Recently, the discussion of the Sino -US New Cold War in the United States has been very arrogant.The "Second Cold War" occurred during the period will be more dangerous than the First Cold War. "Even if the war between China and the United States will not destroy civilization, civilization will retreat."Especially recently, the frequent military exercises between the two sides have made people have to face the grim of this issue.The author believes that if we want to talk about the Cold War, we must first go back to the history of the Cold War. There is a clear understanding of the background of the era of the Cold War.fall.

The so -called Cold War, from the perspective of British writer George Orwell, is ideological conflict between the Soviet Union and Western countries.On October 19, 1945, Owaer used the term "Cold War" to depict the world that lives in the shadow of nuclear war in the Tribune column of the Tribune, and warned that such a world will be "no peaceful peace."" ".In February 1946, George Kenan sent a "Long Telegram" to the United States from Moscow, thinking that the root cause of Soviet foreign policy was deeply rooted in the internal system, which is the enthusiasm of communist ideology, and the old style of the old style, and the old styleThe mixture of Tsar Display.Therefore, the goals and philosophy of the United States and the Soviet Union cannot be reconciled, and long -term conflicts are inevitable. The United States must be prepared to engage in long -term struggle.In March of the same year, former British Prime Minister Churchill also pointed out that the Soviet Union established a "iron curtain" between "from Standdin in the Baltic Sea to Riyaste in the Sea of Archaerea", everyThe country occupied by the Red Army has established a pro -co -government.Therefore, the United States and the Commonwealth must be an alliance to cope with the current and instant threats.

In summary, first of all, we can clearly see the cold war in history, which occurred between the two hostile camps represented by Sumei, and today there is no clear, unified and hostile camp or alliance behind China (Besides, China has always opposed the confrontation of the alliance), and China has not showed a strong sense of expansion, let alone what kind of government government is established overseas.The Taiwan issue in China has existed when the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and the three joint communiqués of China and the United States have repeatedly confirmed a China claim.

Secondly, although China and the United States have adhered to different views and opinions on many international and domestic issues, not only have no "enthusiasm for communist ideology", but they also did not have the influence of the Swordsmanship of the Soviet Union and the incompetence of water and fire.This is the official nor the people (this point, any American who came to China to visit or live in China has more say).On the contrary, after more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China has been consistent with international pace in many ways, and even in some aspects, it is better and more efficient than the United States.For example, the construction of public education, municipal horticulture, and the vitality and competitiveness of the private economy (this is also the main starting point for the Trump administration to sanction in China).

To say that the disagreement between the diplomatic tone between China and the United States, I am afraid that as China ’s national strength increases, it is anxious to get rid of the shadow of the country’ s great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation from 1840 to reduce the shadow of mourning and humiliation, poverty and weakness.Cause.This strong sense of national pride is a natural thing for an ancient country with a history of 4,000 years of civilization; but for Americans, it is difficult to imagine or even understand, and it has caused Americans to trigger AmericansMany misunderstandings or prejudice.

Non -official ideology of the world

As for the return of worldism and king's thoughts that are widely criticized by Americans, at most it is just a traditional cultural concept, and it has not risen to China's foreign policy.This is obviously the same as the ideological dispute between the two camps during the Cold War.Take a step back, even in the ancient times that China pursued worldism, it has never caused any fierce conflict with the West, let alone a force attack.In 1840, the conflict of the Eastern and Western Confinement was precisely by the West with a strong ship and a profit gun, and forcibly considers them to think that more developed, more advanced, and more civilized economy, trade, systems, culture, and even religious concepts.Essence

Once again, since the reform of China, there is no armed against the United States and the West, nor will it no longer output a revolution to Asia, Africa and Latin, not to mention supporting various types of extreme organizations with cups in the United States; on the contrary, after 911During the American War of Counter -terrorism, he chose to stand firmly on the side of the United States, not only condemning terrorist behaviors, but also to open corresponding military intelligence and bases to the United States.On the occasion of the Cold War Iron Curse, the Soviet Union continued to make a series of "quite rough and aggressive operations" such as Berlin blockade, the Czech coup, and the consent of North Korea's invasion of South Korea.

Moreover, in the face of many international issues today, especially the global climate change, peacekeeping and global economic development that the West, is not only actively participating, it has even significantly exceeded the responsibilities and scope of China.Even in the Russia -Ukraine War, China has not stood on the opposite side of the West so far, and it has publicly supported Russia military.Regarding the "Infinite Friendship of China and Russia", it is just "talking" (Chinese ambassador Fu Cong recently explained clearly, this is just a rhetoric method).

Therefore, the United States, as a big country with democracy, starts from tolerance, diverse tone, or as a flexible and pragmatic diplomatic strategy, and should not leave any space and room for themselves and other countries, and should not.Because the Chinese side refused to condemn Russia's invasion, it prevented the China -Russia integration and continued to provoke in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Instead, it should be allowed to accommodate countries to hold different opinions and attitudes on this international issue, and seek the same differences and go to each other.This is also one of the achievements of French President Macron's visit to China, at least that the West does not all pursue non -black or white, and choose the thinking.Of course, Macron's remarks have been widely attacked by the West, and also reflect the statement of France alone, which is not enough to alleviate China's tension with the United States and the West.China should also face the problem, open their minds, and start a sincere dialogue with the United States as soon as possible to effectively reduce the risk of military collisions between the two sides.This also once again reflects the words that Deng Xiaoping said when he visited the United States that year -the United States was done, and the whole West was done -the truth.

In a word, the United States should calm down, starting from the spirit of the country and the great powers, and returning to the United States, who is convinced and respectful as the source of freedom and progress as all human beings.Then, the Trump administration was descended, and all the friction between China and the United States seriously reflected and sorted out in order to clarify which of China should be adjusted and which ones should be amended by the United States itself?What are the ingredients of both sides' negative qi?Is it difficult for China and the United States to fall into the trap of Xunxida?

In the end, as the author repeatedly emphasized, the prosperity and decline of any civilization depends mainly on itself, and it is impossible to win by targeting, stumbling, curbing, and even provoking.It can be delayed at most, but the decline of its own civilization is not available or even counterproductive, which will accelerate the progress of decline.A competitive civilization is the best mirror, which can be learned from this, taking its strengths and avoiding its shortness.The truly powerful United States should have sufficient confidence and openness in global political competition, and tolerate countries with different opinions (note that this is not the same as ideological confrontation.What kind of ideological zero -sum game is existing), and it is impressed by the strength and superiority of its own civilization.Which country can do this, it is the real leader of the 21st century, which will lead the world to come out of confrontation and conflict, and usher in human permanent peace and prosperity.

(The author is a researcher at the Ash Democratic Governance and Innovation Center of Kennedy College of Harvard University of China University of Political Science and Law)