Source: China News Weekly

Author: Yu Yuan

Right now is the harvest period of Henan wheat, but wheat in some areas grows mildew.

Recently, information about "hundreds of harvesters being trapped in Nanyang high -speed" has been circulated on the Internet, and it has attracted the attention of many netizens.

According to the news, due to the super wide width of the harvester, the wheat cannot be collected at a high speed on time, so that the above situation occurs.Once wheat germination is moldy, it means that food income will be greatly reduced.

As the saying goes, "Central Plains is familiar, the world is full", Henan is an important grain producing area in China, and the largest wheat production area. The output occupies a quarter of the country.Henan's food safety is not only directly related to the "rice bowl" of local farmers, but also about national food security.

What is the reason for wheat germination and mold?

"The problem of the harvester was solved on the same day"

Old Tang (pseudonym) from Hubei is a harvester.On May 22, he came to Henan with five other planes to prepare to carry out wheat harvesting in the local area.

However, when they were preparing to leave the station at the Tanghe Toll Station in Nanyang, they were stopped by the staff and asked to pay the pass fee, totaling more than 4,000 yuan (S $ 762).

Lao Tang told China News Weekly that he was not the first time he came to Henan to collect wheat. It was free to pass at high speeds before.

China News Weekly learned that the cross -regional operation certificate was uniformly printed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and implemented territorial management.According to the regulations of China's toll road management regulations, vehicles of joint harvesting machines and transportation combined harvesters (including seedlings) of cross -regional operations are exempt from vehicles for vehicles.

Lao Tang said that his certificate was freely received in the service hall of the agricultural machinery station in his hometown on April 17 this year, and the validity period was on March 31, 2024.

The staff of the Tanghe toll station said that it is not enough to hold a cross -regional work certificate, because this year has new requirements -a super -limited transportation certificate is required.


over -limited transportation certificate, the full name is the pass of the over -limited transportation vehicle pass.According to the relevant provisions of the China Highway Law, vehicles that exceed the road limit, height, width, and long -term standards exceeding the highway shall not drive on the highway.

But considering the actual situation, the policy has not been cut. For example, if the joint transportation of the joint harvester cross -regional transportation overrun, the free pass policy can still be enjoyed after applying for a pass of over -limit transportation vehicle traffic.

Lao Tang expressed unacceptable new requirements."The harvester cannot be directly on the high speed according to the regulations. We must take a board on the road. We took two car cars on the same day. How could this situation not exceed the limit?"

Starking nearly a day, Lao Tang and his party eventually paid the fee.Lao Tang recalled with China News Weekly that when he and the staff were talking, there were more than 10 machine players who stayed at the toll station exit for the same reason.

On May 30, China News Weekly asked the Nanyang Agricultural and Rural Bureau to verify. A staff member confirmed that this happened in the highway intersection of Tanghe County, Nanyang City.The department coordinated, and the day of the incident was resolved.

On May 30, Henan Transportation Investment Group Nanyang Branch issued a notification saying that there were 159 carrier transport vehicles from Tanghe Toll Station on May 22, and there were 24 harvesters transport vehicles during the period.The station occurs slowly. The reason is that some harvester transport vehicles have not applied for a traffic permit for over -limit transportation vehicles, resulting in the low inspection efficiency, and the remaining 135 transport vehicles are smooth and smooth.Since May 22, 11 toll stations affiliated to Nanyang Branch have not reappeared, and the vehicles are re -retention and cannot be at high speeds.

At this point, the harvester cannot get off the highway, which is not the cause of the Henan wheat problem. So where is the problem?

Surviving rainy weather is the key

On May 30, Lao Xie (pseudonym), the villagers of Xie (pseudonym), who watched more than 100 acres of wheat at home in the villagers of Xiangzi Village, Yingzhuang Town, Wolong District, Nanyang City. Now it was still darkened.For wheat farmers, the harvest wheat turns darker means germination, which will have a significant impact on quality and harvest.

According to the Henan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Hall, since May 25, a large -scale continuous rainy weather has appeared in Henan, which has seriously affected the normal harvest of wheat. It is the most serious "rotten rain" weather in the past 10 years.

From the information released by professional meteorological institutions, there are three characteristics of this rainfall: First, the duration is long.It started from May 25, and basically ended on May 30. It took six days to meet with the mature period of wheat in southern Henan. The second is the extensive impact.The rainfall covers 17 provinces and municipalities and Jiyuan demonstration areas, especially on Zhumadian, Nanyang and other places. Third, the process of process is large.As of May 29, the average rainfall of the province reached 35 millimeters, and the rainfall of 11 provinces and cities exceeded 30 mm, including 81.3 mm in Shangqiu, 55 mm in Zhoukou, and 48.8 mm in Zhumadian.

Lei Zhensheng, director of the Wheat Institute of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, is the chief expert of Henan Wheat Industry Technology System.He told China News Weekly that this rainfall coincides with the maturity period of wheat in southern Henan, which has indeed caused a certain impact on the gains of local wheat fields. It not only affects the progress of wheat harvest, but also causes wheat to fall, germinate or mildew, and affect harvest and quality."From the perspective of position, southern Henan is relatively heavy, and the situation is more common. There are some plots in the central part. The specific proportion needs to wait for further statistics."

The southern Henan region, which was affected by the rainfall this time, was Nanyang, Zhumadian and Xinyang from west to east, respectively.The staff of the Henan Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department told China News Weekly. In 2022, Nanyang Wheat planting area was 10.93 million mu, Zhimatian was 11.9 million mu, and Xinyang was 4.68 million mu.30%of the planting area.

Lei Zhensheng also added that the phenomenon of germination is not only related to geographical location, but also the performance of different varieties is different.

For this, Lao Xie also agreed. He told China News Weekly that the wheat in southern Henan region was divided into early precocious and late maturity.Okay, about 40%of the bud rate.

At present, all the wheat of Lao Xie's house has germinated, and the national acquisition criteria cannot be met, so it cannot be sold at the grain price. It can only be sold as feed.However, the price gap between food and feed is not small. The purchase price of grain land is 3/catties, and the feed is only 8 cents/jin.Based on the output of 1,000 catties of 1 acres, it means that the loss per mu will reach 500 yuan.

Wei Hongyu (pseudonym) of Mai Nongwei (pseudonym) in Xin Cai County, Zhumadian also reported to China News Weekly that due to the rain in the day, more than 20 acres of wheat grown at home germinated."The germinated wheat was not strong, and there was no nutrition.

For the losses that may be brought, he said that the price last year was 1 yuan. This year, it must not be sold as food. It is a high probability that it can only be used as feed. "It must be chicken feed and pig feed.

Try to grab the harvest

Henan Province is one of the 13 main food producing areas in China, and it is the largest province of wheat production.In 2022, the total output of Henan wheat was 76.254 billion kg, an increase of 198 million kg over the previous year, an increase of 0.3%, accounting for a quarter of the country.

Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told China News Weekly that the harvest will be timely, on the one hand, it will affect the income of farmers, and on the other hand, it will directly affect the timing and progress of the sowing of autumn grain.

In fact, many parts of Henan use the planting model of "Winter wheat+corn" rotation. The summer harvest wheat cannot be collected. Autumn grains will not be sowed. Old Xie's 100 acres of land will plant corn quickly after finishing the wheat.

Wheat harvest window period is very short, with the saying of "a while of wheat, granting food for Longkou".Lei Zhensheng said that the priority is to launch the force and grab harvest as soon as possible.

The good news is that the rainwater has basically passed.According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the rainfall in May 30 is basically ended. It is expected that on June 1st, there are basically conditions for the operation of agricultural machinery. On June 2, the Yellow River enters a concentrated harvest period, and the harvest peak can be formed on June 4-7.In addition to the local sporadic rainfall on the 13th, the main wheat areas in the province are mainly cloudy and cloudy, which is conducive to large -scale machine collection operations. It is expected that the wheat harvest will basically end around June 15.

On May 30, Henan Province released seven key measures to actively seize wheat to ensure farmers' income.

Among them, in terms of agricultural machinery scheduling, the local area will make good use of the existing 170,000 table -type harvesters and more than 30,000 tracked harvesters. At the same time, coordinating the surrounding provinces to ensure that the signing crawler harvester is in place, and the wheat will be accelerated after the rain.Graving the progress.

As of 17:00 on May 30, Henan Province has harvested 4.99 million mu of wheat (about 5.8%of the province's planting area), and 13,000 units in joint harvester daily.Among them: Nanyang 3.08 million acres (27.7%), Xinyang 1.062 million mu (21.3%), Zhumadian 629,000 mu (5.4%), and Pingdingshan 176,000 acres (5.1%).

Lei Zhensheng also reminded that on the one hand, it is to grab harvest, and on the other hand, there must be storage conditions and drying equipment."After harvesting in the past, it was sold directly, but now it must be dried first. For retail investors, do you need such a large warehouse and place to get a question mark."

On May 30, after a special study of the Henan Provincial Government, the provincial financial urgently allocated 200 million yuan, which was specially used for wheat drying.At the same time, it gives full play to the drying venue of about 232 state -owned grain enterprises in 162 state -owned grain companies, more than 1,600 about 5 billion pounds of empty warehouses, more than 2,000 sets of ventilation equipment and other mechanical effects, providing postpartum services for farmers' wet grains.

Li Guoxiang also reminded that it is necessary to prevent buds of mildo wheat circulating in the market and enter the field of ration consumption to avoid impacting the quality and safety of food."After drying, some wheat may not be able to meet the safe consumption standards, then it cannot be allowed to flow into the market, but it cannot be wasted in this part of the food. It is best to be entrusted by the state to acquire and be closed from the circulation market."

The above 7 measures mentioned that guiding various market entities to actively carry out acquisitions, give play to the role of the main force of state -owned grain and storage enterprises, and increase acquisitions.For grains that do not meet the food standards, organize points to purchase points to ensure that they do not flow into the grain market and protect the interests of farmers breeding farmers to the greatest extent.

How to plan ahead?

Henan province mobilizes food collection. At the same time, people can't help asking, how can we prepare in advance before the disaster weather comes?

According to Lao Xie, before the rainstorm came, there were indeed reminders of early collection and harvesting."But the harvest will affect the output. Secondly, there are not so many harvesters at that time. When the harvester arrives, it is also over, and I can't work."

Li Guoxiang believes that this time it still reflects Henan as a large food province, and there is a weak link in responding to the weather in agricultural disasters.

At present, in the context of global warming, extreme weather and climate incidents have frequently developed trends.China happens to be one of the sensitive areas and significant influence areas of global climate change, which will have a profound impact on agricultural production.

Natural disasters, especially meteorological disasters, are important causes of agricultural apology and fluctuations.Because meteorological disasters are unpredictable in most cases, and farmers do not have sufficient awareness of weather protection in the actual production process. As a result, once meteorological disasters occur, they will easily cause crops to die and seriously affect the actual economic benefits of farmers.Data show that the average disaster area caused by the agricultural meteorological disaster in China from 2000 to 2019 was 35.903 million hectares.

If you do not pay more attention to the increase in the increase in abnormal disasters, China's grain production may encounter passive in the future.

At present, the rain of rain in the Yellow River Basin has gradually stopped, and the rain belt turns to the Huaihe River Basin, which will inevitably test the harvest of summer grains in North China.Li Guoxiang pointed out that relevant departments must learn from Henan's lessons and make preparations early.

He suggested that the impact of the impact of abnormal disaster weather on food production, the key is to strengthen the reserve of agricultural machinery supporting equipment.At present, the total amount of tractors in China is sufficient, but the tractor track reserves that can also work in rainy days can also be operated.Once a rainy weather is encountered, the conventional tractor can't get off the fields, and farmers can only be anxious.

"If the past encountering extreme abnormalities in the past is a hundred years of encounter, one thousand years of encounter, and now the frequency of abnormal extreme disaster weather increases, then we must consider reserving a moderate track in different main grain producing areas."

"Fundamentally, the relevant departments must realize that helping farmers' friends is to protect the security of the country." Li Guoxiang said.