, it has gradually generated surplus resources in engineering technology, even science and technology, and the essence of things changes.Although it does not change the advantages of the United States in this regard, it will change the value advantage.

Therefore, the United States will definitely respond to maintain the value of its remaining resources.Otherwise, the United States will weaken national strength.

From this perspective, Sino -US relations cannot make practical improvements at this stage.

The so -called Sino -US relations in Biden will quickly thaw, what does it mean?

To maintain the value of its remaining resources, it needs to make China not have the strength to compete with it. This requires changes.Here, we use a theory created by the author to analyze.The author calls the circle theory.This theory is simple, that is, the subject of the two conflicts in one circle is placed in a circle. This circle represents the environment they live, that is, the survivors of both parties.The so -called conflict here is not a direct contest of the wrench, but is to make the previous competition behavior.It is not difficult to find that there are three variables here to make changes so that one party won the competition: the two parties and the environment of the conflict.

When conflicts occur, the other party has extremely strong unchanging.There are only two variables left here, one is yourself, and the other is the environment.Changing yourself generally has two functions. One is to make yourself stronger, and the other is that the other party cannot hurt himself.Changing the environment also has two functions. One is to make the environment more support itself, and the other is to lose the other party.In fact, the United States does this.Biden said: The chip bill is not to hurt China, but to keep the United States not worry about whether they can get semiconductors.This is definitely the truth.This is to change yourself.The United States arranges trade alliances to change the environment.

But, whether it is changing or changing the environment, it takes time to operate.Therefore, "US -China relations will be thaw soon" more like a soldiers who have been slowing before preparing the conflict.This time, the Seventh National Group's summit, the United States spared no effort to persuade allies to coordinate to deal with China, which is a proof.Of course, the results of the meeting proved that the results were poor.It is foreseeable that before the United States is fully prepared, it will always use such a slow plan.Moreover, there are real government debt crises in the United States, as well as variables such as the presidential election next year.Moreover, the United States must prevent China from doing "excessive action", especially after blocking Micron Technology in China.The United States should be more afraid of China's "concentrated power to do major events". After all, this is the political advantage that China has in competition and is not possessed by the United States.

The actual actions of the U.S. Slowing Soldiers are nothing more than political and military seeking to ease.This time Biden's so -called thawing should be politically.Military, will definitely be used as a spare option.

The author is a Chinese pictograph and ancient philosophy researcher