Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Hang Ziya

According to the official website of the Communist Youth League of Yunnan on May 22, the Yunnan Communist Youth League released the list of candidates for the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of Yunnan Province.

Public information shows that Zhao Panfeng was born in February 1980. He has a graduate degree of the Central Party School. In July 2018, he began to serve as Deputy Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League.Tang Yuan, the former secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, has been transferred to the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Zhaotong City, Yunnan.

Statistics show that as of now, there are 12 "post -80s" league provincial party committee secretaries in China. Among them, there are two "post -80s" Youth League Provincial Party Secretary in the first half of this year.Li Teng, the Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, and Qiao Li, who was also born in November 1984, is the secretary of the Communist Youth League Inner Mongolia District Party Committee.They and Zhou Jian, deputy secretary -general of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee, were born in the same month in the same month. They are also the youngest officials at the current youngest hall of China's currently in China.

At present, in addition to Tibet's temporary vacancies, 12 of China's 30 currently provincial Communist Youth League Secretary are already "post -80s", accounting for more than 40 % of the total, and it can be said that they have been in batches.

They are Beijing Zheng Xiaobo (1982), Shanghai Shangguan Sword (1980), Fujian Li Teng (1984), Anhui Chen Mingsheng (1981), Jiangxi Qiu Ling (1982), Hubei Zhou Senfeng (1980 in 1980), Hunan Li Zhichao (1980), Sichuan Tang Jingtian (1983), Qinghai Dong Yuyi (1981), Ningxia Gong Xuefei (1983), Inner Mongolia Qiao Li (born in 1984); Yunnan Zhao Panfeng (1980), etc.

From the perspective of academic qualifications, these 12 "post -80s" have a high education, including four doctors and six master's degree; from the perspective of growth experience, most of them have grassroots experience; from their predecessor's promotion trajectory,After passing through the provincial league secretary, some of them will be transferred to regional experience and transfer to deputy positions of prefecture -level municipal party committees.