Whenever the game of power in this area is in a turbulent turbulence state, the so -called regional security discussion centered on Asia's Diandan will emerge again, and carefully walks between the vortexes of power fighting.From time to time, the Asian Security Center view will be presented as the normality of the geopolitical wrestling of the region or a combination of political security.Whether it is because of power inside and outside the region, or internal struggles in some countries in the region, the deviation of the Asia Delivery Center view is generally considered to be rebelled and must be corrected as soon as possible.

Just as the heads of the United States, Britain, and Australia a month ago, they were officially unveiled for the AUKUS of Australian Britain, Britain, and the United States.One of the main contents of the alliance is that the British and American assisted Australia's construction nuclear power (but non -nuclear military equipment) submarines can extend the no supply range of Australian submarines to the South China Sea, which will also affect the military projection between the strong countries of the region.EssenceThis has caused some countries in the region to make some positive or negative statements in a low voice.Some countries believe that the alliance will consolidate the regional security concept centered on Asia's San'an, and the other views will be the opposite.

In fact, this kind of discussion that is to make Ya'an play the role of "leading" in the political security system in this region can be traced back to the end of the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union at the end of the last century.At that time, although the United States could be described as a single superpower in the world, it quickly shifted its attention to the financial budget considerations and other domestic topics.Instead, the United States has begun to fade out of this area at the level of security, such as shutting down it in Subic Bay and Clark military bases in the Philippines.

Therefore, there are some rising powers that want to fill the political security vacuum of the regional region after the United States leave, but they may not be able to do it for a while.Therefore, there were several interrelated discussions at the time.A more limited exposition is that Asians should at least manage their own political security affairs.This involves Ya'an, without foreign interference, handling various political crisis in the country in various member states, as well as the equipment required for its own safety.This limitations of the Asian Security Center have been partially successful since then, because it was limited between the principles and reality of the Asian fine security.

The important establishment principle of Yaiman, that is, does not interfere with the other party's internal affairs between member states.Although the respect for human rights, freedom, and democracy has gradually become the discussion topic of Asia's fine security, the governments of each member country still regard their sovereignty as the most important.Therefore, when the above values are seriously violated in individual member states, and regional influence, such as the previous Burmese Rice -Lauren crisis, and the current Myanmar political crisis, Asians want to play a positive and effective resolution of crisis roles, all of whichIt's difficult, let alone individual member states.

On the other hand, in the past few decades, the economy of some member states in Asia has also developed vigorously, which has also caused them to set up some defense measures for themselves and even in this area.The military purchase is completed.

As for a more broad security discussion, it is generally ambitious to place the sub -seater that is more ambitious in the co -pilot seats that can control the security system of the region (Asia Pacific or Indo -Pacific).This part is based on the overall force of Asian as a global economy.Moreover, there are few disputes between members of the Asian'an member states, let alone conflict.This is rare in the world, especially most of the Asian fine security member states as developing countries, and has a completely different cultural background.

Another prerequisite for this broad -sense Asian Dimetry Center view is to believe that in the world's powers, the more and more powerful power struggles within the region, Asia's Simpan will maintain a certain neutral attitude.Therefore, Ya'an can be said to provide various convenient occasions with a sincere attitude, such as organizing a variety of forums related to safety issues, so that senior defense officials of the powers can talk to the way in a multilateral or bilateral way.All sectors expect that such talks can to a certain extent to slow down the strong tension of opposition between the powers inside and outside the region, so that peace and security have a certain guarantee.

Yajia'an continues a kind of elastic (also said to be loose). Most of the resolutions are consistent after passing the long negotiations of the member states.This is a rare approach, because member states rarely argue and even retired.But even if you just play a better central role in the restriction, Asianan has reached the time when it needs to enhance its effectiveness.For example, Asia's Danian needs to carefully review the consensus decision -making method, the feasibility of the present and future, because this is usually extremely time -consuming, and it is even surpassed by the development of the situation, and it often appears incompetent.Asianan can consider using a method of super majority on some topics. If two -thirds or three -quarters of the members agree, they can pass, so that these decisions can be more effective and practical.

Asianan should also start to reflect on the rigorous principles of not interfere with the internal affairs of member states, especially when individual member states obviously violate human rights, freedom and democracy.In the world, there are examples of more active intervention in regional organizations. For example, the economic community of Western African countries often dispatched to maintain a peaceful troops to try to resolve the crisis when civil war or coup occurred in member states, although the success rate was different.Ya'an may not need to surrender its power, but if you still need to maintain the so -called safe status centered, you must not just sit and condemn without doing practical things.

In the general discussion of the Asianan in the broad sense, Asian'an should position itself as pragmatic and not necessarily absolutely neutral, because it is unrealistic to shape the Asian version of Absolute neutral Switzerland.A sub -security that has confidence in its own decision -making process and successfully resolves the internal crisis can play a powerful and positive role in the security system within and outside the wider region in a wider region.In front of the powers inside and outside the region, Asians should not be neutral for neutrality.After estimating the specific situation and its own interests, Ya'an may even fall to one side or a few sides, but maintaining the peace and security of the region is still the primary consideration.A more effective and pragmatic Asian security is the most effective guarantee to maintain its regional security centered on it.

The author is the Singapore International Affairs Society (Research Institute)

Senior Researcher

Chief Counselor of the Malaysian Pacific Research Center