Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Liu Shunda

Very interesting.At this time last year, the South Korean people chose "Prosecutor President" Yin Xiyue, which not only broke the history of the constitutional government for more than 70 years, but also restored the subjectivity of the "Republic of Korea".

According to Yin Xiyue, which has been released recently, a year of governance scores showed that although the Korean people scored 55 points of satisfaction with Yin Xiyue's diplomacy and national defense, in the field of new and disadvantages, especially for the former President Moon Jae -in of Yin Zaiyin (Waste nuclear power) Crusting case and the current Democratic Party Li Zaiming as the mayor of Chengnan and the land development official and business collusion case during the period of Gyeonggi -do.Even, some people thought that the main intention of the people to choose Yin Xiyue was that prosecutors could severely punish the illegal of privileges.

After Yin Xiyue visited Japan and the United States in March and April, while attending the G7 summit at the G7 summit at this time, this time on the 21st, the US, Japan and South Korea peak talks were held outside the 21st, allowing Yin Xiyue to right again to right again.Holding Bayidon, Zuo Antian Nobunaga, consolidating diplomatic and security, and trying to retreat to shrinking Kim Jong -un's attempt.

The question is that Yin Xiyue has a lot of sequelae brought by Biden.In the end, economic losses have faced many difficulties in semiconductor factories such as Samsung and SK in mainland China. At present, Yin Xiyue has rewarded to the United States to invest in the United States to supplement it, but for manufacturers, "small supplements are useless."

In the second time, Yin Xiyue relied on the United States to prevent Kim Jong -un's poor soldiers.Based on the US satellite reconnaissance, the North Korean reconstruction nuclear test site is ready to launch the seventh nuclear bomb at any time.The South Korean National Institute has confirmed the possibility of the Nuclear Test at any time in Congress, but sooner or later.

A few days ago, Yin Xiyue shook all the dissatisfaction with the mainland in one breath, thinking that the mainland was helpless about North Korea, so it was a matter of granted to South Korea to turn to the United States.The accusations on Yin Xiyue seem to be further refuted on the mainland.At present, China and South Korea have been in contact with many parties.

Yin Xiyue, the first "Prosecutor President" in South Korea, will fall in the parliamentary election in April next year.If the Power of the State Party cannot defeat the unique party against the Democratic Party, in the next three years, Yin Xiyue will become a "President of Plant."

Interestingly, South Korea first has female president Park Geun -hye, and then Taiwan immediately catch up and was born Tsai Ing -wen today.Now, will the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi become Taiwan's "President President" to challenge Yin Xiyue?It may be the new political homework of Taiwanese voters.