Dr. Henry Kissinger has just spent his 100th birthday.Most leaders in China and the West respectively respect the centenarians.This is the respect and appreciation of the wise.As an old man, Kissinger's actions were no longer so dexterous, but his mind was still keen.It is said that it is said to work for 15 hours a day.He still pointed at international events and had a clear and wise judgment.

When I heard the name of Kisinger for the first time, the author was still a junior high school student.It was more than half a century ago.China is still in the Cultural Revolution, but the door to China -US dialogue has quietly opened.At that time, the general Chinese people's understanding of the major events of the world was to listen to the Central People's Broadcasting Station.One day in the summer of 1971, it was suddenly conveyed that there would be important broadcasts at 10 am. Please pay attention to listening.

Sure enough, at 10 o'clock, important news came from the pornographic horn in the county seat: "Dr. Kissinger, a national security affairs assistant of President Zhou Enlai and President Knickson, was held in Beijing from July 9th to 11th, 1971Talks. President Nixon expressed his hope to visit the People's Republic of China. On behalf of the government of the People's Republic of China, Prime Minister Zhou Enlai invited President Nixon to visit China before May 1972. President Nixon accepted the invitation happily. "

This news was not only in the world, but also caused a stir in China.The Chinese who are still immersed in the cultural revolution at the left atmosphere cannot understand the representative of the "evil imperialism" at all, how can they meet in Beijing in Beijing.As a result, the Chinese government did work to the public through various current affairs reports.It can be seen that opening the gap between the two worlds in the East and West is that China was not easy.

China during the Cultural Revolution has canceled the college entrance examination system and all formal school education. Naturally, I did not understand what the degree system was.A strong sense of mystery and curiosity, I feel that it must be an unattainable person in knowledge and wisdom.In the following decades, Kissinger's life course also proved that he could afford the title of "doctoral", and wisdom and knowledge obviously surpassed the general Western politicians.Of course, it is not even anti -intellectual politicians such as Trump and Pompeo.

The author believes that the reason why Kissinger is recognized as a wise person is at least because he has the following characteristics:

First, he understands his opponent, so he knows how to deal with his opponent.American senior reporter Bai Xiude recalled his early relationship with Zhou Enlai."One day, he was explaining to me a complicated point in the underground politics of China. I gave the answer without waiting for him to finish it. The move was very rude.I am no longer a freshman who has just entered the university in China ... I will start to understand this country soon. "Later, Bai Shude learned from Kissinger's book that Zhou Enlai's highest praise to Kissinger was "he started to understand China."The Chinese grandson's warfare said: "Knowing and knowing that they know each other," because Kissinger understands the opponent, it has successfully opened the door to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.Nuclear war is both beneficial to the world and the interests of the United States; but also trying to terminate the Vietnamese war to avoid the division of American society on this issue.

Kissinger's characteristics of empathy with opponents are indeed rare in many American politicians today.RecentIn fact, Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, and the US President's national security adviser, Sarawon, met in Vienna. The Chinese Minister of Commerce and the US Business Minister and Trade Representative in the United States have shown great flexibility in China.However, it is impossible for the United States to sanction the Chinese Defense Minister and line up in China to step up to step up the preparations for war.China cannot accept such a "alliance under the city".Therefore, this generation of American leaders showed the amazing ignorance, arrogance and recklessness of China, which may be extremely disappointed in American diplomats like Kissinger.Because he has repeatedly stated that the United States now needs "Nixon -style flexibility" on geopolitical issues.Another straight point is to need a little IQ and emotional intelligence that can empathize with the opponent.

Second, he knows how to harmonize the same world with his opponent.In an interview with the Wall Street Journal on May 23, Kissinger emphasized: "I think the skills are to depict the issues that both parties are concerned about China.I am the best. This is my favorite diplomatic skills. "The author originally thought that it was caused by the huge difference between China and the United States today's comprehensive dilemma.After reading the words of Kissinger, it is not so much known.The Chinese often say "beauty and the United States", "win -win", "win -win" or "win -win", not China's unique "patent".Western wise men have long owned this concept.This should be the "golden rule" of more than 100 countries in the world in harmony with different systems.

Kissinger recently accepted an interview with the German period.He said that it is difficult for the West to find Kant in the era of artificial intelligence.This is something he is very worried about the future.

Yes, today's Western world leaders, since such a lack of philosophers or people with philosophical thinking, how can it produce a strategic strategist with deep historical vision?Most of them are short -sighted and speculators like Pompeo and Tellas; therefore, "the world will become very turbulent."

The author is a professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Xi'an University of Science and Technology