Turkish presidential election has settled, facing the fierce competition in the wild camp Erdogan, in the second round of voting to defeat the opponent with more than 2 million votes, successfully re -elected, and continued to take power in 2003 as the Prime Minister in 2003.After the constitutional amendment in 2014, he was renamed the 20 -year governance so far.All signs of all signs were unfavorable to him. International public opinion, mainly in the mainstream media of Western Liberty, also predicted that he even expected that Erdoro was defeated. Therefore, the results of the election on May 28 were surprised and disappointed.Erdogan's victory not only reflects his cooked political wrist, but also highlights the challenges faced by the democratic government at the moment.

Erdogan, who has been governing for a long time, is a typical political strong and even authoritarian leaders in the eyes of Western media.Although it belongs to NATO member states, Turkey under Erdoguo's stability has refused to follow the Western world in diplomacy, and publicly sings publicly in issues such as sanctions on Russia, interference in the Syrian civil war, and accepting NATO in Sweden.He also controls mainstream public opinion in China, targeting objections, and even the influential politicians in the wild.Although the opposition criticized this presidential election, the international observers basically agreed that there was no major fraud in the election, and the results reflected the true public opinion of Turkey.

Global inflation constituted a large background of the Turkish presidential election. The Turkish inflation rate exceeded 85%in October last year. The first round of the first round of presidential election fell to 43.68%, and the people's grievances were great.Regardless of the suggestions of the central bank and financial officials, Erdogo actually went on the other hand and encouraged investment and exports through interest rate cuts instead of raising interest rates to suppress inflation and prompted currency lira to depreciate more than 50%within two years.Earthquakes occurred in Turkey and Syria in early February, causing more than 50,000 people to die and 6 million people homeless.Many collapsed "tofu dregs" buildings exposed the serious collusion of government and business, making people resentment further boil.

The dissatisfaction of the people prompted the opportunity to see the world in the wild camp. Many opposition parties quickly integrated and jointly launched a candidate to challenge Erdogan.Kellechidaluulu, who was described as "Gandhi, Turkey", continued to lead in many polls before the election, and received a 44.89%vote rate in the first round of voting. Erdogan failed to win half of the votes.Forced elections into the second round.Kellechidalolu won 47.9%votes in the second round and 52.1%behind Erdogan. Although he described this as Turkey's "the most unfair election for many years", he did not challenge the election results.

Most analysis believes that Erdogan's victory is mainly because he successfully operates nationalist emotions and religious belief issues, criticize opponents as agents of Western values, and introduce extreme diversified and gender politics in Europe and the United States.The doctrine movement subverts Turkey's traditional values and Islamic culture.The voting results show that urban voters are more dissatisfied with Erdogan's autocratic style, but rural voters are worried that Western liberal values can corrode religious beliefs, hoping that Erdogan can maintain national unity and protect traditional value and belief.

In short, Erdogo should be defeated if it improves economic conditions and rationalist voting for people's lives.However, the results show that the identity of the strong emotions involved in voters obviously played a greater mobilization role.This phenomenon is undoubtedly universal.As the social elite is increasingly different from the general cognition of the general public, the public who lacks basic trust in elites and systems, and increasingly favors the so -called political strong people outside the system.Erdogan was able to successfully use the opportunity to clean up the troops in Turkish politics in 2016 in 2016, and relying on this populist power of Mo Zhi Neng.

This populist phenomenon, in 2016, also showed four years to the world because of Political amate -like Trump.Despite the defeat in 2020, Trump now seems to have a trend of revitalizing Dongshan, and it is likely that the Republican Party primaries have been unplugged again, and in 2024, they will compete again.Although populism is derogatory in the eyes of mainstream media and traditional elite classes, with the help of the strong people who have risen, it shows that many democratic politics have disintegrated social consensus and the loss of political mutual trust.How to cope with this challenge, or the biggest subject of the democratic world.