Source: Surging News

Author: Xie Ruiqiang

Moscow was first attacked by a large -scale drone for the first time. This is the worst air strike against the Russian capital since World War II.

Russia reserves the most severe measures to respond to the right to terrorist attacks of Kenfu's political power.

The mayor of the Russian capital Moscow City, Sabiyaning, posted on the social platform earlier on May 30 that Moscow was attacked by drones in the early morning of several buildings on the same day of Moscow. Some residents were evacuated and no one was seriously injured.The Russian Ministry of Defense later confirmed that Moscow was attacked by drones and said that a total of 8 Ukraine drones attacked Moscow, but they were shot down.

After the Kremlin was attacked by the Kremlin earlier this month, the Russian capital had a large -scale attack on the Russian capital again, which aroused the attention and heated discussion of the outside world.

After World War II Moscow, Moscow was hit by the largest air strike

Sobiyanin said that the attacking buildings were slightly damaged, and emergency rescue personnel had arrived at the scene and were investigating the incident.In addition, Governor of Moscow Vorbiev also made a voice on the matter, saying that the residents of Moscow heard the explosion in the early morning of May 30. This is the sound of the air defense system.Moscow was shot down.

The Russian Ministry of Defense released news that a total of eight Ukraine drones attacked Moscow but were shot down.Three of them were suppressed by the electronic warfare system, lost control to deviate from the predetermined target, and the five were shot down by the "armor -S" air defense system.The American military website "The War Zone" published an article saying that more than 25 Ukraine drones participated in the attack according to the account social platform Telegram, a social networking platform with a connection with the Russian security department.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has not posted relevant information for what type of drone attacks in Moscow, but from some videos released by Russian media, drones that attacked Moscow are a fixed wing layout drone.The engine is located in front of the head of the machine. The length of the wing is at least twice the length of the fuselage, and the rear is equipped with a pair of tails.

Danis Ferdinov, an expert in the field of Russia's drone system, said that from the live photos and videos, it can be seen that U.S. Fang used a variety of models of drones in the attack on Moscow, which is enough to prove it to proveThe attack was carefully planned.From the live video and wreckage, it can be determined that the UJ-22-in-one medium-sized drone participating in the attack includes the UJ-22-in-one, which has been developed by Ukraine, with a take-off weight of 86 kg, a speed of 180 kilometers per hour, a range of 800 kilometers, combat load loadIt is two suspended 82mm mortar or several rocket grenades.

This is not the first time UJ-22 appeared near Moscow.On February 28 this year, according to Russian media reports, a drone crashed 10 meters away from a natural gas compressor station in Moscow in Russia's natural gas industry Co., Ltd., but no explosion occurred.It is not clear where the drone takes off and belongs to.According to preliminary data, a UJ-22 drone crashed.

In the next few months, it was discovered that the UJ-22 drone wreckage crashed in Moscow.

The "Russian Russia" TV website reported on April 24 that a suicide drone manufactured in Ukraine crashed on the outskirts of the eastern outskirts of the Russian capital on the same day.Sources revealed that the drone carried 17 kg of explosives and crashed after exhausting fuel.

"UJ-22 drone is far away. After modification, it can fly from Ukraine to Moscow. If this aircraft choose to fly at a low altitude, carefully plan the flight route, use air defense vulnerabilities, and avoid the anti-Russian border air defense force.. "Military expert Zhang Xuefeng pointed out in an interview with surging news before.

Russian news report quotes Russian military expert Yuri Knotov's words that 80%of the UJ-22 drone is provided by the United States.Regarding the specific situation of participating in the attack of Moscow drones, it is necessary to wait for the information published by Russian experts to study after being shot down.He revealed that one of the drones did not explode and would study its electronic equipment in the future.

"In addition to the UJ-22 drone, Ukraine also has the Tu-141 drone left over from the Soviet Union. This jet drone is more than 1,000 kilometers and the speed is faster.Simple cruise missiles, "Military expert Han Dong told Peng Mei News." After the outbreak of the Russian -Ukraine conflict, Ukraine also obtained some fixed -wing civilian drones.Use. "

Russian military expert Fladeslav Schryin believes that the UAA drones may take off and attack from Russian territory."If the drone was launched from Ukraine, they were easily discovered when they flew over the Russian border. And this time they were only discovered near Moscow." Russian military expert Major General Manuur Yuspov thought: "This attack may be launched by an underground destruction organization. The Russian intelligence department has taken measures to determine the source of the drone. "

attacking the capital incident or increase

It is said that when the attack occurred, Putin was in the Kremlin.On the 2nd of this month, a drone attack occurred in the Kremlin. One of them exploded over the top of the building above the building. There was no direct hitting building. There were flagpots and Russian flags above the dome.

For the attack, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the attack on Moscow facilities on the day of Ukraine was a "terrorist attack".After the attack, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the attack of drone attacks. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned the Urpical terrorist attacks in Moscow and Moscow.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that "Western support for the Kiev regime is promoting the implementation of Ukrainian leadership to implement more reckless criminal acts, including terrorist attacks, violations of international humanitarian laws and war crimes.In -depth territory, now it is completely hypocritical. "The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said," Russia retains the most severe measures to respond to the right to terrorist attacks in Kenfu's political power. "

According to Ukrainian Independence News Agency, in an interview with Russian bloggers Alexander Buruv, the Ukrainian Presidential Office consultant Podoliak responded to Moscow's drone attack that day.He said that Ukraine was "directly related" with the attack.

Moscow was attacked by drones, causing the outside world to pay attention to the recently attacked the capital of the two sides.

According to Agence France -Presse reported on May 28, the Ukrainian military stated that the Russian army conducted a "largest" drone attack since the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine on the night of the 27th to 28th."(Russian Army) launched a total of 54 suicide drones, setting a historical record!" The Ukrainian Air Force said on the social platform that 40 of them hit Kiev, causing two people to die, and the three were injured.

The Ukrainian military said that 52 of them were destroyed by the UAV defense forces. At the same time, the Ukraine said that the Russian air strike was mainly targeted at military facilities and infrastructure in Kiev.

Sergei Popko, the person in charge of the military and civilian administrative in Kiev, said that this is the "largest -scale drone attack on the capital" since the outbreak of the conflict of the capital last February.Divided into several waves, the air strike alert lasted more than 5 hours. "Russia has no response to the Ukraine's statement.

In addition to drones, the Russian army has also used the "dagger" high -sound -speed missile and cruise missiles this month to combat the "Patriot" missile deployed in Kiev.The army said that the "Patriot" missile system was multiple launch devices and radar.

"Now Russia and Ukraine have the ability to attack the other capital. Ukraine mainly relies on suicide drones, while the Russian army has missiles and drones. As long as the conflict continuesIn progress, such incidents that attack the capital will still happen, and it may be upgraded in the future."