The National Environment Bureau and the Singapore Food Bureau have strengthened law enforcement operations from June 1, and strictly punished diners who did not return tableware and tray after the meal.Law enforcement officers will not return the personal information of diners who do not return the tray and tableware under the hawker center, coffee shops and food pavilions.The first offender is no longer just facing verbal reminders, but will receive a written warning, and the heavy criminals will be fined or controlled to court.This will also cause discussions on the health management of restaurants such as hawkers centers.

The special report of Lianhe Zaobao on May 28 revealed that the current 118 hawkers centers and Pasar are currently managed by the Rental Board of the Environment Bureau and its operators appointed.Responsible.

Among them, 80 hawker centers are owned by the HDB Development Bureau. The commercial federation of individual hawkers centers is responsible for hiring cleaning companies to clean up the desktop.EssenceThe clean contract of the remaining hawkers centers is to combine cleaning services in the desktop and public areas.

This seems to be a key factor that the hawker center cannot consistently improve the level of cleaning and sanitary levels.Yang Xiangming, president of the National Commercial Federation, pointed out in an interview that individual hawker centers of the Commercial Federation is not a professional administrative personnel, not so good at management contracts, and may be inferior to execution.The Federation of Commercial Federation has also discussed with the Environment Bureau whether it can be taken over the clean contracts of all hawkers centers, but the Environment Bureau has no plan for the time being.

This remark revealed some shortcomings in the cleanliness management of hawkers centers.The Federation of Commercial Federation admits that some commercial federations lack management capabilities, which is understandable. After all, they are not professional or full -time managers.The Federation of Commercial Federation recommends the clean contract of all hawkers centers by the official unified managing, reflecting the views of many people. The Morning Post readers have made the same suggestions at the exchange station many times.Officials are as good as the stream, strengthening law enforcement for public dissatisfaction with restaurants, and suggestions for the clean contract of cleaning contracts in the unified management of the people in the public, may also consider it carefully.

The Environment and Food Bureau starts on September 1, 2021, and implement the regulations for mandatory diners to return the pallets and tableware in the hawker center, and implement this provision in the coffee shop and food pavilion from January 1, 2022.This is basically successful. According to official surveys, more than 90 % of diners will do this.It stands to reason that the cleanliness and hygiene of hawkers and other restaurants should be significantly improved, but this is not the case.Especially in some diners with a lot of diners, although the tableware left by the diners, the desktop often leaves stains. There is no cleaning worker treatment. Later, the diners can only take out the wet paper towels to wipe themselves.This can inevitably cause public opinion. Since everyone has cooperated according to law, why is it impossible to improve the health situation?

The problem is obviously on the cleaning contractor.Therefore, stepping up law enforcement and punishment for a few illegal diners can only solve the problem of half at best, and the other half must be resolved by strengthening the supervision of cleaning contractors.But in the case of no unified management standards, this is difficult.

It must be said that the decentralized management method is not nothing. Its advantage is that each hawker center can be outsourced to the contractor by bidding the cleaning work according to the actual situation, such as traffic, business hours, etc.However, the market law of low prices means that some contractors are inevitable that some contractors to cut corners in order to reduce costs.

To correct this shortcoming, we must adopt the so -called "Best Source" approach.However, not each hawker center has the necessary capabilities and resources to ensure that the contractor performs the tasks stipulated in the contract and meet the requirements of the requirements.The Federation of Commercial Federation is composed of vendors. They are busy with their own business every day, and it is difficult to have spare no effort to supervise the contractor.How to make up for the shortcomings in this area needs to be considered in -depth and must be given countermeasures as soon as possible. This is what the public expects.