Source: Wind Media Wind Review

See the governing power again, you can get a pinch!Vice President Lai Qingde supported the "nuclear power to zero" in the abolition of nuclear parades in 2019. During 2021, the four major referendum criticized the nuclear factory that could not restart.Today, it is the moment of the election campaign. Lai Qingde, who represents the Democratic Progressive Party on behalf of the DPP, suddenly turns, throwing out the output of the auction nuclear energy crew will be converted to "emergency power", to correct the energy policy of the Tsai government's imbalance, and the intention to become the riding wall of the left and right sources.Essence

Chrysanthemum residue, full ground injury: "non -nuclear home" is yellow

Anti -nuclear is the Democratic Progressive Party ’s masterpiece. Non -nuclear homeland is clearly contained in the Democratic Progressive Party’ s platform. Lai Qingde did not throw this God's Lord. Recently, when answering questions from college students, the government was engaged in the suspension of the stopped nuclear power crew in the emergency.The possibility of reorganization in the situation.In this way, it is equivalent to indirectly acknowledging that the current energy policy is indeed risky, and the myth of Cai Yingwen's "2025 non -nuclear home" in advance.However, is the nuclear energy policy adjustment that Lai Qingde currently advocates is feasible?

For Lai Qingde's statement, the Democratic Progressive Party urgently extinguished the fire and emphasized that the non -nuclear position remains unchanged. Lai's words are only thinking about the national security risk of the so -called "extreme" external state.The Executive Yuan also stated that Chen Jianren Chen Jianren has announced many times that the vision of "non -nuclear home" is Taiwan's consensus, and the government's position on this goal has never changed.The party's party pointed out that the non -nuclear home policy has not changed and reserved the buffer space for Lai, but it has gradually fermented in the civilian ring.

Lai Qingde's proposal to urgently use nuclear energy, Tong Zixian, deputy chairman of the New Realm of the DPP Think Tank, which was personally selected by Lai Qingde, threw the nuclear one and nuclear two restarts.EssenceBut no one in the Democratic Progressive Party echoed.The leader responded during the press conference of the 720th anniversary of the 520th anniversary of this year: Nuclear and Nuclear Second Factory has stopped commercial transfer in accordance with the law. The actual restart is difficult.

Hua Luo's Break: "Emergency" lying quietly

In fact, non -nuclear home policies are bound to jump tickets.When Tsai Ing -wen was in office in 2016, he proposed 2025 non -nuclear homeland. Natural gas, coal -fired and green energy accounted for 50 %, 30 %, and 20 % of the energy transformation path. Seven years later, even if it did not reach 2025, the green energy accounted for the green energy accounted forThe promise of the comparison has been determined.Economic Minister Wang Meihua admitted last year that renewable energy could not reach the original 20 % target in 2025.

Not only did policy jump, but Cai Yingwen's abolition of nuclear pushing the "Green Electric Leap Forward" has caused environmental disasters.The southern and east of Taiwan are cutting tree seeds on a large scale. The noise of the chainsaw and strange hands sounds the countryside.A few days later, Keelung's "four -in -one" environmental assessment conflict broke out; because of building a natural gas power plant, there will be five or six connections in the future.

Tsai Ing -wen told Li Yuanzhe that "the energy policy after 2024 is not my business", but Lai Qingde, who is aspiring, must not avoid it. This is a mess he must clean up.Lai Qingde advocates starting nuclear energy in emergency state, at least three major problems:

First of all, the so -called "emergency state" refers to how urgent?There have been five major power outages in the past six years, and even former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also power out of the presidential palace. Isn't it an extreme situation?Is it a military exercise in mainland China. Is such a critical moment?

North Wind, Night Weiyang: Nuclear Power Heart Demon Cut continuously

Secondly, nuclear power is stable because of the large power generation, which is usually used as a "base load" power, not "emergency" supporting power.Can retirement nuclear energy crews say that it will be opened -is it driving gas?Is this better than "power generation"?What's more, the nuclear power unit restarts, and it may take several months to prepare to supply power in parallel; to provide emergency power, it is at all.As an emergency standby, Lai Qingde's nuclear power must be clear how it will be available, because the nuclear energy will take three days to the full load, and it cannot be said to be closed. Mobility is not as good as natural gas.

Third, the nuclear power unit is the base loading power, not the mid -load power that is followed by the hair, and it takes half a day to start, and how will it start since it has not been extended?At present, it can be processed immediately. The second nuclear factory is delayed, and the second nuclear will depend on whether the parts of the original unit can be effectively obtained and the progress of the dry storage plant.And by 2025, the nuclear three factory also had to face the problem of nuclear first and second factories. I did not understand whether to support the support of the nuclear three extension. Lai Qingde's proposition was just an empty bomb.

However, from the perspective of the integrity of politicians, Lai Qingde participated in the "abolition of nuclear parades" as the executive director in 2019. At that time, he was posted on his chest with a "nuclear power to zero" sticker.On the street, the character is chaotic.In 2021, the four major referendum restarted nuclear cases, Lai Qingde once compared the four nuclear factories with tour buses.Not only antiques, but also assembly cars, criticizing nuclear energy safety is simply "bragging".

Anti -nuclear and nuclear support: also God and ghosts into double

Today, Lai Qingde "woke up suddenly" for the voting, insisting that the nuclear power could be on the road urgently.Doesn't this mean that the past abolition and anti -nuclear nuclear are all "showing the show"?When the electricity missing crisis emerges, and embrace the nuclear energy, abandon the DPP's God's Lord card, don't you have to be responsible for the short -sighted policy of the Democratic Progressive Party in the past?What's more, Lai Qingde was the president of the executive, and where did he get his thickestness, can he calm down the current policies?

For the "dialectical thinking" of the DPP, the "dialectical thinking", "different time and space background techniques", and "concept of stealing"."" ".

The wrong policy is more terrible than corruption.As long as it helps to win the big position, Lai Qingde can become a color -changing dragon. His face is not blushing or breath, his head is over, or temporarily maintains invisibility. After waiting for the political power to continue.The DPP shouted anti -nuclear section in the wild, but as soon as he came to power, he turned to support the nuclear.For the Democratic Progressive Party, which is familiar with the symbol, democracy can be an excuse for war; anti -nuclear, of course, is also a shame for cheating votes.